我是Objective-c和编程的新手。我是一名护理人员,我决定学习目标课程。我对c有一些经验,这就是为什么这个程序以这种方式编码的原因。我想知道是否有一种更有效的方法来使用objective-c进行编码?谢谢。 (程序编译时没有错误,所以如果在某处出现语法错误,可能是因为我是新手在代码块内的板上转义字符)
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
void calcDiagnosis (float pHInput, int paCO2Input, int hCO3Input);
int main (int argc, const char * argv[]){
int i;
int repeat;
i = 0;
for(i = 0; i < 3; i++){
//Initialize lab value variables
float pH;
int paCO2;
int hCO3;
NSLog(@"Welcome to the ABG Lab Value Interpreter v1.0\n");
NSLog(@"Please enter the necessary values.\n");
//Gather the necessary values
NSLog(@"Enter the pH value:");
scanf("%f", &pH);
NSLog(@"Enter the PaCO2 value:");
scanf("%i", &paCO2);
NSLog(@"Enter the HCO3 value:");
scanf("%i", &hCO3);
calcDiagnosis (pH, paCO2, hCO3);
//Control Loop
NSLog(@"Again?\n 1: Yes\n 2: No");
scanf("%i", &repeat);
switch (repeat){
case 1:
i = 0;
case 2:
i = 3;
return 0;
void calcDiagnosis (float pHInput, int paCO2Input, int hCO3Input)
//Transfer the arguments to new variables
float pH = pHInput;
int paCO2 = paCO2Input;
int hCO3 = hCO3Input;
//Diagnose Respiratory Acidosis//
if ((pH < 7.35) && (paCO2 > 45) && (hCO3 >=22 && hCO3 <=26)) {
NSLog(@"Acute Respiratory Acidosis");
//Partially Compensated
if ((pH < 7.35) && (paCO2 > 45) && (hCO3 >26)) {
NSLog(@"Partially Compensated Respiratory Acidosis");
if ((pH >= 7.35 && pH <= 7.45) && (paCO2 > 45) && (hCO3 >26)) {
NSLog(@"Compensated Respiratory Acidosis");
//Diagnose Respiratory Alkalosis//
if ((pH > 7.45) && (paCO2 < 35) && (hCO3 >=22 && hCO3 <=26)) {
NSLog(@"Acute Respiratory Alkalosis");
//Partially Compensated
if ((pH > 7.45) && (paCO2 < 35) && (hCO3 <22)) {
NSLog(@"Partially Compensated Respiratory Alkalosis");
if ((pH >= 7.35 && pH <= 7.45) && (paCO2 < 35) && (hCO3 <22)) {
NSLog(@"Compensated Respiratory Alkalosis");
//Diagnose Metabolic Acidosis////
if ((pH < 7.35) && (paCO2 >= 35 && paCO2 <= 45) && (hCO3 <22)) {
NSLog(@"Acute Metabolic Acidosis");
//Partially Compensated
if ((pH < 7.35) && (paCO2 < 35) && (hCO3 >22)) {
NSLog(@"Partially Compensated Metabolic Acidosis");
if ((pH >= 7.35 && pH <= 7.45) && (paCO2 < 35) && (hCO3 <22)) {
NSLog(@"Compensated Metabolic Acidosis");
//Diagnose Metabolic Alkalosis///
if ((pH > 7.45) && (paCO2 >= 35 && paCO2 <= 45) && (hCO3 >26)) {
NSLog(@"Acute Metabolic Alkalosis");
//Partially Compensated
if ((pH > 7.45) && (paCO2 > 45) && (hCO3 >26)) {
NSLog(@"Partially Compensated Metabolic Alkalosis");
if ((pH >= 7.35 && pH <= 7.45) && (paCO2 > 45) && (hCO3 >26)) {
NSLog(@"Compensated Metabolic Alkalosis");
//Diagnosis Normal///
if ((pH >= 7.35 && pH <= 7.45) && (paCO2 >= 35 && paCO2 <= 45) && (hCO3 >= 22 && hCO3 <= 26)) {
NSLog(@"Normal Values");
答案 0 :(得分:6)
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@interface Vitals : NSObject {
float _pH;
int _paCO2;
int _hCO3;
- (id) initWithPH:(float)pH paCO2:(int)paCO2 hCO3:(int)hCO3;
- (float) pH;
- (int) paCO2;
- (int) hCO3;
#import "Vitals.h"
@implementation Vitals
- (id) initWithPH:(float)pH paCO2:(int)paCO2 hCO3:(int)hCO3 {
if (self = [super init]) {
_pH = pH;
_paCO2 = paCO2;
_hCO3 = hCO3;
return self;
- (float) pH {return _pH;}
- (int) paCO2 {return _paCO2;}
- (int) hCO3 {return _hCO3;}
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@class Vitals;
@interface Diagnosis : NSObject {
NSString* _name;
id _delegate;
SEL _test;
- (id) initWithName:(NSString*)name delegate:(id)delegate test:(SEL)test;
- (NSString*) name;
- (BOOL) test:(Vitals*)vitals;
#import "Diagnosis.h"
@implementation Diagnosis
- (id) initWithName:(NSString*)name delegate:(id)delegate test:(SEL)test {
if (self = [super init]) {
_name = [name retain];
_delegate = delegate;
_test = test;
return self;
- (void) dealloc {
[_name release];
[super dealloc];
- (NSString*) name {return _name;}
- (BOOL) test:(Vitals*)vitals {
return [(NSNumber*)[_delegate performSelector:_test withObject:vitals] boolValue];
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@class Vitals;
@class Diagnosis;
@interface Doctor : NSObject {
NSMutableArray* _diagnoses;
- (void) learnDiagnosis:(Diagnosis*)diagnosis;
- (Diagnosis*) diagnose:(Vitals*)vitals;
#import "Diagnosis.h"
#import "Doctor.h"
@implementation Doctor
- (id) init {
if (self = [super init]) {
_diagnoses = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
return self;
- (void) dealloc {
[_diagnoses release];
[super dealloc];
- (void) learnDiagnosis:(Diagnosis*)diagnosis {
[_diagnoses addObject:diagnosis];
- (Diagnosis*) diagnose:(Vitals*)vitals {
for (Diagnosis* diagnosis in _diagnoses) {
if ([diagnosis test:vitals])
return diagnosis;
return 0;
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@interface Differential : NSObject {}
- (void) teach:(Doctor*)doctor;
#import "Vitals.h"
#import "Diagnosis.h"
#import "Doctor.h"
#import "Differential.h"
@implementation Differential
- (NSNumber*) acuteRespiratoryAcidosis:(Vitals*)vitals {
return [NSNumber numberWithBool:(([vitals pH] < 7.35) && ([vitals paCO2] > 45) && ([vitals hCO3] >=22 && [vitals hCO3] <=26))];
- (NSNumber*) partiallyCompensatedResporatoryAcidosis:(Vitals*)vitals {
return [NSNumber numberWithBool:(([vitals pH] < 7.35) && ([vitals paCO2] > 45) && ([vitals hCO3] >26))];
- (void) teach:(Doctor*)doctor {
Diagnosis* diagnosis;
diagnosis = [[Diagnosis alloc] initWithName:@"Acute Respiratory Acidosis" delegate:self test:@selector(acuteRespiratoryAcidosis:)];
[doctor learnDiagnosis:diagnosis];
[diagnosis release];
diagnosis = [[Diagnosis alloc] initWithName:@"Partially Compensated Respiratory Acidosis" delegate:self test:@selector(partiallyCompensatedResporatoryAcidosis:)];
[doctor learnDiagnosis:diagnosis];
[diagnosis release];
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "Vitals.h"
#import "Diagnosis.h"
#import "Doctor.h"
#import "Differential.h"
void run () {
float pH=7.2;
int paCO2=47;
int hCO3=25;
Doctor* doctor = [[Doctor alloc] init];
Differential* differential = [[Differential alloc] init];
[differential teach:doctor];
Vitals* vitals = [[Vitals alloc] initWithPH:pH paCO2:paCO2 hCO3:hCO3];
Diagnosis* diagnosis = [doctor diagnose:vitals];
NSLog(@"%@",[diagnosis name]);
[vitals release];
[differential release];
[doctor release];
答案 1 :(得分:0)
循环会更自然。 for
通常用于迭代(例如,读取或写入数组中的每个元素)。 while
int main (int argc, const char * argv[]){
int menu_input = 0;
while(menu_input != 2){
//Initialize lab value variables
float pH;
int paCO2;
int hCO3;
NSLog(@"Welcome to the ABG Lab Value Interpreter v1.0\n");
NSLog(@"Please enter the necessary values.\n");
//Gather the necessary values
NSLog(@"Enter the pH value:");
scanf("%f", &pH);
NSLog(@"Enter the PaCO2 value:");
scanf("%i", &paCO2);
NSLog(@"Enter the HCO3 value:");
scanf("%i", &hCO3);
calcDiagnosis (pH, paCO2, hCO3);
//Control Loop
NSLog(@"Again?\n 1: Yes\n 2: No");
scanf("%i", &menu_input);
return 0;
答案 2 :(得分:0)
您是否正在学习Objective-C来编写Mac或iPhone程序?我会这样认为,因为这可以说是人们学习它的主要原因。如果您还没有,那么您应该查看Apple Developer网站,其中有很多有用的教程等。 我认为您应该尝试将其转换为GUI应用程序,因为您将使用更多的Objective-C和Cocoa。除了NSLog()(以及它们内部的NSStrings)之外,您确实编写了一个C程序。 Here is a nice tutorial.