select column1, column2
from table
where column2 like abc
and column3 = '1'
select column1, column2
from table
where column2 like abc
and column4 = '1'
and column5 = 'car'
select column1, column2
from table
where column2 like abc
and column6 = 'country'
and column7 = 'food'
column1 column2 column3
Red Mar Rule1
Blue Earth Rule2
Green Venus Rule2
White Pluto Rule1
Pink Jupitor Rule2
SELECT column1, column2, CASE WHEN column2 like '%abc%' and column3 = '1'
THEN 'Rule1' WHEN column2 like '%abc%' and column4 = '1' and column5 = 'car'
THEN 'Rule2' WHEN column2 like '%abc%' and column6 = 'country' amd column7 = 'food'
THEN 'Rule3' END AS RuleName FROM table