在执行量角器项目时获取Mozilla Firefox的堆栈错误

时间:2017-06-26 18:15:34

标签: javascript protractor


*当我尝试在mozilla firefox上执行此脚本时收到以下错误消息。

var relativePath = __dirname + '/e2e/';
exports.config = {
seleniumAddress: 'http://localhost:4444/wd/hub',
multiCapabilities: [
        browserName: 'chrome'
shardTestFiles: true,
        maxInstances: 1,
        chromeOptions: {
            args: [
            prefs: {
                'profile.password_manager_enabled': false,
                'credentials_enable_service': false,
                'password_manager_enabled': false
        browserName: 'firefox',
        marionette: 'true',
framework: 'jasmine2',

  suites: {
    em2_login: ['e2e/tests/login/login.spec.js'],
params: {
    siteUrl: ''
onPrepare: function () {


// *错误讯息 <>            失败:超时     构建信息:版本:' 3.4.0',修订版:'未知',时间:'未知'     系统信息:主持人:' RANGA-DT',ip:'',os.name:' Windows 7',os.arch:&# 39; amd64',os.version:' 6.1',java.version:' 1.8.0_131'     驱动程序信息:org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver     功能[{moz:profile = C:\ Users \ sranga \ AppData \ Local \ Temp \ rust_mozprofile.7BPiP8PPD71D,rotate = false,timeouts = {implicit = 0.0,pageLoad = 300000.0,script = 30000.0},pageLoadStrategy = normal,platform = ANY,specificationLevel = 0.0,moz:accessibilityChecks = false,acceptInsecureCerts = false,browserVersion = 54.0,platformVersion = 6.1,moz:processID = 20000.0,browserName = firefox,javascriptEnabled = true,platformName = windows_nt}]         会话ID:094df1fd-7b62-49d4-9552-b47230c02d01     堆:     ScriptTimeoutError:超时     构建信息:版本:' 3.4.0',修订版:'未知',时间:'未知'     系统信息:主持人:' RANGA-DT',ip:'',os.name:' Windows 7',os.arch:&# 39; amd64',os.version:' 6.1',java.version:' 1.8.0_131'     驱动程序信息:org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver     功能[{moz:profile = C:\ Users \ sranga \ AppData \ Local \ Temp \ rust_mozprofile.7BPiP8PPD71D,rotate = false,timeouts = {implicit = 0.0,pageLoad = 300000.0,script = 30000.0},pageLoadStrategy = normal,platform = ANY,specificationLevel = 0.0,moz:accessibilityChecks = false,acceptInsecureCerts = false,browserVersion = 54.0,platformVersion = 6.1,moz:processID = 20000.0,browserName = firefox,javascriptEnabled = true,platformName = windows_nt}]         会话ID:094df1fd-7b62-49d4-9552-b47230c02d01         在WebDriverError(C:\ Users \ sranga \ em2_automation \ Protractor \ consumer \ node_modules \ selenium-webdriver \ lib \ error.js:27:5)         在ScriptTimeoutError(C:\ Users \ sranga \ em2_automation \ Protractor \ consumer \ node_modules \ selenium-webdriver \ lib \ error.js:203:5)         at Object.checkLegacyResponse(C:\ Users \ sranga \ em2_automation \ Protractor \ consumer \ node_modules \ selenium-webdriver \ lib \ error.js:505:15)         at parseHttpResponse(C:\ Users \ sranga \ em2_automation \ Protractor \ consumer \ node_modules \ selenium-webdriver \ lib \ http://js:509:13)         at doSend.then.response(C:\ Users \ sranga \ em2_automation \ Protractor \ consumer \ node_modules \ selenium-webdriver \ lib \ http.js:440:13)         at process._tickCallback(internal / process / next_tick.js:109:7)     来自:任务:Protractor.waitForAngular() - 定位器:通过(部分链接文本,付款)         在thenableWebDriverProxy.schedule(C:\ Users \ sranga \ em2_automation \ Protractor \ consumer \ node_modules \ selenium-webdriver \ lib \ webdriver.js:816:17)         在ProtractorBrowser.executeAsyncScript_(C:\ Users \ sranga \ em2_automation \ Protractor \ consumer \ node_modules \ protractor \ lib \ browser.ts:609:24)         在angularAppRoot.then(C:\ Users \ sranga \ em2_automation \ Protractor \ consumer \ node_modules \ protractor \ lib \ browser.ts:643:23)         在ManagedPromise.invokeCallback_(C:\ Users \ sranga \ em2_automation \ Protractor \ consumer \ node_modules \ selenium-webdriver \ lib \ promise.js:1366:14)         在TaskQueue.execute_(C:\ Users \ sranga \ em2_automation \ Protractor \ consumer \ node_modules \ selenium-webdriver \ lib \ promise.js:2970:14)         在TaskQueue.executeNext_(C:\ Users \ sranga \ em2_automation \ Protractor \ consumer \ node_modules \ selenium-webdriver \ lib \ promise.js:2953:27)         在asyncRun(C:\ Users \ sranga \ em2_automation \ Protractor \ consumer \ node_modules \ selenium-webdriver \ lib \ promise.js:2813:27)         在C:\ Users \ sranga \ em2_automation \ Protractor \ consumer \ node_modules \ selenium-webdriver \ lib \ promise.js:676:7Error         在ElementArrayFinder.applyAction_(C:\ Users \ sranga \ em2_automation \ Protractor \ consumer \ node_modules \ protractor \ lib \ element.ts:482:23)         在ElementArrayFinder。(匿名函数)[点击](C:\ Users \ sranga \ em2_automation \ Protractor \ consumer \ node_modules \ protractor \ lib \ element.ts:96:21)         在ElementFinder。(匿名函数)[点击](C:\ Users \ sranga \ em2_automation \ Protractor \ consumer \ node_modules \ protractor \ lib \ element.ts:873:14)         在clickPaymentButton(C:\ Users \ sranga \ em2_automation \ Protractor \ consumer \ e2e \ pages \ payment \ singlepayment.po.js:4:55)         在对象。 (C:\ Users \用户sranga \ em2_automation \量角器\消费者\ E2E \测试\付款\ singlepayment.spec.js:20:15)         在C:\ Users \ sranga \ em2_automation \ Protractor \ consumer \ node_modules \ jasminewd2 \ index.js:112:25         在新的ManagedPromise(C:\ Users \ sranga \ em2_automation \ Protractor \ consumer \ node_modules \ selenium-webdriver \ lib \ promise.js:1067:7)         在ControlFlow.promise(C:\ Users \ sranga \ em2_automation \ Protractor \ consumer \ node_modules \ selenium-webdriver \ lib \ promise.js:2396:12)         at schedulerExecute(C:\ Users \ sranga \ em2_automation \ Protractor \ consumer \ node_modules \ jasminewd2 \ index.js:95:18)         在TaskQueue.execute_(C:\ Users \ sranga \ em2_automation \ Protractor \ consumer \ node_modules \ selenium-webdriver \ lib \ promise.js:2970:14)     来自:任务:在控制流程中运行它("应该有一个标题")         在对象。 (C:\ Users \用户sranga \ em2_automation \量角器\消费者\ node_modules \ jasminewd2 \ index.js:94:19)     从异步测试:     错误     在套房。 (C:\ Users \用户sranga \ em2_automation \量角器\消费者\ E2E \测试\付款\ singlepayment.spec.js:11:2)         在对象。 (C:\ Users \用户sranga \ em2_automation \量角器\消费者\ E2E \测试\付款\ singlepayment.spec.js:7:1)         在Module._compile(module.js:570:32)         在Object.Module._extensions..js(module.js:579:10)         在Module.load(module.js:487:32)         在tryModuleLoad(module.js:446:12)

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

由于firefox使用的网络驱动程序发生了变化,过去几天我一直在尝试升级到最新版本的Firefox,因为它已经停留在FF V46上一段时间了。看看你在评论中粘贴的内容,没有足够的信息让我说出确切的错误,但我亲身经历了一些让firefox以可靠的方式工作的问题。但我会分享到目前为止我发现的内容。量角器有5 ways来设置selenium服务器。下面我已经说明了什么对我有用,然后没有。


我不喜欢全局安装npm模块,尽管几乎每个阳光下的量角器教程都在步骤#1中运行“npm install protractor -g”


"scripts": { "e2e": "node node_modules/protractor/bin/webdriver-manager update && node node_modules/protractor/bin/webdriver-manager start &" }

您可以通过运行“npm run e2e”从项目根目录执行此操作。 这使我可以在本地更新最新的webdriver-manager驱动程序,并在默认地址启动独立的selenium服务器。在protractor.conf中,您需要确保通过在exports.config中指定选项seleniumAddress来配置您的量角器测试以连接到已经运行的selenium服务器,就像这样“

    exports.config = {
         // location of your E2E test specs
         specs: [
         seleniumAddress: 'http://localhost:4444/wd/hub' //this tells protractor to connect to the server you started using 'npm run e2e' 
         directConnect: false,
         chromeOnly: false,
         capabilities: {
             'browserName': 'firefox',




I/direct - Using FirefoxDriver directly... [13:23:08] E/launcher - Unable to parse new session response: {"value": {"sessionId":"a3a72e32-fe2f-e84f-a09b-68793eee8464","capabilities":{"acceptInsecureCerts":true,"browserName":"firefox","browserVersion":"54.0","moz:accessibilityChecks":false,"moz:processID":49834,"moz:profile":"/var/folders/b5/5kptwjxj0xsgdzw2rfs4dwyncmp_vb/T/rust_mozprofile.QacVydBwozMK","pageLoadStrategy":"eager","platformName":"darwin","platformVersion":"15.6.0","rotatable":false,"specificationLevel":0,"timeouts":{"implicit":0,"pageLoad":300000,"script":30000}}}}


2)尝试在protractor.conf文件中指定selenium独立Jar。  而不是根据文档在protractor.conf中使用seleniumAddress,你应该能够指定如下内容:

seleniumServerJar: '../node_modules/protractor/node_modules/webdriver-manager/selenium/selenium-server-standalone-3.4.0.jar',
