神经网络损失开始增加,而acc / vol数据集的acc增加

时间:2017-06-27 15:04:22

标签: python neural-network softmax cross-entropy



网络似乎学习是因为在列车周期测试之后数据准确率高于94%。我有丢失功能的问题 - 一段时间后开始增加,当测试/ val精度达到~76%时。



  • 输入层:758个节点,(每个像素1个节点)
  • 隐藏层1:300个节点
  • 隐藏层2:75个节点
  • 输出图层:10个节点


  • 输入图层 - >隐藏层1:ReLU
  • 隐藏层1 - >隐藏层2:ReLU
  • 隐藏层2 - >输出层3:Softmax


  • 分类交叉熵

Full CLEAN code available here as Jupyter Notebook.


def train(self, features, targets):
        n_records = features.shape[0]

        # placeholders for weights and biases change values
        delta_weights_i_h1 = np.zeros(self.weights_i_to_h1.shape)
        delta_weights_h1_h2 = np.zeros(self.weights_h1_to_h2.shape)
        delta_weights_h2_o = np.zeros(self.weights_h2_to_o.shape)
        delta_bias_i_h1 = np.zeros(self.bias_i_to_h1.shape)
        delta_bias_h1_h2 = np.zeros(self.bias_h1_to_h2.shape)
        delta_bias_h2_o = np.zeros(self.bias_h2_to_o.shape)

        for X, y in zip(features, targets):
            ### forward pass
            # input to hidden 1
            inputs_to_h1_layer = np.dot(X, self.weights_i_to_h1) + self.bias_i_to_h1
            inputs_to_h1_layer_activated = self.activation_ReLU(inputs_to_h1_layer)

            # hidden 1 to hidden 2
            h1_to_h2_layer = np.dot(inputs_to_h1_layer_activated, self.weights_h1_to_h2) + self.bias_h1_to_h2
            h1_to_h2_layer_activated = self.activation_ReLU(h1_to_h2_layer)

            # hidden 2 to output
            h2_to_output_layer = np.dot(h1_to_h2_layer_activated, self.weights_h2_to_o) + self.bias_h2_to_o
            h2_to_output_layer_activated = self.softmax(h2_to_output_layer)

            # output
            final_outputs = h2_to_output_layer_activated 

            ### backpropagation
            # output to hidden2
            error = y - final_outputs
            output_error_term = error.dot(self.dsoftmax(h2_to_output_layer_activated))

            h2_error = np.dot(output_error_term, self.weights_h2_to_o.T)
            h2_error_term = h2_error * self.activation_dReLU(h1_to_h2_layer_activated)

            # hidden2 to hidden1
            h1_error = np.dot(h2_error_term, self.weights_h1_to_h2.T) 
            h1_error_term = h1_error * self.activation_dReLU(inputs_to_h1_layer_activated)

            # weight & bias step (input to hidden)
            delta_weights_i_h1 += h1_error_term * X[:, None]
            delta_bias_i_h1 = np.sum(h1_error_term, axis=0)

            # weight & bias step (hidden1 to hidden2)
            delta_weights_h1_h2 += h2_error_term * inputs_to_h1_layer_activated[:, None]
            delta_bias_h1_h2 = np.sum(h2_error_term, axis=0)

            # weight & bias step (hidden2 to output)
            delta_weights_h2_o += output_error_term * h1_to_h2_layer_activated[:, None]
            delta_bias_h2_o = np.sum(output_error_term, axis=0)

        # update the weights and biases     
        self.weights_i_to_h1 += self.lr * delta_weights_i_h1 / n_records
        self.weights_h1_to_h2 += self.lr * delta_weights_h1_h2 / n_records
        self.weights_h2_to_o += self.lr * delta_weights_h2_o / n_records
        self.bias_i_to_h1 += self.lr * delta_bias_i_h1 / n_records
        self.bias_h1_to_h2 += self.lr * delta_bias_h1_h2 / n_records
        self.bias_h2_to_o += self.lr * delta_bias_h2_o / n_records


def activation_ReLU(self, x):
    return x * (x > 0)

def activation_dReLU(self, x):
    return 1. * (x > 0)

def softmax(self, x):
    z = x - np.max(x)
    return np.exp(z) / np.sum(np.exp(z))

def dsoftmax(self, x):
    # TODO: vectorise math
    vec_len = len(x)
    J = np.zeros((vec_len, vec_len))
    for i in range(vec_len):
        for j in range(vec_len):
            if i == j:
                J[i][j] = x[i] * (1 - x[j])
                J[i][j] = -x[i] * x[j]
    return J


def categorical_cross_entropy(pred, target): 
    return (1/len(pred)) * -np.sum(target * np.log(pred))

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


神经网络很大,所以我无法坚持这个问题。虽然如果你查看我的Jupiter Notebook你可以看到我的Softmax激活功能的实现,以及如何在火车循环中使用它。

丢失误算的问题是由于我的Softmax实现仅适用于ndarray dim == 1

在训练步骤中,我只将ndarray与dim 1放在激活函数中,因此NN学得很好,但我的run()函数返回了错误的预测,因为我已经将整个测试数据插入其中,而不仅仅是单行在for循环中。因此,它计算了Softmax"矩阵式"而不是"行式"。


   def softmax(self, x):
        # TODO: vectorise math to speed up computation
        softmax_result = None
        if x.ndim == 1:
            z = x - np.max(x)
            softmax_result = np.exp(z) / np.sum(np.exp(z))
            return softmax_result
            softmax_result = []
            for row in x:
                z = row - np.max(row)
                row_softmax_result = np.exp(z) / np.sum(np.exp(z))
            return np.array(softmax_result)
