def save = {
def userInstance = new User(params)
boolean captcha = jcaptchaService.validateResponse("image", session.id, params.response)
if ( (captcha) && (userInstance.save(flush: true))) {
flash.message = "${message(code: 'default.created.message', args: [message(code: 'user.label', default: 'User'), userInstance.id])}"
else {
if (captcha == false)
flash.message2 = "Wrong Captcha!"
render(view: "create", model: [userInstance: userInstance])
我的用户/ create.gsp视图
<tr class="prop">
<td valign="top" class="name">
<label for="secretAnswer"><g:message code="user.secretAnswer.label" default="Secret Answer" /></label>
<td valign="top" class="value ${hasErrors(bean: userInstance, field: 'secretAnswer', 'errors')}">
<g:textField name="secretAnswer" value="${userInstance?.secretAnswer}" />
<g:form name="challenge" action="image">
<jcaptcha:jpeg name="image" /><br>
<g:textField name="response" value="" /><br>
import com.octo.captcha.service.CaptchaService;
import com.sun.image.codec.jpeg.JPEGCodec;
import com.sun.image.codec.jpeg.JPEGImageEncoder;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import javax.sound.sampled.AudioFileFormat;
import javax.sound.sampled.AudioInputStream;
import javax.sound.sampled.AudioSystem;
* Provides access to the captchas as well as provides some util
* type methods to convert captchas to usable data.
* @author LD <ld@ldaley.com>
class JcaptchaService
* Used to access the captchas defined as part of the app config.
def grailsApplication
* Retrieves a captcha by name.
* @param captchaName The 'key' of the captcha defined in config.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If captchaName is null.
* @throws IllegalStateException If there is no captcha by that name.
* @returns The captcha service keyed by 'captchaName'
CaptchaService getCaptchaService(String captchaName) {
if (captchaName == null) throw IllegalArgumentException("'captchaName' cannot be null")
def c = grailsApplication.config.jcaptchas[captchaName]
if (c == null) throw new IllegalStateException("There is no jcaptcha defined with name '${captchaName}'")
* Used to verify the response to a challenge.
* @param captchaName The key of the captcha
* @param id The identifier used when retrieving the challenge (often session.id)
* @param response What the user 'entered' to meet the challenge
* @return True if the response meets the challenge
* @see getCaptchaService()
boolean validateResponse(captchaName, id, response)
def c = getCaptchaService(captchaName)
c.validateResponseForID(id, response)
* Utility routine to turn an image challenge into a JPEG stream.
* @param challenge The image data
* @return A raw bunch of bytes which come together to be a JPEG.
byte[] challengeAsJpeg(BufferedImage challenge)
def jpegOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
def jpegEncoder = JPEGCodec.createJPEGEncoder(jpegOutputStream)
* Utility routine to turn a sound challenge into a WAV stream.
* @param challenge The sound data
* @return A raw bunch of bytes which come together to be a WAV.
byte[] challengeAsWav(AudioInputStream challenge)
ByteArrayOutputStream soundOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
AudioSystem.write(challenge, AudioFileFormat.Type.WAVE, soundOutputStream)
答案 0 :(得分:0)
现在你走在正确的轨道上。 ;)(来自阅读评论)