
时间:2017-06-27 20:31:30

标签: excel vba for-loop do-while

我有以下代码从Excel数据生成PDF报告。需要根据需要多少小时来生成报告 - 小时数不能超过某个特定日期(财政年度结束时)。它需要一定的总小时数,并产生一定数量的报告。报告的上限为每个报告200小时。

因此,例如,如果总共524小时,则需要生成3个报告 - 2个报告200个小时,1个报告124个;除非预计总小时数超过结束日期。此示例中的结束日期为2016年6月30日。






总之 - 函数checkExtensionNeed运行了太多次。在checkExtensionNeed中,最后一次更新变量extStartDate。我不希望它最后一次迭代,如果它最后一次迭代,我不希望更新extStartDate。

  Option Explicit

Dim totalHoursNeeded As Long
Dim extStartDate As Date
Dim lastBillableDate As Date
Dim daysRemaining As Long
Dim hoursPerDay As Long
Dim hoursColumn As Long
Dim dateLastApproved As Date
Dim dateLastWritten As Date
Dim startDate As Date
Dim amountLastApproved As Long
Dim amountLastWritten As Long
Dim extensionSheet As Worksheet
Dim totalHoursInExt As Long

'preliminary subroutine, calls writepdfforms
'called from the double click method
'shName = worksheet that gets the double click
'RowNumber = row of the double clicked cell

Public Sub FillSelectedForms(ShName As Worksheet, RowNumber As Long)

Dim cell As Range, wks As Worksheet, Templ As ListObject, ExitLine As Label

Dim i As Long

        Set extensionSheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Extensions")

'get template list
Set wks = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Templates List")
Set Templ = wks.ListObjects(1)

If Templ.ListColumns(1).DataBodyRange Is Nothing Then
    MsgBox "No data found in Templates List", vbInformation, "Missing Data"
    GoTo ExitLine
End If

'databodyrange = first column in the data (not header) cell 1
Set cell = Templ.ListColumns(1).DataBodyRange.Cells(1)
        For i = 1 To extensionSheet.Range("G1").End(xlToRight).column
            If InStr(1, extensionSheet.Cells(1, i).Text, "Average number of hours") > 0 Then
                hoursPerDay = extensionSheet.Cells(RowNumber, i) / 7
            ElseIf InStr(1, extensionSheet.Cells(1, i).Text, "73 - Total Requested Hours") > 0 Then
                hoursColumn = i
            End If
        Next i
    'first find total amount of hours needed
        totalHoursNeeded = Worksheets("Summary").Cells(RowNumber, 12)
       'do while
           Do While (checkExtensionNeed(RowNumber)) = True
'                MsgBox ("On iteration " & i & "  Total Hours in Extension is " & totalHoursInExt & " Last Date Written is " & dateLastWritten)
'                i = i + 1
                If totalHoursNeeded >= 200 Then
                    'would a 200 hour extension go past the lastBillableDate?
                    If DateAdd("d", totalHoursInExt / hoursPerDay, extStartDate) > lastBillableDate Then
                        'go up to the last billable date and not further
                        totalHoursInExt = CLng(daysRemaining / hoursPerDay)
                        totalHoursInExt = 200
                    End If
                        extensionSheet.Cells(RowNumber, hoursColumn) = totalHoursInExt
                      'if there is less than 200 hours remaining AND would a full extension go past the last billable date
                      If DateAdd("d", totalHoursInExt / hoursPerDay, extStartDate) > lastBillableDate Then
                            totalHoursInExt = CLng(daysRemaining * hoursPerDay)
                            totalHoursInExt = totalHoursNeeded
                      End If
                       extensionSheet.Cells(RowNumber, hoursColumn) = totalHoursInExt

                End If
                WritePDFForms ShName.Name, RowNumber, cell, cell.Offset(0, 1)
                extensionSheet.Cells(RowNumber, hoursColumn + 1) = DateAdd("d", totalHoursInExt / hoursPerDay, extStartDate)
                totalHoursNeeded = totalHoursNeeded - totalHoursInExt
            MsgBox (extensionSheet.Cells(RowNumber, hoursColumn + 1))
Set Templ = Nothing
Set wks = Nothing
Set cell = Nothing

End Sub

Public Function checkExtensionNeed(Row As Long)

' Find start date of Extension
' Find year/wage pair
' Find total number of hours needed in extension

        Dim summarySheet As Worksheet, extensionSheet As Worksheet, i As Long

        Dim j As Long

        Set summarySheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Summary")
        Set extensionSheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Extensions")

        'find dates for comparison
        For i = 1 To extensionSheet.Range("A1").End(xlToRight).column

            'find date of last approved extension

            If InStr(1, summarySheet.Cells(1, i), "Year 1 Most Recent Extension Approval Date") > 0 Then
                dateLastApproved = summarySheet.Cells(Row, i)
            'find date of last written extension
            ElseIf InStr(1, extensionSheet.Cells(1, i), "Start Date (To be Calculcated)") > 0 Then
                dateLastWritten = extensionSheet.Cells(Row, i)
            'find date of start in Project Sweep
            ElseIf InStr(1, summarySheet.Cells(1, i), "Year 1 Start Date") > 0 Then
                startDate = summarySheet.Cells(Row, i)
            ElseIf InStr(1, summarySheet.Cells(1, i), "Year 1 Most Recent Extension Approval Amount") > 0 Then
                amountLastApproved = summarySheet.Cells(Row, i)
            ElseIf InStr(1, extensionSheet.Cells(1, i), "Total Requested Hours") > 0 Then
                amountLastWritten = extensionSheet.Cells(Row, i)
            End If
        Next i

        If dateLastApproved > dateLastWritten Then
            extStartDate = DateAdd("d", amountLastApproved / hoursPerDay, dateLastApproved)
            extensionSheet.Cells(Row, hoursColumn + 1) = extStartDate
            extStartDate = dateLastWritten
            'extensionSheet.Cells(Row, hoursColumn + 1) = dateLastWritten
        End If

        lastBillableDate = DateAdd("d", 365, startDate)
        daysRemaining = lastBillableDate - extStartDate

        If extStartDate < lastBillableDate And totalHoursNeeded > 0 Then

            checkExtensionNeed = True
            checkExtensionNeed = False
        End If

End Function

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Do While(checkExtensionNeed(RowNumber))= True .... 环

