@interface MyView () @property (nonatomic, strong) UIView* subView; @end @implementation MyView #pragma mark - init && dealloc -(instancetype)init { self = [super init]; if (self){ [self setupSubView]; [self setupAutoLayoutSubView]; } return self; } #pragma mark - setup -(void)setupSubView { _subView = [UIView newAutoLayoutView]; [self addSubview:_subView]; } -(void)setupAutoLayoutSubView { // autolayout: to centralize the subView // if you don't use PureLayout, you can use the traditional way [_subView autoCenterInSuperview]; } @end
MyView* v = [[MyView alloc] init]; NSLog(@"reference counting = %ld",CFGetRetainCount((CFTypeRef)v)); //- 1 UIWindow* window = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] keyWindow]; [window addSubView:v]; NSLog(@"reference counting = %ld",CFGetRetainCount((CFTypeRef)v)); //- 3 INCORRECT
奇怪的是,如果我评论" 自动布局"部分来自方法:" setupAutoLayoutSubView ",引用计数正确(= 2)
MyView* v = [[MyView alloc] init]; NSLog(@"reference counting = %ld",CFGetRetainCount((CFTypeRef)v)); //- 1 UIView* normalView = [[UIView alloc] init]; [normalView addSubView:v]; NSLog(@"reference counting = %ld",CFGetRetainCount((CFTypeRef)v)); //- 2 : CORRECT