
时间:2017-07-03 06:40:46

标签: python chatbot

import re
import sqlite3
from collections import Counter
from string import punctuation
from math import sqrt

# initialize the connection to the database
connection = sqlite3.connect('chatbot.sqlite')
cursor = connection.cursor()

# create the tables needed by the program
create_table_request_list = [
    'CREATE TABLE words(word TEXT UNIQUE)',
    'CREATE TABLE sentences(sentence TEXT UNIQUE, used INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0)',
    'CREATE TABLE associations (word_id INT NOT NULL, sentence_id INT NOT NULL, weight REAL NOT NULL)',
for create_table_request in create_table_request_list:

def get_id(entityName, text):
    """Retrieve an entity's unique ID from the database, given its associated text.
    If the row is not already present, it is inserted.
    The entity can either be a sentence or a word."""
    tableName = entityName + 's'
    columnName = entityName
    cursor.execute('SELECT rowid FROM ' + tableName + ' WHERE ' + columnName + ' = ?', (text,))
    row = cursor.fetchone()
    if row:
        return row[0]
        cursor.execute('INSERT INTO ' + tableName + ' (' + columnName + ') VALUES (?)', (text,))
        return cursor.lastrowid

def get_words(text):
    """Retrieve the words present in a given string of text.
    The return value is a list of tuples where the first member is a lowercase word,
    and the second member the number of time it is present in the text."""
    wordsRegexpString = '(?:\w+|[' + re.escape(punctuation) + ']+)'
    wordsRegexp = re.compile(wordsRegexpString)
    wordsList = wordsRegexp.findall(text.lower())
    return Counter(wordsList).items()

B = 'Hello!'
while True:
    # output bot's message
    print('B: ' + B)
    # ask for user input; if blank line, exit the loop
    H = raw_input('H: ').strip()
    if H == '':
    # store the association between the bot's message words and the user's response
    words = get_words(B)
    words_length = sum([n * len(word) for word, n in words])
    sentence_id = get_id('sentence', H)
    for word, n in words:
        word_id = get_id('word', word)
        weight = sqrt(n / float(words_length))
        cursor.execute('INSERT INTO associations VALUES (?, ?, ?)', (word_id, sentence_id, weight))
    # retrieve the most likely answer from the database
    cursor.execute('CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE results(sentence_id INT, sentence TEXT, weight REAL)')
    words = get_words(H)
    words_length = sum([n * len(word) for word, n in words])
    for word, n in words:
        weight = sqrt(n / float(words_length))
        cursor.execute('INSERT INTO results SELECT associations.sentence_id, sentences.sentence, ?*associations.weight/(4+sentences.used) FROM words INNER JOIN associations ON associations.word_id=words.rowid INNER JOIN sentences ON sentences.rowid=associations.sentence_id WHERE words.word=?', (weight, word,))
    # if matches were found, give the best one
    cursor.execute('SELECT sentence_id, sentence, SUM(weight) AS sum_weight FROM results GROUP BY sentence_id ORDER BY sum_weight DESC LIMIT 1')
    row = cursor.fetchone()
    cursor.execute('DROP TABLE results')
    # otherwise, just randomly pick one of the least used sentences
    if row is None:
        cursor.execute('SELECT rowid, sentence FROM sentences WHERE used = (SELECT MIN(used) FROM sentences) ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT 1')
        row = cursor.fetchone()
    # tell the database the sentence has been used once more, and prepare the sentence
    B = row[1]
    cursor.execute('UPDATE sentences SET used=used+1 WHERE rowid=?', (row[0],))

这是为创建聊天机器人而编写的代码。当我尝试在cmd上运行此代码时。通过使用命令python chatbot.py,它返回一个错误,指出无效的语法。 有没有办法可以删除此错误并在我的系统上运行此代码?


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

您运行的是哪个版本的Python以及在什么环境中运行?我在Windows下的Python 3.70b4上运行了这个代码,除了52行之外它工作得很好:     H = raw_input(' H:')。strip() 你必须改为:     H =输入(' H:')。strip() 这可能与您的问题无直接关系,但是在我做了一次更改后(当然安装了所需的库或模块),您发布的代码在我的环境中运行正常。