如何在C#中确定变量是否为Type Reference?

时间:2010-12-18 07:31:51

标签: c# .net types reference

StringBuilder first = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder second = first;

String str = "Love";

有没有办法检查变量“second”是否为Type Reference,而变量“str”是否为Type Value?我一直在谷歌搜索仍然无法得到它,这里的C#非常新。我知道有second.getType()但是如果第二个是类型参考,我不知道。



在这里,我想坦率地说,我正在面对C Sharp的编程测试,当然这是一个开放的书测试,因为我不是在封闭或限制类:-)。我对PHP,C / C ++,Perl更熟悉,但是在C sharp中非常新,但我喜欢了解它。这是他们的考试。我已经填写了一些函数,只剩下2或3,那些是ref和unref。如果您看到下面的代码,我需要在<之间打印出Reference类型。 >在PrintSortedData函数中。测试问题出在代码的评论中。也许我还没有正确的编程逻辑。

/// The DataObject class stored with a key
class DataObject
    public string key = "";
    public int value = 0;
    // Populate
    public DataObject(string k, int v = 0)
        key = k;
        value = v;


class Program
    static Hashtable Data = new Hashtable();
    static string[] StaticData = new string[] { "X-Ray","Echo","Alpha", "Yankee","Bravo", "Charlie", 
        "Delta",    "Hotel", "India", "Juliet", "Foxtrot","Sierra",
        "Mike","Kilo", "Lima",  "November", "Oscar", "Papa", "Qubec", 
        "Romeo",  "Tango","Golf", "Uniform", "Victor", "Whisky",  

    static void Main(string[] args)
        for (int i = 0; i < StaticData.Length; i++)
            Data.Add(StaticData[i].ToLower(), new DataObject(StaticData[i]));
        while (true)
            Console.Write("> ");
            string str = Console.ReadLine();
            string[] strs = str.Split(' ');

            if (strs[0] == "q")
            else if (strs[0] == "print")
            else if (strs[0] == "swap")
                Swap(strs[1], strs[2]);
            else if (strs[0] == "ref")
                Ref(strs[1], strs[2]);
                Console.WriteLine("Invalid Input");

    /// <summary>
    /// Create a reference from one data object to another.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="key1">The object to create the reference on</param>
    /// <param name="key2">The reference object</param>
    static void Ref(string key1, string key2)


    /// <summary>
    /// Removes an object reference on the object specified.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="key">The object to remove the reference from</param>
    static void UnRef(string key)
        // Populate

    /// <summary>
    /// Prints the information in the Data hashtable to the console.
    /// Output should be sorted by key 
    /// References should be printed between '<' and '>'
    /// The output should look like the following : 
    /// Alpha...... -3
    /// Bravo...... 2
    /// Charlie.... <Zulu>
    /// Delta...... 1
    /// Echo....... <Alpha>
    /// --etc---
    /// </summary>
    static void PrintSortedData()
        // Populate
        ArrayList keys = new ArrayList(Data.Keys);

        foreach (object obj in keys)
            Console.Write(obj + "......." + ((DataObject)Data[obj]).value + "\n");

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


C#中的值类型是用户定义的structs,枚举和数字类型(例如intfloatdoubledecimal,有关更多信息,请参阅Value Types上的文档。

引用类型是其他所有内容,包括类,接口,委托,甚至一些内置类型,如stringobject。有关详细信息,请参阅Reference Types上的文档。



答案 1 :(得分:1)


答案 2 :(得分:0)

在这里,我想坦率地说,我正面临C Sharp的编程测试。我对PHP,C / C ++,Perl更熟悉,但在C sharp中非常新,但我喜欢了解它。这是他们的考试。我已经填写了一些函数,只剩下2或3,那些是

/// The DataObject class stored with a key
class DataObject
    public string key = "";
    public int value = 0;
    // Populate
    public DataObject(string k, int v = 0)
        key = k;
        value = v;


class Program
    static Hashtable Data = new Hashtable();
    static string[] StaticData = new string[] { "X-Ray","Echo","Alpha", "Yankee","Bravo", "Charlie", 
        "Delta",    "Hotel", "India", "Juliet", "Foxtrot","Sierra",
        "Mike","Kilo", "Lima",  "November", "Oscar", "Papa", "Qubec", 
        "Romeo",  "Tango","Golf", "Uniform", "Victor", "Whisky",  

    static void Main(string[] args)
        for (int i = 0; i < StaticData.Length; i++)
            Data.Add(StaticData[i].ToLower(), new DataObject(StaticData[i]));
        while (true)
            Console.Write("> ");
            string str = Console.ReadLine();
            string[] strs = str.Split(' ');

            if (strs[0] == "q")
            else if (strs[0] == "print")
            else if (strs[0] == "swap")
                Swap(strs[1], strs[2]);
            else if (strs[0] == "ref")
                Ref(strs[1], strs[2]);
                Console.WriteLine("Invalid Input");

    /// <summary>
    /// Create a reference from one data object to another.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="key1">The object to create the reference on</param>
    /// <param name="key2">The reference object</param>
    static void Ref(string key1, string key2)


    /// <summary>
    /// Removes an object reference on the object specified.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="key">The object to remove the reference from</param>
    static void UnRef(string key)
        // Populate

    /// <summary>
    /// Prints the information in the Data hashtable to the console.
    /// Output should be sorted by key 
    /// References should be printed between '<' and '>'
    /// The output should look like the following : 
    /// Alpha...... -3
    /// Bravo...... 2
    /// Charlie.... <Zulu>
    /// Delta...... 1
    /// Echo....... <Alpha>
    /// --etc---
    /// </summary>
    static void PrintSortedData()
        // Populate
        ArrayList keys = new ArrayList(Data.Keys);

        foreach (object obj in keys)
            Console.Write(obj + "......." + ((DataObject)Data[obj]).value + "\n");