我希望收到用户的反馈,询问“你喜欢这首歌的建议吗?” (对于每个新用户,选项将为“是”或“否”..)并将此数据发送到googlesheets。在每个新用户上,我希望googlesheet得到更新,而不是为新用户创建新工作表。我该怎么做?请帮忙。
This is in main panel
radioButtons("feedback","Did you like song suggestion?",list("Yes"="Yes","No"="No"),""),
actionButton("increment","Submit Feedback"), uiOutput("count"),
server.r logic
# A reactiveValues object holds the value of the counter
values <- reactiveValues(i = 0)
# Print the value of the counter stored in values$i
output$count <- renderUI({
h4(paste0(values$i,"are the no of users who have liked song suggestion"))})
# The observers re-run the code whenever the button is clicked
# Use isolate to avoid getting stuck in an infinite loop
chosen <- input$increment
isolate(values$i <- values$i + 1)