
时间:2017-06-30 04:46:57

标签: linux assembly x86 nasm


section .data   ;initialized data

;input file
input           db      'in.put'
inputhandle:    dd      0x00    ;place-holder for input file handle

section .bss    ;uninitialized data

;prepare memory location for reading a character on file
charbuff:       resb    0x01

section .text   ;instructions
global _start

    ;open file at read-write permission
    mov ecx, 1          ;read-write
    mov ebx, input      ;file name pointer
    mov eax, 5          ;open
    int 0x80

    ;check if open is good
    cmp eax, 0
    jle end                     ;if eax<=0 , jump end
    mov [inputhandle], eax      ;store returned file handle

    ;read a character on file
    mov edx, 0x01               ;length of signle-character memory location = 0x01
    mov ecx, charbuff           ;pointer to single-character memory location
    mov ebx, [inputhandle]      ;file handle
    mov eax, 3                  ;system read
    int 0x80
    ;at this point, debugger shows
    ;the returned value in eax is -9
    ;I'm not sure why

    ;close file
    mov ebx, [inputhandle]              ;file handle
    mov eax, 6                          ;system close
    int 0x80

    ; exit
    mov ebx, 0
    mov eax, 1
    int 0x80

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