
时间:2017-06-29 20:31:57

标签: excel vba excel-vba




  • A1
  • A2
  • A3
  • A4



  • A1
  • A2
  • A3(使用以下组件):
    • A3A
    • A3B(使用以下组件): * A3B1 * A3B2 * A3B3
    • A3C
    • A3D
  • A4



Dim NumRecords As Integer
Dim X As Integer
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim sSQL As String
Dim PPS() As String 'Product structure returned from database query for the parent item
Dim ParentName as String ' Parent Product
Dim Plt as String ' Plant of Manufacture
Dim DBPath as string 'File path for the database

Set db = OpenDatabase(DBPath)
sSQL = "SELECT Component, NumberUsed FROM ProdStructMstr WHERE (((Parent)='" & ParentName & "') AND ((Plant)='" & Plt & "')) ORDER BY Component;"
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(sSQL, dbOpenSnapshot)
If Not rs.EOF Then NumRecords = rs.RecordCount
If NumRecords > 0 Then
    ReDim PPS(NumRecords - 1, 1)
    For X = 0 To NumRecords - 1
        PPS(X, 0) = rs!Component
        PPS(X, 1) = rs!NumberUsed
    Next X
    MsgBox "ERROR: DB Table Empty or Not Found!", vbExclamation, "DATA ERROR"
End If
Set rs = Nothing
Set db = Nothing




Plant    |    Parent    |    Component    |    NumberUsed
Z        |    A         |    A1           |    1
Z        |    A         |    A2           |    3
Z        |    A         |    A3           |    1
Z        |    A         |    A4           |    2
Z        |    A3        |    A3A          |    1
Z        |    A3        |    A3B          |    1
Z        |    A3        |    A3C          |    2
Z        |    A3        |    A3D          |    1
Z        |    A3B       |    A3B1         |    1
Z        |    A3B       |    A3B2         |    4
Z        |    A3B       |    A3B3         |    1

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)




enter image description here




------ ShowAllData
Item: A, SubItem: A1, Value: 1
Item: A, SubItem: A2, Value: 3
Item: A, SubItem: A3, Value: 1
Item: A, SubItem: A4, Value: 2
Item: A3, SubItem: A3A, Value: 1
Item: A3, SubItem: A3B, Value: 1
Item: A3, SubItem: A3C, Value: 2
Item: A3, SubItem: A3D, Value: 1
Item: A3B, SubItem: A3B1, Value: 1
Item: A3B, SubItem: A3B2, Value: 4
Item: A3B, SubItem: A3B3, Value: 1
------ ShowData (A3)
Item: A3, SubItem: A3A, Value: 1
Item: A3, SubItem: A3B, Value: 1
Item: A3, SubItem: A3C, Value: 2
Item: A3, SubItem: A3D, Value: 1
------ ShowData (A3B2)
Item: A3B, SubItem: A3B2, Value: 4


  • 从Sheet1读取所有行的文件:ReadData()
  • 第二个按行生成嵌套字典(递归):SetItms()
    • col B(父母) - lvl 1 - 这些项目是顶级词典中的键
    • col C(组件) - lvl 2 - 顶级词典的值和子词典的键
    • col D(NumberUsed) - lvl 3 - 每个子词典中的值

这使用字典,后期绑定很慢 CreateObject(" Scripting.Dictionary")


早期绑定很快:VBA编辑器 - > 工具 - > 参考文献 - >添加 Microsoft Scripting Runtime

Option Explicit

'In VBA Editor add a reference: Tools -> References -> Add Microsoft Scripting Runtime

Private Const SEP = "------ "

Public Sub ReadData()
    Const TLC = 2   'TLC = Top-level column (B: Parent)
    Dim ur As Variant, r As Long, ubR As Long, parents As Dictionary
    Dim lvl1 As String, lvl2 As String, lvl3 As String

    ur = Sheet1.UsedRange
    ubR = UBound(ur, 1)
    Set parents = New Dictionary
    parents.CompareMode = vbTextCompare  'or: vbBinaryCompare

    For r = 2 To ubR
        lvl1 = Trim(CStr(ur(r, TLC)))
        lvl2 = Trim(CStr(ur(r, TLC + 1)))
        lvl3 = Trim(CStr(ur(r, TLC + 2)))
        SetItms Array(lvl1, lvl2, lvl3), parents
    ShowAllData parents
    ShowData parents, "A3"
    ShowData parents, "A3B2"
End Sub
Public Sub SetItms(ByRef itms As Variant, ByRef parents As Dictionary)
    Dim ub As Long, subItms() As String, i As Long, children As Dictionary

    ub = UBound(itms)
    If ub > 1 Then
        ReDim subItms(ub - 1)
        For i = 1 To ub
            subItms(i - 1) = itms(i)
        If Not parents.Exists(itms(0)) Then
            Set children = New Dictionary
            children.CompareMode = vbTextCompare   'or: vbBinaryCompare
            SetItms subItms, children              '<-- recursive call
            parents.Add itms(0), children
            Set children = parents(itms(0))
            SetItms subItms, children              '<-- recursive call
        End If
        If Not parents.Exists(itms(0)) Then parents.Add itms(0), itms(1)
    End If
End Sub


Private Sub ShowAllData(ByRef itms As Dictionary)
    Dim l1 As Variant, l2 As Variant
    Debug.Print SEP & "ShowAllData"
    For Each l1 In itms
        For Each l2 In itms(l1)
            Debug.Print "Item: " & l1 & ", SubItem: " & l2 & ", Value: " & itms(l1)(l2)
End Sub

Private Sub ShowData(ByRef itms As Dictionary, ByVal itmName As String)
    Dim l1 As Variant, l2 As Variant, isParent As Boolean, done As Boolean
    Debug.Print SEP & "ShowData (" & itmName & ")"
    For Each l1 In itms
        isParent = l1 = itmName
        If isParent Then
            For Each l2 In itms(l1)
                Debug.Print "Item: " & l1 & ", SubItem: " & l2 & ", Value: " & itms(l1)(l2)
        End If
        If isParent Then Exit For
    If Not isParent Then
        For Each l1 In itms
            For Each l2 In itms(l1)
              done = l2 = itmName
              If done Then
                Debug.Print "Item: " & l1 & ", SubItem: " & l2 & ", Value: " & itms(l1)(l2)
                Exit For
              End If
            If done Then Exit For
    End If
End Sub



Row 1, Col 1:   --->   Plant
Row 1, Col 2:   --->   Parent
Row 1, Col 3:   --->   Component
Row 1, Col 4:   --->   NumberUsed
Row 1, Col 5:   --->   Test Col 1
Row 1, Col 6:   --->   Test Col 2
Row 1, Col 7:   --->   Test Col 3
Row 2, Col 1:   --->   Z
Row 2, Col 2:   --->   A
Row 2, Col 3:   --->   A1
Row 2, Col 4:   --->   1
Row 2, Col 5:   --->   E1
Row 2, Col 6:   --->   F1
Row 2, Col 7:   --->   G1
Row 12, Col 1:   --->   Z
Row 12, Col 2:   --->   A3B
Row 12, Col 3:   --->   A3B3
Row 12, Col 4:   --->   1
Row 12, Col 5:   --->   E11
Row 12, Col 6:   --->   F11
Row 12, Col 7:   --->   G11

版本2只创建一个2级嵌套字典(级别1 =行,级别2 =列)

Public Sub NestedList()
    Dim ur As Variant, itms As Dictionary, subItms As Dictionary
    Dim r As Long, c As Long, lr As Long, lc As Long

    ur = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").UsedRange
    Set itms = New Dictionary
    itms.CompareMode = vbTextCompare   'or: vbBinaryCompare

    lr = UBound(ur, 1)
    lc = UBound(ur, 2)

    For r = 1 To lr
        Set subItms = New Dictionary
        itms.CompareMode = vbTextCompare
        For c = 1 To lc
            subItms.Add Key:=c, Item:=Trim(CStr(ur(r, c)))
        itms.Add Key:=r, Item:=subItms
        Set subItms = Nothing
    NestedListShow itms
End Sub

Private Sub NestedListShow(ByRef itms As Dictionary)
    Dim r As Long, c As Long
    For r = 1 To itms.Count
        For c = 1 To itms(r).Count
            Debug.Print "Row " & r & ", Col " & c & ":   --->   " & itms(r)(c)
End Sub


  • 您可以将所有程序(两个版本)放在同一个模块中
  • 这假设Sheet1上的UsedRange从单元格A1开始,并且是连续的

答案 1 :(得分:1)



"SELECT Component, NumberUsed FROM ProdStructMstr WHERE (((Parent)='" & ParentName & "') AND ((Plant)='" & Plt & "')) ORDER BY Component;"

Parent可能等于“A”,因此您返回的记录集仅包含组件A1,A2,A3和&amp; A4。


"SELECT Component, NumberUsed FROM ProdStructMstr WHERE (((Parent)=Like '" & ParentName & " *') AND ((Plant)='" & Plt & "')) ORDER BY Component;"
