<!-- Title of webpage -->
Name of Guild
<!-- Link the CSS file so that the html5 can display it -->
<link rel = "Stylesheet" type = "text/CSS" href = "GuildPageStyle.css">
<!-- Main Body of the page -->
<!--Post section-->
<div class = "PostsSEC">
<!-- The way to display multiple posts is to go through a while loop counting up until all posts have been displayed with the current pots being displayed being equal to the current post in the while loop -->
<p id = "PostMain">
*A post*
<!--This is not the image, this is box it is in-->
<p id = "PostPosterBoxOR">
<br />
<p id = "PostPosterBoxBL">
<!--The next section is totally reliant on a server side language. This is the likes and votes by other powered members of the group-->
<div id = "EndMessage">
<!-- Message at the end of the posts declaring that it is the end -->
<h1 id = "PostsEnd">
That's all the current posts
<!-- Change the something Missing to a link after completion -->
<h3 id = "ErrorCheckPostEnd">
Something Missing?
<!--Profile/Users/Follower barier-->
<div id = "Bar">
<div id = "BackgroundBlock">
<img src = "http://i.imgur.com/64cUAcH.png" id = "GuildLogo" />
<!--The group of users-->
<div id = "Users">
<!--Replace this section with PHP reliant on the users-->
<img src = "https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/855649567756476416/OHQKYYvY_400x400.jpg" id = "ProfileOne" />
<img src = "https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/855649567756476416/OHQKYYvY_400x400.jpg" id = "ProfileTwo" />
<img src = "https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/855649567756476416/OHQKYYvY_400x400.jpg" id = "ProfileThree" />
<img src = "https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/855649567756476416/OHQKYYvY_400x400.jpg" id = "ProfileFour" />
<img src = "https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/855649567756476416/OHQKYYvY_400x400.jpg" id = "ProfileFive" />
<img src = "https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/855649567756476416/OHQKYYvY_400x400.jpg" id = "ProfileSix" />
<div id = "BackgroundBlockade">
<p id = "BioBlock">
This is a bio
我意识到对于经验更丰富的程序员来说,这似乎是一个类似于&#34的问题;为什么这个代码没有运行&#34;当所有这一切都是错误的时候他们就会忘记做什么&#34; std ::&#34;而不只是写出&#34; endl&#34;。我对HTML5很新,我完全迷失在这里。我感谢你的时间。祝你度过愉快的夜晚。
(是的,我确实尝试删除&#34; HTML5公会页面html.html&#34;)
答案 0 :(得分:0)