# We create a field (matrix) with a fixed length and width.
# there we randomise some points.
lengte = 12
breedte = 10
aantalpunten = 15
v = 0*(1:(lengte*breedte))
v[1:aantalpunten] = 1
v = sample(v)
punten = matrix(v, lengte, breedte)
# We create a line somewhere in the middle on such way it makes the connections as short as possible.
# This is in fact the median of the rowsums (Pythagoras).
rp = rowSums(punten)
csrp = cumsum(rp)
m = length(csrp[csrp <= ceiling(csrp[length(csrp)]/2)])
begin = min(which(rp>0))
end = max(which(rp>0))
lijnen = c()
# create a median
for (i in begin:(end-1))
lijnen = c(lijnen, i, m, i+1, m)
# connect other points
for (i in 1:lengte)
for (j in 1:breedte)
if (punten[i,j] >0)
lijnen = c(lijnen, i,j,i,m)
lijnenmatrix = matrix(lijnen, nrow = 2, byrow = FALSE)
length_lijnenmatrix = length(lijnenmatrix)
plot(1, type="n", xlab="", ylab="", xlim=c(0, lengte+2), ylim=c(0, breedte+2))
for (i in 1:(length_lijnenmatrix/4))
lines(lijnenmatrix[1, c(2*i-1, 2*i)],lijnenmatrix[2,c(2*i-1, 2*i)])
for (i in 1:lengte)
for (j in 1:breedte)
if (punten[i,j] >0)