VBA 7.1通过循环遍历集合来设置多个类属性

时间:2017-06-29 16:18:48

标签: vba loops collections user-defined-types

自学成才的VBA noob。如果我违反礼仪或者问别人已经知道的事我很抱歉。而且,如果我做的事情看起来很疯狂,那是因为这是我能想到或实际工作的唯一方式。在我的工作中有一个部门可以将我的临时代码变成体面的东西,但我必须首先给他们一个可行的模型。

我有两个本机VBA程序。一个是终端模拟器,我用它来刮取大型机数据并构造一个自定义类对象,然后打算将它传递给MS Excel进行数字运算。我坚持使用VBA,直到我能说服IT人员我值得使用Visual Studio许可证和脚本访问权限。此外,我必须在内存中传递该类,而不是在程序崩溃时传递电子表格;允许丢失的文件中没有松散,易于恢复的数据。


For x = 1 To intLines
    Invoice.Linex = cLines.Item(x)
Next x


currTotalChrg = Invoice.Line01.Charge + Invoice.Line02.Charge



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

似乎你想要一个 try { LyncClient lyncClient = LyncClient.GetClient(); Contact contact; List<object> endPoints = new List<object>(); Dictionary<string, string> phoneNumbers = new Dictionary<string, string>(); contact = lyncClient.ContactManager.GetContactByUri("sip:myusername@domain.com"); //PASS THE SIP ADDRESS HERE var telephoneNumber = (List<object>)contact.GetContactInformation(ContactInformationType.ContactEndpoints); //var contactName = contact.GetContactInformation(ContactInformationType.DisplayName).ToString(); //var availability = contact.GetContactInformation(ContactInformationType.Activity).ToString(); //foreach (object endPoint in telephoneNumber) //{ //Console.WriteLine(((ContactEndpoint)endPoint).DisplayName + " " + ((ContactEndpoint)endPoint).Type.ToString()); //} endPoints = telephoneNumber.Where<object>(N => ((ContactEndpoint)N).Type == ContactEndpointType.HomePhone || ((ContactEndpoint)N).Type == ContactEndpointType.MobilePhone || ((ContactEndpoint)N).Type == ContactEndpointType.OtherPhone || ((ContactEndpoint)N).Type == ContactEndpointType.WorkPhone).ToList<object>(); foreach (var endPoint in endPoints) { //Console.WriteLine(((ContactEndpoint)test).DisplayName.ToString()); string numberType = Regex.Replace(((ContactEndpoint)endPoint).Type.ToString(), @"Phone", ""); //string number = Regex.Replace(((ContactEndpoint)endPoint).DisplayName.ToString(), @"[^0-9]", ""); string number = ""; //Numbers only with dashes if (Regex.IsMatch(((ContactEndpoint)endPoint).DisplayName.ToString(), @"^\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4}$")) { number = ((ContactEndpoint)endPoint).DisplayName.ToString(); try { phoneNumbers.Add(numberType, number); } catch { } } //Console.WriteLine(numberType + " " + number); } foreach (var entry in phoneNumbers) { //entry.Key is the PhoneType //entry.Value is the Phone Number } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("An error occurred: " + ex.Message); } 集合类,它包含Invoice个对象并公开InvoiceLineItem属性。

您无法直接在VBE中编辑模块/成员属性,但如果您希望能够通过良好的TotalAmount循环迭代发票的订单项,那么您将拥有找到一种方法。一种方法是导出类并在您喜欢的文本编辑器中编辑它以添加属性,保存它,然后将其重新导入到您的VBA项目中。 Rubberduck的下一个版本将允许您使用&#34;注释&#34; (魔术评论),我也在这里包括:

For Each



  MultiUse = -1  'True
Attribute VB_Name = "Invoice"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Explicit

Public Const MAX_LINE_ITEMS As Long = 99

Private Type TInvoice
    InvoiceNumber As String
    InvoiceDate As Date
    'other members...
    LineItems As Collection
End Type

Private this As TInvoice

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
    this.LineItems = New Collection
End Sub

'@Description("Adds an InvoiceLineItem to this invoice. Raises an error if maximum capacity is reached.")
Public Sub AddLineItem(ByVal lineItem As InvoiceLineItem)
Attribute AddLineItem.VB_Description = "Adds an InvoiceLineItem to this invoice."
    If this.LineItems.Count = MAX_LINE_ITEMS Then
        Err.Raise 5, TypeName(Me), "This invoice already contains " & MAX_LINE_ITEMS & " items."
    End If

    this.LineItems.Add lineItem
End Sub

'@Description("Gets the line item at the specified index.")
Public Property Get Item(ByVal index As Long) As InvoiceLineItem
Attribute Item.VB_Description = "Gets the line item at the specified index."
Attribute Item.VB_UserMemId = 0
    Set Item = this.LineItems(index)
End Property

'@Description("Gets an enumerator that iterates through line items.")
Public Property Get NewEnum() As IUnknown
Attribute NewEnum.VB_Description = "Gets an enumerator that iterates through line items."
Attribute NewEnum.VB_UserMemId = -4
    Set NewEnum = this.LineItems.[_NewEnum]
End Property

'...other members...


'@Description("Gets the total amount for all line items.")
Public Property Get TotalAmount() As Double
    Dim result As Double
    Dim lineItem As InvoiceLineItem
    For Each lineItem In this.LineItems
        result = result + lineItem.Amount
    TotalAmount = result
End Property

'@Description("Gets the total quantity for all line items.")
Public Property Get TotalQuantity() As Double
    Dim result As Double
    Dim lineItem As InvoiceLineItem
    For Each lineItem In this.LineItems
        result = result + lineItem.Quantity
    TotalQuantity = result
End Property



我坚持使用VBA,直到我能说服IT人员说我值得拥有Visual Studio许可和脚本访问权限。

VBA就像面向对象一样,是一种语言,与其他任何&#34;真正的&#34;您可以使用Visual Studio的语言。上面的解决方案与我在C#或VB.NET中实现它的方式非常相似。如果您的VBA类有每个可能的发票行的成员,那么您的思考是错误的 - 而不是您正在使用的语言。


答案 1 :(得分:0)


我有一个&#39;总计&#39; class - 字典的简单包装器 - 允许您指定命名字段并开始添加值。这是微不足道的,做到这一点并没有太大的收获......但请耐心等待:

Dim LoanTotals As clsTotals
Set LoanTotals = New clsTotals
For Each Field In LoanFileReader.Fields LoanTotals.CreateField Field.Name Next Field
For Each LineItem In LoanFileReader LoanTotals.Add "LoanAmount", LineItem!LoanAmount LoanTotals.Add "OutstandingBalance", LineItem!OutstandingBalance LoanTotals.Add "Collateral", LineItem!Collateral Next LineItem
课堂上的实施细节并不十分有趣 - 你可以知道这一切都以Debug.Print LoanTotals.Total("LoanAmount")



Dim LoanTotals As clsTotals
Set LoanTotals = New clsTotals
For Each Field In LoanFileReader.Fields LoanTotals.CreateCommand Field.Name, Field.MainframeCommand Next Field


Public Sub ExecuteCommand(CommandName, ParamArray() Args())
' Wrapper for objMainService, ends a command to the COM interface of the Mainframe client
CallByName objMainService, CommandName, vbMethod, Args
End Sub



为了完整起见,这里是&#39; Totals&#39;的代码。类:


  MultiUse = -1  'True
Attribute VB_Name = "clsTotals"
Attribute VB_Description = "Simple 'Totals' class based on a Scripting.Dictionary object"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Explicit
' Simple 'Totals' class based on a Scripting.Dictionary object
' Nigel Heffernan, Excellerando.Blogspot.com April 2009
' As it's based on a dictionary, the 'Add' and 'Reset' methods ' support implicit key creation: if you use a new name (or you ' mistype an existing name) a new Totals field will be created

' Coding Notes:
' This is a wrapper class: 'Implements' is not appropriate, as ' we are not reimplementing the class. Or not very much. Think ' of it as the 'syntactic sugar' alternative to prefixing all ' our method calls in the extended class with 'Dictionary_'.
Private m_dict As Scripting.Dictionary Attribute m_dict.VB_MemberFlags = 40 Attribute m_dict.VB_VarDescription = "(Internal variable)"
Public Property Get Sum(FieldName As String) As Double Attribute Sum.VB_Description = "Returns the current sum of the specified field." Attribute Sum.VB_UserMemId = 0 ' Returns the current sum of the specified field
Sum = m_dict(FieldName)
End Property

Public Sub CreateField(FieldName As String) Attribute CreateField.VB_Description = "Explicitly create a new named field" ' Explicitly create a new named field
If m_dict.Exists(FieldName) Then Err.Raise 1004, "Totals.CreateField", "There is already a field named '" & FieldName & "' in this 'Totals' object." Else m_dict.Add FieldName, 0# End If
End Sub

Public Sub Add(FieldName As String, Value As Double) Attribute Add.VB_Description = "Add a numeric amount to the field's running total \r\n Watch out for implicit field creation." ' Add a numeric amount to the field's running total ' Watch out for implicit field creation.
m_dict(FieldName) = m_dict(FieldName) + Value
End Sub

Public Sub Reset(FieldName As String) Attribute FieldName.VB_Description = "Reset a named field's total to zero \r\n Watch out for implicit key creation" ' Reset a named field's total to zero ' Watch out for implicit key creation
m_dict(FieldName) = 0#
End Sub

Public Sub ResetAll() Attribute ResetAll.VB_Description = "Clear all the totals" ' Clear all the totals
m_dict.RemoveAll Set m_dict = Nothing
End Sub

Public Property Get Fields() As Variant Attribute Fields.VB_Description = "Return a zero-based vector array of the field names" 'Return a zero-based vector array of the field names
Fields = m_dict.Keys
End Property
Public Property Get Values() As Variant Attribute Values.VB_Description = "Return a zero-based vector array of the current totals" 'Return a zero-based vector array of the current totals
Fields = m_dict.Items
End Property

Public Property Get Count() As Long Attribute Count.VB_Description = "Return the number of fields" 'Return the number of fields
Count= m_dict.Count
End Property
Public Property Get Exists(FieldName As String) As Boolean Attribute Count.VB_Description = "Return a zero-based vector array of the field names" 'Return True if a named field exists in this instance of clsTotals
Exists = m_dict.Exists(FieldName)
End Property

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set m_dict = New Scripting.Dictionary m_dict.CompareMode = TextCompare

End Sub

Private Sub Class_Terminate()
m_dict.RemoveAll Set m_dict = Nothing
End Sub