
时间:2017-07-03 00:21:38

标签: haskell effect-systems

我一直在玩“freer monads” and extensible effects,在freer-effects包中实现,我遇到了一个似乎可行的问题,但我遇到了解决问题。


data FileSystem v where
  ReadFile :: FilePath -> FileSystem String
  WriteFile :: FilePath -> String -> FileSystem ()



fsAsState :: forall v r. FileSystem v -> Eff (State [(FilePath, String)] ': r) v
fsAsState (ReadFile a) = (lookup a <$> get) >>=
  maybe (fail "readFile: file does not exist") return
fsAsState (WriteFile a b) = modify $ \fs ->
  (a, b) : filter ((/= a) . fst) fs


runInMemoryFS :: forall r w. [(FilePath, String)] -> Eff (FileSystem ': r) w -> Eff r (w, [(FilePath, String)])
runInMemoryFS fs m = runState (reencode fsAsState m) fs

棘手的是实际实施reencode。我已经得到了几乎 typechecks的东西:

reencode :: forall r w f g. (forall v. f v -> Eff (g ': r) v) -> Eff (f ': r) w -> Eff (g ': r) w
reencode f m = loop m
    loop :: Eff (f ': r) w -> Eff (g ': r) w
    loop (Val x) = return x
    loop (E u q) = case decomp u of
      Right x -> qComp q loop =<< f x
      Left u' -> E (weaken u') undefined


这可能吗?如果答案是否定的,事实证明我正在做的事情 ,实际上是不可能的,我会感兴趣的是一个解释来帮助我理解原因。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


您需要走q(来自E u q模式匹配),并将其所有步骤从Eff (f ': r)转移到Eff (g ': r)。我们可以多态地编写这种遍历:

shiftQ :: forall m n a b. (forall a. m a -> n a) -> FTCQueue m a b -> FTCQueue n a b
shiftQ shift q = case tviewl q of
    TOne act -> tsingleton (shift . act)
    act :| q -> go (tsingleton (shift . act)) q
    go :: forall a b c. FTCQueue n a b -> FTCQueue m b c -> FTCQueue n a c
    go q' q = case tviewl q of
        TOne act -> q' |> (shift . act)
        act :| q -> go (q' |> (shift . act)) q

(它有点尴尬,因为我们只能snoc而且只能解开FTCQueue s。

然后我们可以将reencode本身作为reencode f传递给shift使用它:

reencode :: forall r w f g. (forall v. f v -> Eff (g ': r) v) -> Eff (f ': r) w -> Eff (g ': r) w
reencode f m = loop m
    loop :: Eff (f ': r) w -> Eff (g ': r) w
    loop (Val x) = return x
    loop (E u q) = case decomp u of
      Right x -> qComp q loop =<< f x
      Left u' -> E (weaken u') (shiftQ (reencode f) q)