
时间:2017-06-28 05:31:58

标签: admin-on-rest

用例是 - 我想对父母的子资源进行CRUD操作。



目前我的父CRUD正在运行。正在考虑使用操作按钮/菜单(在父列表组件上)将流引入Child CRUD组件。这是正确的方法还是其他更好的解决方案?

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


答案 1 :(得分:0)




答案 2 :(得分:0)

我想做同样的事情并且管理(或多或少)。我对解决方案并不完全满意,主要是因为我需要为<Admin />指定一个初始状态。这是必需的,因为如果我直接访问子URL,则AOR/DECLARE_RESOURCES操作不会按时完成,并且父级和子级的状态为空。 (任何指针都会非常感激,为什么会发生这种情况)


您可以在代码示例中找到有关如何以及原因的说明。 我希望这可以帮助你。

// ProviderPhoto Components

export const ProviderPhotoList = (props) => (
  // have to pass in the resource here otherwise this would be done by <CrudRoute /> but in our case
  // the <Create> and the <List> is not the child of <Resource />
  // also hasCreate=true because we want to show the new image button and filter is hardcoded with the providerId coming from the route (see below)
  <List {...props} resource="provider-photos" perPage={25} hasCreate={true} filter={{ provider: props.providerId }}>
    <ProviderPhotoGrid />

export const ProviderPhotoCreate = (props) => (
  // have to pass in the resource here otherwise this would be done by <CrudRoute /> but in our case
  // the <Create> and the <List> is not the child of <Resource />
  <Create resource="provider-photos" {...props}>
      <ReferenceInput source="provider" allowEmpty reference="providers" validate={ required } defaultValue={props.providerId}> 
        <SelectInput optionText="name" />
      <ImageInput source="photos" accept="image/*" maxSize={10*1024*1024} multiple>
        <ImageField source="src" title="" validate={ required }/>

// customRoutes.js
import { Route } from 'react-router-dom';

export default [
  // few things to note here:
  //  - using render instead of component, otherwise the component gets created too early
  //  - passing in the provider (parent) ID from the route params
  //  - passing in ...routeProps (List Create Edit needs it)
  <Route exact path="/providers/:providerId/provider-photos" render={(routeProps) => <ProviderPhotoList providerId={routeProps.match.params.providerId} {...routeProps}/>} />,
  <Route exact path="/providers/:providerId/provider-photos/create" render={(routeProps) => <ProviderPhotoCreate providerId={routeProps.match.params.providerId} {...routeProps}/>} />,

// App.js

// hacky :(
const initialState = {
  admin: {
    resources: {
      'providers': { props: { name: 'providers' }, data: {}, list: { ids: [], params: { sort: null, order: null, page: 1, perPage: null, filter: {} }, total: 0 } },
      'provider-photos': { props: { name: 'provider-photos' }, data: {}, list: { ids: [], params: { sort: null, order: null, page: 1, perPage: null, filter: {} }, total: 0 } }

const App = () => (
  <Admin customRoutes={customRoutes} restClient={restClient} initialState={initialState}>
    <Resource name="providers" list={ProviderList} create={ProviderCreate} edit={ProviderEdit} remove={Delete} />
    {/* no list,create,edit etc... specified, we just register the resource */}
    <Resource name="provider-photos"/>