Odoo 10(Windows + Eclipse IDE)中的配置文件在哪里?

时间:2017-07-02 10:36:03

标签: openerp odoo-10

我正在尝试使用eclipse在Windows中调试Odoo 10,但我无法找到配置文件的位置。在以前的版本中有一个名为'openerp-server.conf'的文件,但我在Odoo 10中找不到它。




5 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


    ; This is the password that allows database operations:
    ; admin_passwd = admin
    db_host = localhost
    db_port = 5433
    db_user = odoo
    db_password = odoo
    addons_path =F:\Workspace\odoo-10.0-20161005\odoo\addons,F:\Workspace\odoo-10.0-20161005\custom_addons

答案 1 :(得分:0)


Odoo / odoo /的Debian / odoo.conf


答案 2 :(得分:0)

您可以添加OpenCV Error: Unspecified error (The function is not implemented. Rebuild the library with Windows, GTK+ 2.x or Carbon support. If you are on Ubuntu or Debian, install libgtk2.0-dev and pkg-config, then re-run cmake or configure script) in cvNamedWindow, file /root/mc-x64-2.7/conda-bld/opencv-3_1482255590695/work/opencv-3.1.0/modules/highgui/src/window.cpp, line 527 Traceback (most recent call last): File "C1_DrawBboxesOnImages.py", line 90, in <module> cv2.namedWindow("AnnotationWindow") cv2.error: /root/mc-x64-2.7/conda-bld/opencv-3_1482255590695/work/opencv-3.1.0/modules/highgui/src/window.cpp:527: error: (-2) The function is not implemented. Rebuild the library with Windows, GTK+ 2.x or Carbon support. If you are on Ubuntu or Debian, install libgtk2.0-dev and pkg-config, then re-run cmake or configure script in function cvNamedWindow 作为脚本参数,然后在--save旁边找到openerp-server.conf

答案 3 :(得分:0)

C:\ Program Files(x86)\ Odoo 11.0 \ server,您将在其中获得odoo.conf文件

addons_path = C:\Program Files (x86)\Odoo 11.0\server\odoo\addons
admin_passwd = admin
bin_path = C:\Program Files (x86)\Odoo 11.0\thirdparty
csv_internal_sep = ,
data_dir = C:\Users\Dell\AppData\Local\OpenERP S.A\Odoo
db_host = localhost
db_maxconn = 64
db_name = False
db_password = openpgpwd
db_port = 5432
db_sslmode = prefer
db_template = template1
db_user = openpg
dbfilter = 
demo = {}
email_from = False
geoip_database = /usr/share/GeoIP/GeoLite2-City.mmdb
http_enable = True
http_interface = 
http_port = 8069
import_partial = 
limit_memory_hard = None
limit_memory_soft = None
limit_request = None
limit_time_cpu = None
limit_time_real = None
limit_time_real_cron = None
list_db = True
log_db = False
log_db_level = warning
log_handler = :INFO
log_level = info
logfile = C:\Program Files (x86)\Odoo 11.0\server\odoo.log
logrotate = False
longpolling_port = 8072
max_cron_threads = 2
osv_memory_age_limit = 1.0
osv_memory_count_limit = False
pg_path = C:\Program Files (x86)\Odoo 11.0\PostgreSQL\bin
pidfile = None
proxy_mode = False
reportgz = False
server_wide_modules = web
smtp_password = False
smtp_port = 25
smtp_server = localhost
smtp_ssl = False
smtp_user = False
syslog = False
test_commit = False
test_enable = False
test_file = False
test_report_directory = False
translate_modules = ['all']
unaccent = False
without_demo = False
workers = None


答案 4 :(得分:0)


我获得了Odoo版本13 docker容器的Odoo配置文件。


import io
merged = []
# remote_reader = ... <- init some remote reader, for example AzureDLFileSystem()
for f in files:
    with remote_reader.open(f, 'rb') as f_reader:
merged = pd.concat((pd.read_parquet(io.BytesIO(file_bytes)) for file_bytes in merged))