使用Firefox驱动程序,下面的代码可以工作(滚动到页面底部)但不能使用PhantomJS webdriver。下面的页面有无限滚动,所以我需要向下滚动以收集更多信息。请帮助我确定为什么这对phantomjs不起作用。
"P1 - 20170624","06/24/2017 at 08:43:30 (GMT-0400)"
"Company Name","123 Main St.",,"Some Town","State","United States of America","12345"
"First Last","username","Manager"
"Asset Groups","IPs","Active Hosts","Hosts Matching Filters","Trend Analysis","Date Range","Asset Tags"
"NONE","NONE","393","134","Latest vulnerability data","12/31/1998 - 06/24/2017","Included(any): All External IP (xxx);
"Total Vulnerabilities","Avg Security Risk","Business Risk"
"IP","Total Vulnerabilities","Security Risk"
"IP","DNS","NetBIOS","Tracking Method","OS","IP Status","QID","Title","Vuln Status","Type","Severity","Port","Protocol","FQDN","SSL","First Detected","Last Detected","Times Detected","Date Last Fixed","CVE ID","Vendor Reference","Bugtraq ID","CVSS","CVSS Base","CVSS Temporal","CVSS Environment","CVSS3","CVSS3 Base","CVSS3 Temporal","Threat","Impact","Exploitability","PCI Vuln","Ticket State","Instance","Category","Associated Tags"
"","blah.blah.com",,"IP","Windows 2008 R2 / Windows 7","host scanned, found vuln","150161","Session Cookie Does Not Contain the ""Secure"" Attribute","Re-Opened","Vuln","3","80","tcp",,,"01/08/2017 10:39:32","06/18/2017 09:39:31","24","06/11/2017 21:08:29",,,,,"0 (AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:N/I:N/A:N)","0 (E:F/RL:W/RC:C)","Asset Group: -, Collateral Damage Potential: -, Target Distribution: -, Confidentiality Requirement: -, Integrity Requirement: -, Availability Requirement: -",,,,"The session cookie does not contain the ""secure"" attribute","Session Cookies with ""secure"" attribute are only permitted to be sent via HTTPS. Session cookies sent via HTTP expose users to sniffing attacks that could lead to user impersonation or account compromise",,"no",,,"Web Application","All External, Windows"
"","blah.blah.com",,"IP",,"host scanned, found vuln","38657","Birthday attacks against TLS ciphers with 64bit block size vulnerability (Sweet32)","Active","Vuln","3","443","tcp",,"over ssl","04/02/2017 10:31:19","06/24/2017 04:09:03","21",,"CVE-2016-2183",,"92630, 95568",,"5 (AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:P/I:N/A:N)","4.3 (E:POC/RL:W/RC:C)","Asset Group: -, Collateral Damage Potential: -, Target Distribution: -, Confidentiality Requirement: -, Integrity Requirement: -, Availability Requirement: -","4.9","5.3","4.9","Legacy block ciphers having block size of 64 bits are vulnerable to a practical collision attack when used in CBC mode.
All versions of SSL/TLS protocol support cipher suites which use DES or 3DES as the symmetric encryption cipher are affected.","Remote attackers can obtain cleartext data via a birthday attack against a long-duration encrypted session.",,"no","Open",,"General remote services","All External, All External IP (xxx)"
"","blah.blah.com",,"IP",,"host scanned, found vuln","38628","SSL/TLS Server supports TLSv1.0","Active","Vuln","3","443","tcp",,"over ssl","07/10/2016 08:00:17","06/24/2017 04:09:03","59",,,,,,"2.6 (AV:N/AC:H/Au:N/C:P/I:N/A:N)","2.3 (E:F/RL:W/RC:C)","Asset Group: -, Collateral Damage Potential: -, Target Distribution: -, Confidentiality Requirement: -, Integrity Requirement: -, Availability Requirement: -","0","0","0","TLS is capable of using a multitude of ciphers (algorithms) to create the public and private key pairs.
For example if TLSv1.0 uses either the RC4 stream cipher, or a block cipher in CBC mode.
RC4 is known to have biases and the block cipher in CBC mode is vulnerable to the POODLE attack.
TLSv1.0, if configured to use the same cipher suites as SSLv3, includes a means by which a TLS implementation can downgrade the connection to SSL v3.0, thus weakening security.
",,"yes","Open",,"General remote services","All External, All External IP (xxx)"