不能使用push_back将整数插入1D / 2D向量

时间:2017-06-26 18:00:47

标签: c++ vector integer push-back

我正在尝试编写一个函数来从给定矩阵中提取切片,其中输入为1D且切片可以是1D或2D。 我正在尝试将push_back函数用于此目的,但由于某些原因,push_back不起作用。 我在第OutPut.push_back(DumyValue);


任何人都可以帮助我,为什么我收到此错误? 此外,如果您能告诉我如何解决此问题,将不胜感激。 此外,如果第一部分变得清晰,有人可以告诉我如何使用push_back在特定位置插入一个整数,以便我可以用它来提取2D切片吗?


using namespace std;

int MatrixSlice(vector<vector<int>> Input, int Row1, int Row2, int Col1, int Col2) {
 //define the slice size, if it is iD or 2D

 if (abs(Row1-Row2)>1 && abs(Col1-Col2)>1){
      vector<vector<int>> OutPut; 
      vector<int> OutPut; 

   int i2;
   int j2;

   for (int i = Row1; i <= Row2; i++) {
       for (int j = Col1; j <= Col2; j++) {
           int DumyValue=Input[i][j];
           //cout << Input[i][j] << endl;

   return 0;

int main() {
  //Define a matrix for test:
   vector<vector<int>> Matrix2(4, vector<int>(5, 1));
   int R = 4;
   int C = 4;
   vector<vector<int>> MatrixInput(R, vector<int>(C, 1));;
   for (int i = 0; i < MatrixInput.size(); i++) {
       for (int j = 0; j < MatrixInput[0].size(); j++) {
           int temp;
            temp = i^2+j^2;
           MatrixInput[i][j] = temp;

   MatrixSlice(MatrixInput, 0, 3, 1, 1);

   return 0;

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

Matrix slice有几个问题:

  1. 无法定义具有两种可能类型的变量,并且在同一范围内都具有活动性。
  2. int的返回类型毫无意义。矩阵被切成碎片,但接着是什么?它无法通过它回复给调用者。
  3. 这可以通过union修复,但是可以!对此的记账将是一场蓝精灵的噩梦。不要这样做!

    接下来要始终使用vector vector,但我不喜欢这个想法有几个原因,我将在下面介绍。


    1. 它保留了使用1维容器支持1维矩阵的能力。如果您有一列的多行,则所有行数据都保持连续且缓存友好。
    2. 它往往要快得多。一个vector的数据在内存中是连续的,并且获得了缓存友好性的回报。 vector vector基本上是指向数据数组的指针列表,通过内存中的指针追逐的odyssey发送可怜的CPU来查找列。如果列很短,这确实会对性能产生影响。
    3. 我们走了:

      template<class TYPE>
      class Matrix
          size_t mNrRows; // note size_t. This is unsigned because there is no reason 
                          // for a matrix with a negative size. size_t is also guaranteed 
                          // to fit anything you can throw at it.
          size_t mNrColumns;
          std::vector<TYPE> mVec;
          // make a default-initialized matrix
          Matrix(size_t nrRows, size_t nrColumns) :
                  mNrRows(nrRows), mNrColumns(nrColumns), mVec(mNrRows * mNrColumns)
          // make a def-initialized matrix
          Matrix(size_t nrRows, size_t nrColumns, TYPE def) :
                  mNrRows(nrRows), mNrColumns(nrColumns), mVec(mNrRows * mNrColumns,
          // gimme a value and allow it to be changed
          TYPE & operator()(size_t row, size_t column)
              // could check for out of bounds and throw an exception here
              return mVec[row * mNrColumns + column];
          //gimme a value and do not allow it to be changed
          TYPE operator()(size_t row, size_t column) const
              return mVec[row * mNrColumns + column];
          // gimme the number of rows
          size_t getRows() const
              return mNrRows;
          // gimmie the number of columns.
          size_t getColumns() const
              return mNrColumns;
          // printing convenience
          friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & out, const Matrix & mat)
              int count = 0;
              for (TYPE val: mat.mVec)
                  out << val;
                  if (++count == mat.mNrColumns)
                      out << '\n';
                      count = 0;
                      out << ' ';
              return out;

      vector成员处理所有繁重的工作,因此the Rule of Zero建议保留副本并将构造函数,赋值运算符和析构函数移动到编译器。


      Matrix<int> MatrixSlice(const Matrix<int> & Input,
                              int Row1,
                              int Row2,
                              int Col1,
                              int Col2)
          Matrix<int> OutPut(Row2-Row1 + 1,
                             Col2-Col1 + 1); // but what if Row1 > Row2?
          int i2;
          int j2= 0; // definitely need to initialize this sucker.
          for (int i = Row1; i <= Row2; i++) // logical problem here: What if Row2 >= input.getRows()?
              i2 = 0;
              for (int j = Col1; j <= Col2; j++) // similar problem here
                  int DumyValue = Input(i, j);
                  OutPut(j2, i2) = DumyValue;
          return OutPut;



      int main()
          //Define a matrix for test:
          Matrix<int> Matrix2(4, 5, 1); // initialize matrix to all 1s
          int R = 4;
          int C = 4;
          Matrix<int> MatrixInput(R, C); // default initialize the matrix
          for (int i = 0; i < MatrixInput.getRows(); i++)
              for (int j = 0; j < MatrixInput.getColumns(); j++)
                  int temp;
                  temp = i ^ 2 + j ^ 2;
                  // WARNING: ^ is XOR, not exponent. Maybe OP wants i XOR 2, but not
                  // likely. But if XOR is the desired operation, there is a lurking
                  // order of operation bug that needs to be addressed
                  MatrixInput(i, j) = temp;
          std::cout << MatrixInput << '\n';
          std::cout << MatrixSlice(MatrixInput, 0, 3, 1, 1);
          return 0;

答案 1 :(得分:0)


Dim a_b_c_d As String, abcd As String

