
时间:2017-07-03 21:30:57

标签: batch-file

我想写一个批处理文件来测试多个服务器的ping并返回最低的ping。 我已经测试了此代码,但批处理文件不在服务器上运行。我认为这是因为findstr

@echo off
setlocal enableextensions disabledelayedexpansion

rem Initialize variables
set "selected="
set "min=99999999"
set serverList= "" "" "" "" "" "" ""

echo - Pinging ...

rem Enumerate the hosts to check
for %%a in ( %serverList% ) do (

    rem Ping the host and retrieve the average roundtrip
    for /f "tokens=6 delims== " %%r in ('
        ping -n 1 "%%~a" ^| findstr /r /c:"^  .*ms$"
    ') do for /f "delims=ms" %%t in ("%%r") do (
        echo "%%~a" : %%t ms

        rem Determine if the current host has a lower rtt
        rem if %%t geq min or min is already 0, then we have
        rem a division by 0, else a lower rtt has been found
        set /a "1/(min/(%%t+1))" && (
            set "selected=%%~a"
            set "min=%%t"
        rem Of course this can be done with delayed expansion,
        rem just a question of personal preferences
) 2>nul

echo - Selected ...
echo %selected% : %min%

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