我在ASP.NET MVC中有一个WebApi,我需要控制访问限制,此外我还需要在运行时更改限制值。 我在此网站上WebApiThrottle实施了此示例(运行时更新速率限制)
//trace provider
var traceWriter = new SystemDiagnosticsTraceWriter()
IsVerbose = true
config.Services.Replace(typeof(ITraceWriter), traceWriter);
//Web API throttling handler
config.MessageHandlers.Add(new ThrottlingHandler(
policy: new ThrottlePolicy(perMinute: 3, perHour: 30, perDay: 35, perWeek: 3000)
//scope to IPs
IpThrottling = true,
//scope to clients
ClientThrottling = true,
ClientRules = new Dictionary<string, RateLimits>
{ "client-key-1", new RateLimits { PerMinute = 1, PerHour = 60 } }
//scope to endpoints
EndpointThrottling = true
//replace with PolicyMemoryCacheRepository for Owin self-host
policyRepository: new PolicyCacheRepository(),
//replace with MemoryCacheRepository for Owin self-host
repository: new CacheRepository(),
logger: new TracingThrottleLogger(traceWriter)));
我每分钟定义三个请求,例如默认值,每分钟一个请求到客户端,密钥为“client-key-1”。 但是当我使用PostMan进行测试时(我正在使用值client-key-1传递授权令牌),我注意到只使用了默认配置,因为只有在三次请求之后才收到消息:
public void UpdateRateLimits()
//init policy repo
var policyRepository = new PolicyCacheRepository();
//get policy object from cache
var policy = policyRepository.FirstOrDefault(ThrottleManager.GetPolicyKey());
//update client rate limits
policy.ClientRules["client-key-1"] =
new RateLimits { PerMinute = 20 };
//apply policy updates
ThrottleManager.UpdatePolicy(policy, policyRepository);
答案 0 :(得分:0)
public class CustomThrottlingHandler : ThrottlingHandler
public CustomThrottlingHandler(ThrottlePolicy policy, IPolicyRepository policyRepository, IThrottleRepository repository, IThrottleLogger logger, IIpAddressParser ipAddressParser = null)
: base(policy, policyRepository, repository, logger, ipAddressParser)
protected override RequestIdentity SetIdentity(HttpRequestMessage request)
return new RequestIdentity
ClientKey = request.Headers.Contains("my-header") ? request.Headers.GetValues("my-header").First() : "anon",
ClientIp = base.GetClientIp(request).ToString(),
Endpoint = request.RequestUri.AbsolutePath.ToLowerInvariant()
public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config)
//trace provider
var traceWriter = new SystemDiagnosticsTraceWriter()
IsVerbose = true
config.Services.Replace(typeof(ITraceWriter), traceWriter);
//Web API throttling handler
config.MessageHandlers.Add(new CustomThrottlingHandler(
policy: new ThrottlePolicy(perMinute: 20, perHour: 30, perDay: 35, perWeek: 3000)
//scope to IPs
IpThrottling = true,
//scope to clients
ClientThrottling = true,
ClientRules = new Dictionary<string, RateLimits>
{ "api-client-key-1", new RateLimits { PerMinute = 60, PerHour = 600 } },
{ "api-client-key-2", new RateLimits { PerDay = 5000 } }
//scope to endpoints
EndpointThrottling = true
//replace with PolicyMemoryCacheRepository for Owin self-host
policyRepository: new PolicyCacheRepository(),
//replace with MemoryCacheRepository for Owin self-host
repository: new CacheRepository(),
logger: new TracingThrottleLogger(traceWriter)));