/// <summary>
/// Control for interacting with comments
/// </summary>
public sealed class CommentView : UITableView
/// <summary>
/// Initializes with a data source
/// </summary>
/// <param name="source">Data source</param>
/// <param name="useSeparators">Whether separators should be used between comments</param>
public CommentView(UITableViewSource source, bool useSeparators)
AllowsSelection = true;
SeparatorStyle = useSeparators ?
UITableViewCellSeparatorStyle.SingleLine :
Source = source;
RowHeight = AutomaticDimension;
EstimatedRowHeight = 100;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the cell in the table view at the index given
/// </summary>
/// <param name="tableView">Table view to get cell from</param>
/// <param name="indexPath">Index to get cell at</param>
/// <returns>Cell at the index specified</returns>
public override UITableViewCell GetCell(UITableView tableView, NSIndexPath indexPath)
var comment = Data[indexPath.Row];
var cell = tableView.DequeueReusableCell(CellId) as CommentCell;
// ReSharper disable once PossibleNullReferenceException
cell.LineCount = CommentLineCount;
cell.HasReplies = comment.Replies.Count > 0;
if (!comment.IsReply)
DrawAccessories(comment, cell);
return cell;
using App.Common.Models;
using App.iOS.Utilities;
using CoreGraphics;
using Foundation;
using System;
using UIKit;
using Xamarin.Forms;
using Xamarin.Forms.Platform.iOS;
namespace App.iOS.Views.Controls
/// <summary>
/// Custom cell control for displaying a single comment
/// </summary>
public sealed class CommentCell : UITableViewCell
private const string CustomCommentCss =
private static readonly CGRect ReplyIconDimensions = new CGRect(6, 6, 12, 9);
private readonly UILabel _authorLabel;
private readonly UILabel _commentLabel;
private readonly UILabel _dateLabel;
private readonly UIFont _font;
private UIView _indicator;
private ReplyCountIndicatorView _replyCountIndicator;
public CommentCell(IntPtr p) : base(p)
SelectionStyle = UITableViewCellSelectionStyle.None;
SeparatorInset = UIEdgeInsets.Zero;
LayoutMargins = UIEdgeInsets.Zero;
var textColor = Globals.ColorDark;
_font = UIFont.FromName(Globals.FontSanFranLight, Globals.FontSizeBody);
_authorLabel = new UILabel
Font = UIFont.FromName(Globals.FontSanFranSemiBold, Globals.FontSizeBody),
Lines = 1,
LineBreakMode = UILineBreakMode.TailTruncation,
TextColor = textColor
_commentLabel = new UILabel
Font = _font,
LineBreakMode = UILineBreakMode.TailTruncation,
TextColor = textColor
_dateLabel = new UILabel
Font = UIFont.FromName(Globals.FontSanFranLight, Globals.FontSizeSmall),
TextColor = Globals.ColorDisabled
ContentView.AddSubviews(_authorLabel, _commentLabel, _dateLabel);
/// <summary>
/// Sets whether this cell has replies associated with it
/// </summary>
public bool HasReplies { private get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Sets the number of lines in the comment field
/// </summary>
public int LineCount { set { _commentLabel.Lines = value; } }
/// <summary>
/// Updates the constraints of the subviews
/// </summary>
public override void UpdateConstraints()
_authorLabel.SetContentCompressionResistancePriority(1000, UILayoutConstraintAxis.Vertical);
_commentLabel.SetContentCompressionResistancePriority(1000, UILayoutConstraintAxis.Vertical);
_dateLabel.SetContentCompressionResistancePriority(1000, UILayoutConstraintAxis.Vertical);
_replyCountIndicator?.SetContentCompressionResistancePriority(1000, UILayoutConstraintAxis.Vertical);
var leftMargin = AnnotationIndicator.Size.Width + 2 * Globals.MarginGrid;
if (_replyCountIndicator != null && HasReplies)
ContentView.ConstrainLayout(() =>
_authorLabel.Frame.Top == ContentView.Frame.Top + Globals.MarginGrid &&
_authorLabel.Frame.Left == ContentView.Frame.Left + leftMargin &&
_authorLabel.Frame.Right == ContentView.Frame.Right - Globals.MarginGrid &&
_commentLabel.Frame.Top == _authorLabel.Frame.Bottom + Globals.MarginGrid / 4 &&
_commentLabel.Frame.Left == _authorLabel.Frame.Left &&
_commentLabel.Frame.Right == _authorLabel.Frame.Right &&
_dateLabel.Frame.Top == _commentLabel.Frame.Bottom + Globals.MarginGrid / 4 &&
_dateLabel.Frame.Left == _authorLabel.Frame.Left &&
_dateLabel.Frame.Right == _authorLabel.Frame.Right &&
_replyCountIndicator.Frame.Top == _dateLabel.Frame.Bottom + Globals.MarginGrid &&
_replyCountIndicator.Frame.Left == _dateLabel.Frame.Left &&
_replyCountIndicator.Frame.Width == Globals.SmallToolbarItemSize &&
_replyCountIndicator.Frame.Height == Globals.SmallToolbarItemSize &&
_replyCountIndicator.Frame.Bottom == ContentView.Frame.Bottom - Globals.MarginGrid);
ContentView.ConstrainLayout(() =>
_authorLabel.Frame.Top == ContentView.Frame.Top + Globals.MarginGrid &&
_authorLabel.Frame.Left == ContentView.Frame.Left + leftMargin &&
_authorLabel.Frame.Right == ContentView.Frame.Right - Globals.MarginGrid &&
_commentLabel.Frame.Top == _authorLabel.Frame.Bottom + Globals.MarginGrid / 4 &&
_commentLabel.Frame.Left == _authorLabel.Frame.Left &&
_commentLabel.Frame.Right == _authorLabel.Frame.Right &&
_dateLabel.Frame.Top == _commentLabel.Frame.Bottom + Globals.MarginGrid / 4 &&
_dateLabel.Frame.Left == _authorLabel.Frame.Left &&
_dateLabel.Frame.Right == _authorLabel.Frame.Right &&
_dateLabel.Frame.Bottom == ContentView.Frame.Bottom - Globals.MarginGrid);
/// <summary>
/// Updates the contents of the cell
/// </summary>
/// <param name="comment">Comment to update cell for</param>
public void UpdateCell(Comment comment)
// update the comment author
_authorLabel.Text = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(comment.CreatedByUser.FirstName) &&
string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(comment.CreatedByUser.LastName) ?
comment.CreatedByUser.Email :
$"{comment.CreatedByUser.FirstName} {comment.CreatedByUser.LastName}";
// update the text
var attr = new NSAttributedStringDocumentAttributes { DocumentType = NSDocumentType.HTML };
var nsError = new NSError();
// TODO: This is where emoji rendering goes wrong
var text = comment.Text.Insert(0, string.Format(CustomCommentCss,
_font.FontDescriptor.Name, _font.PointSize,
var mutableString = new NSMutableAttributedString(new NSAttributedString(
text, attr, ref nsError));
var mutableParagraph = new NSMutableParagraphStyle
Alignment = UITextAlignment.Left,
LineBreakMode = UILineBreakMode.TailTruncation
mutableString.AddAttribute(UIStringAttributeKey.ParagraphStyle, mutableParagraph,
new NSRange(0, mutableString.Length));
mutableString.AddAttribute(UIStringAttributeKey.StrokeColor, Globals.ColorDark,
new NSRange(0, mutableString.Length));
_commentLabel.AttributedText = mutableString;
// update the timestamp
var localTime = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.ToLocalTime(
_dateLabel.Text = comment.LastModifiedDateTime == comment.CreatedDateTime ?
localTime : $"Modified {localTime}";
/// <summary>
/// Draws the appropriate type of indicator next to the author's name
/// </summary>
/// <param name="comment">Comment to draw indicator for</param>
public void DrawIndicator(Comment comment)
// if we've already drawn the indicator and
// the comment has no annotation associated with it
// if the comment havs an annotation associated with it,
// draw the annotation indicator
if (comment.Annotation != null)
_indicator = new AnnotationIndicator
Location = new CGPoint(Globals.MarginGrid, Globals.MarginGrid),
Number = comment.Annotation.AnnotationNumber,
FillColor = Color.FromHex(comment.Annotation.FillColorValue).ToUIColor(),
TextColor = Color.FromHex(comment.Annotation.TextColorValue).ToUIColor()
// otherwise, draw the general comment indicator
var dim = comment.IsReply ? ReplyIconDimensions :
new CGRect(0, 0, AnnotationIndicator.Size.Width, AnnotationIndicator.Size.Height);
_indicator = new UIImageView
ContentMode = UIViewContentMode.ScaleAspectFit,
Frame = new CGRect(Globals.MarginGrid + dim.X, Globals.MarginGrid + dim.Y, dim.Width, dim.Height),
Image = comment.IsReply ? UIImage.FromFile("reply.png") :
/// <summary>
/// Draws the reply count indicator
/// </summary>
/// <param name="comment">Comment to draw indicator for</param>
public void DrawReplyCountIndicator(Comment comment)
if (_replyCountIndicator != null)
_replyCountIndicator = null;
_replyCountIndicator = new ReplyCountIndicatorView(comment.Replies.Count);
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