更新#1::使用Sandy Good的答案以及我在this WordPress博客上找到的脚本,我已经设法接近我需要的内容。我相信Sandy Good误解了我想做的事情,因为我的问题并不够具体。
newForm.moveItem(itemsArray[0][0], 1);
newForm.moveItem(itemsArray[0][1], 1);
newForm.moveItem(itemsArray[0][2], 1);
newForm.moveItem(itemsArray[1][0], 1);
newForm.moveItem(itemsArray[1][1], 1);
newForm.moveItem(itemsArray[1][2], 1);
newForm.moveItem(itemsArray[2][0], 1);
[[all items from page 1][all items from page 2][all items from page 3]...]
Cannot convert Item,Item,Item to (class).
原帖:我使用Google表单创建问卷。就我的目的而言,每个问题都需要在一个单独的页面上,但我需要将这些页面随机化。 Google快速搜索显示此功能尚未添加。
我发现Google应用脚本中的Form class有许多方法可以更改/授予对Google表单各种属性的访问权限。由于我不了解Javascript并且对Google应用程序/ API不太熟悉,因此我想知道我想要做什么甚至可以在潜入并全部解决之前。
根据Sandy Good的评论以及here和here发现的两个SE问题,这是我到目前为止的代码:
function shuffleForms() {
var itemsArray,shuffleQuestionsInNewForm,fncGetQuestionID,
newFormFile,newForm,newID,shuffle, sections;
// Copy template form by ID, set a new name
newFormFile = DriveApp.getFileById('1prfcl-RhaD4gn0b2oP4sbcKaRcZT5XoCAQCbLm1PR7I')
// Get ID of new form and open it
newID = newFormFile.getId();
newForm = FormApp.openById(newID);
// Initialize array to put IDs in
itemsArray = [];
function getPageItems(thisPageNum) {
Logger.log("Getting items for page number: " + thisPageNum );
var thisPageItems = []; // Used for result
var thisPageBreakIndex = getPageItem(thisPageNum).getIndex();
Logger.log( "This is index num : " + thisPageBreakIndex );
// Get all items from page
var allItems = newForm.getItems();
Logger.log( "Added pagebreak item: " + allItems[thisPageBreakIndex].getIndex() );
for( var i = thisPageBreakIndex+1; ( i < allItems.length ) && ( allItems[i].getType() != FormApp.ItemType.PAGE_BREAK ); ++i ) {
Logger.log( "Added non-pagebreak item: " + allItems[i].getIndex() );
return thisPageItems;
function shuffle(array) {
var currentIndex = array.length, temporaryValue, randomIndex;
Logger.log('shuffle ran')
// While there remain elements to shuffle...
while (0 !== currentIndex) {
// Pick a remaining element...
randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * currentIndex);
currentIndex -= 1;
// And swap it with the current element.
temporaryValue = array[currentIndex];
array[currentIndex] = array[randomIndex];
array[randomIndex] = temporaryValue;
return array;
function shuffleAndMove() {
// Get page items for all pages into an array
for(i = 2; i <= 5; i++) {
itemsArray[i] = getPageItems(i);
// Removes null values from array
itemsArray = itemsArray.filter(function(x){return x});
// Shuffle page items
itemsArray = shuffle(itemsArray);
// Move page items to the new form
for(i = 2; i <= 5; ++i) {
newForm.moveItem(itemsArray[i], i);
答案 0 :(得分:1)
我测试了这段代码。它创建了一个新表单,然后将新表单中的问题拖了一下。它不包括分页符,图像和节标题。您需要为原始模板表单提供源文件ID。该功能有3个内部子功能。内部函数位于顶部,它们在外部函数的底部调用。 arrayOfIDs
function shuffleFormSections() {
var arrayOfIDs,shuffleQuestionsInNewForm,fncGetQuestionID,
newFormFile = DriveApp.getFileById('Put the source file ID here')
newID = newFormFile.getId();
newForm = FormApp.openById(newID);
arrayOfIDs = [];
fncGetQuestionID = function() {
var i,L,thisID,thisItem,thisType;
items = newForm.getItems();
L = items.length;
for (i=0;i<L;i++) {
thisItem = items[i];
thisType = thisItem.getType();
if (thisType === FormApp.ItemType.PAGE_BREAK ||
thisType === FormApp.ItemType.SECTION_HEADER ||
thisType === FormApp.ItemType.IMAGE) {
thisID = thisItem.getId();
Logger.log('arrayOfIDs: ' + arrayOfIDs);
//the array arrayOfIDs does not need to be returned since it is available
//in the outermost scope
}// End of fncGetQuestionID function
shuffle = function() {// Shuffle function
var j, x, i;
Logger.log('shuffle ran')
for (i = arrayOfIDs.length; i; i--) {
j = Math.floor(Math.random() * i);
Logger.log('j: ' + j)
x = arrayOfIDs[i - 1];
Logger.log('x: ' + x)
arrayOfIDs[i - 1] = arrayOfIDs[j];
arrayOfIDs[j] = x;
Logger.log('arrayOfIDs: ' + arrayOfIDs)
shuffleQuestionsInNewForm = function() {
var i,L,thisID,thisItem,thisQuestion,questionType;
L = arrayOfIDs.length;
for (i=0;i<L;i++) {
thisID = arrayOfIDs[i];
Logger.log('thisID: ' + thisID)
thisItem = newForm.getItemById(thisID);
newForm.moveItem(thisItem, i)
fncGetQuestionID();//Get all the question ID's and put them into an array
答案 1 :(得分:1)
试试这个。在函数的顶部设置了一些“常量”,检查注释。表格文件复制和开放借用了Sandy Good的答案,谢谢!
// This is the function to run, all the others here are helper functions
// You'll need to set your source file id and your destination file name in the
// constants at the top of this function here.
// It appears that the "Title" page does not count as a page, so you don't need
// to include it in the PAGES_AT_BEGINNING_TO_NOT_SHUFFLE count.
function shuffleFormPages() {
var PAGES_AT_BEGINNING_TO_NOT_SHUFFLE = 2; // preserve X intro pages; shuffle everything after page X
// Copy template form by ID, set a new name
var newFormFile = DriveApp.getFileById(SOURCE_FILE_ID).makeCopy();
// Open the duplicated form file as a form
var newForm = FormApp.openById(newFormFile.getId());
var pages = extractPages(newForm);
var shuffledFormItems = flatten(pages);
setFormItems(newForm, shuffledFormItems);
// Builds an array of "page" arrays. Each page array starts with a page break
// and continues until the next page break.
function extractPages(form) {
var formItems = form.getItems();
var currentPage = [];
var allPages = [];
formItems.forEach(function(item) {
if (item.getType() == FormApp.ItemType.PAGE_BREAK && currentPage.length > 0) {
// found a page break (and it isn't the first one)
allPages.push(currentPage); // push what we've built for this page onto the output array
currentPage = [item]; // reset the current page to just this most recent item
} else {
// We've got the last page dangling, so add it
return allPages;
// startIndex is the array index to start shuffling from. E.g. to start
// shuffling on page 5, startIndex should be 4. startIndex could also be thought
// of as the number of pages to keep unshuffled.
// This function has no return value, it just mutates pages
function shuffleEndOfPages(pages, startIndex) {
var currentIndex = pages.length;
// While there remain elements to shuffle...
while (currentIndex > startIndex) {
// Pick an element between startIndex and currentIndex (inclusive)
var randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * (currentIndex - startIndex)) + startIndex;
currentIndex -= 1;
// And swap it with the current element.
var temporaryValue = pages[currentIndex];
pages[currentIndex] = pages[randomIndex];
pages[randomIndex] = temporaryValue;
// Sourced from elsewhere on SO:
// https://stackoverflow.com/a/15030117/4280232
function flatten(array) {
return array.reduce(
function (flattenedArray, toFlatten) {
return flattenedArray.concat(Array.isArray(toFlatten) ? flatten(toFlatten) : toFlatten);
// No safety checks around items being the same as the form length or whatever.
// This mutates form.
function setFormItems(form, items) {
items.forEach(function(item, index) {
form.moveItem(item, index);