如何通过Linq将DataTable转换为List {Object,List {Object}}

时间:2017-06-29 10:04:52

标签: c# linq


namespace Entity
    public class MasterMenu
        public MasterMenuParent MasterMenuParent;
        public List<MasterMenuChildOfParent> MasterMenuChildOfParent;

    public class MasterMenuParent
        public string Id { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }

    public class MasterMenuChildOfParent
        public string Id { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public string ParentId { get; set; } //It's a foreign key that link to MasterMenuParent.Id

我从数据库查询数据并转换为实体。 对于getDataMasterMenu1()我使用两个循环。 对于getDataMasterMenu2(),我使用了一个Loop和linq。 对于getDataMasterMenu3(),我只想使用linq,但我不知道该怎么做,是否可能?

using Entity;
public partial class Test : System.Web.UI.Page
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        List<MasterMenu> list1 = getDataMasterMenu2();
        List<MasterMenu> list2 = getDataMasterMenu2();
        List<MasterMenu> list3 = getDataMasterMenu3();

    //Using two Loop
    private List<MasterMenu> getDataMasterMenu1()
        List<MasterMenu> result = new List<MasterMenu>();
        List<MasterMenuChildOfParent> tempMasterMenuChildOfParent = new List<MasterMenuChildOfParent>();
        DataTable dtMasterMenuParent = new DataTable(); //Assume: I already query data from database and then load to datatable that has field: ID, NAME
        DataTable dtMasterMenuChild = new DataTable(); //Assume: I already query data from database and then load to datatable that has field: ID, NAME, PARENT_ID
        for (int i1 = 0; i1 < dtMasterMenuParent.Rows.Count; i1++)
            //Select Child Of Parent
            DataTable dtMasterMenuChildOfParent = (from DataRow dr in dtMasterMenuChild.Rows where dr["PARENT_ID"].Equals(dtMasterMenuParent.Rows[i1]["ID"]) select dr).CopyToDataTable();
            for (int i2 = 0; i2 < dtMasterMenuChildOfParent.Rows.Count; i2++)
                tempMasterMenuChildOfParent.Add(new MasterMenuChildOfParent
                    Id = dtMasterMenuChildOfParent.Rows[i2].Field<string>("ID"),
                    Name = dtMasterMenuChildOfParent.Rows[i2].Field<string>("NAME"),
                    ParentId = dtMasterMenuChildOfParent.Rows[i2].Field<string>("PARENT_ID"),

            result.Add(new MasterMenu
                MasterMenuParent = (new MasterMenuParent
                    Id = dtMasterMenuParent.Rows[i1].Field<string>("ID"),
                    Name = dtMasterMenuParent.Rows[i1].Field<string>("NAME")
                MasterMenuChildOfParent = tempMasterMenuChildOfParent
        return result;

    //Using one Loop and linq
    private List<MasterMenu> getDataMasterMenu2()
        List<MasterMenu> result = new List<MasterMenu>();
        DataTable dtMasterMenuParent = new DataTable(); //Assume: I already query data from database and then load to datatable that has field: ID, NAME
        DataTable dtMasterMenuChild = new DataTable(); //Assume: I already query data from database and then load to datatable that has field: ID, NAME, PARENT_ID
        for (int i1 = 0; i1 < dtMasterMenuParent.Rows.Count; i1++)
            //Select Child Of Parent
            DataTable dtMasterMenuChildOfParent = (from DataRow dr in dtMasterMenuChild.Rows where dr["PARENT_ID"].Equals(dtMasterMenuParent.Rows[i1]["ID"]) select dr).CopyToDataTable();
            result.Add(new MasterMenu
                MasterMenuParent = (new MasterMenuParent
                    Id = dtMasterMenuParent.Rows[i1].Field<string>("ID"),
                    Name = dtMasterMenuParent.Rows[i1].Field<string>("NAME")
                MasterMenuChildOfParent = dtMenuChildOfParent.AsEnumerable().Select(row =>
                new MasterMenuChildOfParent
                    Id = row.Field<string>("ID"),
                    Name = row.Field<string>("NAME"),
                    ParentId = row.Field<string>("PARENT_ID")
        return result;

    //Using linq
    private List<MasterMenu> getDataMasterMenu3()
        List<MasterMenu> result = new List<MasterMenu>();
        DataTable dtMasterMenuParent = new DataTable(); //Assume: I already query data from database and then load to datatable that has field: ID, NAME
        DataTable dtMasterMenuChild = new DataTable(); //Assume: I already query data from database and then load to datatable that has field: ID, NAME, PARENT_ID

        //How can I Convert DataTable to List{Object, List{Object}} by Linq

        return result;

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


var list = document.getElementById("div-1").firstElementChild.id;
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = list;