我正在尝试按照Play documentation制作自定义模板格式(在 播放2.5_& _Scala 2.11.11 中)但是我在这里,这意味着它不适合我。
我希望新模板的文件扩展名为“ stream ”(如this video中现在已有几年了)所以我根据文档建议创建了此文件:
package ui
import akka.NotUsed
import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Source}
import play.twirl.api._
import scala.collection.immutable
case class HtmlStream(source: Source[Html, NotUsed]) extends Appendable[HtmlStream] {
def +=(other: HtmlStream): HtmlStream = andThen(other)
def andThen(other: HtmlStream): HtmlStream = HtmlStream(source.merge(other.source))
object HtmlStream {
def apply(text: String): HtmlStream = apply(Html(text))
def apply(html: Html): HtmlStream = HtmlStream(Source.single(html))
object HtmlStreamFormat extends Format[HtmlStream] {
def raw(text: String): HtmlStream = HtmlStream(text)
def escape(text: String): HtmlStream = raw(HtmlFormat.escape(text).body)
override def empty: HtmlStream = ???
override def fill(elements: immutable.Seq[HtmlStream]): HtmlStream = ???
并将其添加到 build.sbt 文件中:
TwirlKeys.templateFormats += ("stream" -> "ui.HtmlStreamFormat.instance")
我无法在底部看到包含以下内容的隐藏位置(在前面提到的 Play documentation 上);可能是这个问题:
Play可以为任何类型A的值编写HTTP响应正文 它存在一个隐含的play.api.http.Writeable [A]值。所有你 需要是为模板结果类型定义这样的值。对于 例如,以下是如何为HTTP定义这样的值:
implicit def writableHttp(implicit codec: Codec): Writeable[Http] =
Writeable[Http](result => codec.encode(result.body), Some(ContentTypes.HTTP))
答案 0 :(得分:0)
1)创建一个文件(我称之为" HtmlStream "因为我希望流式传输HTML):
package ui
import akka.NotUsed
import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Source}
import play.twirl.api._
import scala.collection.immutable
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
case class HtmlStream(source: Source[Html, NotUsed]) extends Appendable[HtmlStream] {
def +=(other: HtmlStream): HtmlStream = andThen(other)
def andThen(other: HtmlStream): HtmlStream = HtmlStream(source.merge(other.source))
object HtmlStream {
def apply(text: String): HtmlStream = apply(Html(text))
def apply(html: Html): HtmlStream = HtmlStream(Source.single(html))
object HtmlStreamFormat extends Format[HtmlStream] {
def raw(text: String): HtmlStream = HtmlStream(text)
def escape(text: String): HtmlStream = raw(HtmlFormat.escape(text).body)
override def empty: HtmlStream = raw("")
override def fill(elements: immutable.Seq[HtmlStream]): HtmlStream = elements.reduce((agg, curr) => agg.andThen(curr))
object HtmlStreamImplicits {
implicit def toSource(stream: HtmlStream)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Source[Html, NotUsed] = {
2)我将这些行添加到 build.sbt 文件中:
TwirlKeys.templateFormats += ("stream" -> "ui.HtmlStreamFormat")
TwirlKeys.templateImports ++= Vector("ui.HtmlStream", "ui.HtmlStream._", "ui.HtmlStreamFormat._", "ui.HtmlStreamImplicits._")
@(body: HtmlStream)
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<link rel="stylesheet" media="screen" href="assets/stylesheets/main.css">
<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/png" href="assets/images/favicon.png">
<script src="assets/javascripts/hello.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<h1>Streaming the body</h1>
4)最后,我可以将此模板用作任何其他模板,方法是将其转换为新的 HtmlStream 类型。
def streamHtml = Action { request =>
val async1: Future[Result] = rr.getAsync(embed = true)(request) // get future
val async1Html: Future[Html] = async1.flatMap(x => Pagelet.readBody(x)) // separate function to convert Future[Result] to Future[Html]
val htmlStream: HtmlStream = HtmlStream(fromFuture(async1Html)) // c onvert to HtmlStream type
Ok.chunked(views.stream.test1(htmlStream)) // chunk the new data type by sending through new template
答案 1 :(得分:0)
1 - 如果您希望该播放框架可以编写HTTP响应正文,则需要定义正文内容。请查看下面的代码隐式def contentTypeCsv ,这是您必须要做的事情,但在您的特定正文内容中。
2 - 其他重要的建议,带有CUSTOM FORMAT的旋转模板应该在您自定义模板所在的built.sbt中定义,无论项目是单项目还是多项目都无关紧要。
class Csv(buffer: immutable.Seq[Csv],text:String,escape:Boolean) extends BufferedContent[Csv](buffer, text) {
val contentType = Csv.contentType
def this(text: String) = this(Nil, Formats.safe(text),false)
def this(buffer: immutable.Seq[Csv]) = this(buffer, "",false)
override protected def buildString(builder: StringBuilder) {
if (elements.nonEmpty) {
elements.foreach { e =>
} else if (escape) {
// Using our own algorithm here because commons lang escaping wasn't designed for protecting against XSS, and there
// don't seem to be any other good generic escaping tools out there.
text.foreach {
case '"' => builder.append("\"\"")
case c => builder += c
} else {
object Csv {
val contentType = "text/csv"
implicit def contentTypeCsv(implicit codec: Codec): ContentTypeOf[Csv] = ContentTypeOf[Csv](Some(Csv.contentType))
def apply(text: String): Csv = new Csv(text)
def empty: Csv = new Csv("")
object CsvFormat extends Format[Csv] {
def raw(text: String): Csv = Csv(text)
def escape(text: String): Csv = {
new Csv(Nil, text, true)
def empty: Csv = new Csv("")
def fill(elements: Seq[Csv]): Csv = new Csv(elements)