
时间:2017-06-23 21:21:37

标签: python dictionary nested


{'hot': {'111': {'ab': 1, 'bc': 3, 'cd': 5, 'de': 7}}}
{'hot': {'111': {'ab': 12.5, 'bc': -31, 'cd': 2.5, 'de': 13}}}
{'hot': {'111': {'ab': 10, 'bc': 3, 'cd': 0, 'de': -2}}}

{'hot': {'110': {'ab': -1, 'bc': 0, 'cd': 1, 'de': 1}}}
{'hot': {'110': {'ab': 8, 'bc': 20, 'cd': 41, 'de': 13}}}
{'hot': {'110': {'ab': 1.75, 'bc': 2.3, 'cd': 6, 'de': 0}}}

{'hot': {'109': {'ab': 2.7, 'bc': 24, 'cd': 4, 'de': 5}}}
{'hot': {'109': {'ab': 41, 'bc': 6, 'cd': 12, 'de': 33}}}
{'hot': {'109': {'ab': 32, 'bc': 7, 'cd': 18, 'de': 3.75}}}

{'cold': {'111': {'ab': 25, 'bc': 2, 'cd': 3, 'de': 2.1}}}
{'cold': {'111': {'ab': 5, 'bc': 8, 'cd': 5, 'de': 17}}}
{'cold': {'111': {'ab': -71, 'bc': 42, 'cd': 5, 'de': 16}}}

{'cold': {'110': {'ab': 23, 'bc': 2.4, 'cd': 2.1, 'de': 4.3}}}
{'cold': {'110': {'ab': 11, 'bc': 2.8, 'cd': 4.5, 'de': 2.4}}}
{'cold': {'110': {'ab': 4, 'bc': 5.7, 'cd': 8.7, 'de': 1}}}        


dict['hot']['111'][AB] = 1 + 12.5 + 10 = 23.5
dict['hot']['111'][BC] = 3 - 31 + 3 = - 25

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


data = [{'hot': {'111': {'ab': 1, 'bc': 3, 'cd': 5, 'de': 7}}},
{'hot': {'111': {'ab': 12.5, 'bc': -31, 'cd': 2.5, 'de': 13}}},
{'hot': {'111': {'ab': 10, 'bc': 3, 'cd': 0, 'de': -2}}},

{'hot': {'110': {'ab': -1, 'bc': 0, 'cd': 1, 'de': 1}}},
{'hot': {'110': {'ab': 8, 'bc': 20, 'cd': 41, 'de': 13}}},
{'hot': {'110': {'ab': 1.75, 'bc': 2.3, 'cd': 6, 'de': 0}}},

{'hot': {'109': {'ab': 2.7, 'bc': 24, 'cd': 4, 'de': 5}}},
{'hot': {'109': {'ab': 41, 'bc': 6, 'cd': 12, 'de': 33}}},
{'hot': {'109': {'ab': 32, 'bc': 7, 'cd': 18, 'de': 3.75}}},

{'cold': {'111': {'ab': 25, 'bc': 2, 'cd': 3, 'de': 2.1}}},
{'cold': {'111': {'ab': 5, 'bc': 8, 'cd': 5, 'de': 17}}},
{'cold': {'111': {'ab': -71, 'bc': 42, 'cd': 5, 'de': 16}}},

{'cold': {'110': {'ab': 23, 'bc': 2.4, 'cd': 2.1, 'de': 4.3}}},
{'cold': {'110': {'ab': 11, 'bc': 2.8, 'cd': 4.5, 'de': 2.4}}},
{'cold': {'110': {'ab': 4, 'bc': 5.7, 'cd': 8.7, 'de': 1}}}  ]


from collections import defaultdict
counts = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int)))

for d in data:                   # for the list
    for k1 in d:                 # for the hot-cold level
        for k2 in d[k1]:         # for the 1[0-9]{2} level
            for k3 in d[k1][k2]: # for the [a-z]{2} level
                counts[k1][k2][k3] += d[k1][k2][k3]





答案 1 :(得分:0)



这是一个完整的代码示例,用于打印出所需的结果23.5。 首先,创建一个您想要阅读的词典列表:

dictionaries = [
    {'hot': {'111': {'ab': 1, 'bc': 3, 'cd': 5, 'de': 7}}},
    {'hot': {'111': {'ab': 12.5, 'bc': -31, 'cd': 2.5, 'de': 13}}},
    {'hot': {'111': {'ab': 10, 'bc': 3, 'cd': 0, 'de': -2}}},

    {'hot': {'110': {'ab': -1, 'bc': 0, 'cd': 1, 'de': 1}}},
    {'hot': {'110': {'ab': 8, 'bc': 20, 'cd': 41, 'de': 13}}},
    {'hot': {'110': {'ab': 1.75, 'bc': 2.3, 'cd': 6, 'de': 0}}},

    {'hot': {'109': {'ab': 2.7, 'bc': 24, 'cd': 4, 'de': 5}}},
    {'hot': {'109': {'ab': 41, 'bc': 6, 'cd': 12, 'de': 33}}},
    {'hot': {'109': {'ab': 32, 'bc': 7, 'cd': 18, 'de': 3.75}}},

    {'cold': {'111': {'ab': 25, 'bc': 2, 'cd': 3, 'de': 2.1}}},
    {'cold': {'111': {'ab': 5, 'bc': 8, 'cd': 5, 'de': 17}}},
    {'cold': {'111': {'ab': -71, 'bc': 42, 'cd': 5, 'de': 16}}},

    {'cold': {'110': {'ab': 23, 'bc': 2.4, 'cd': 2.1, 'de': 4.3}}},
    {'cold': {'110': {'ab': 11, 'bc': 2.8, 'cd': 4.5, 'de': 2.4}}},
    {'cold': {'110': {'ab': 4, 'bc': 5.7, 'cd': 8.7, 'de': 1}}}


def get_sum(temp, num, pt):
    accepted = [] # Initialize a list of accepted dictionaries that fit the arguments passed.
    pt_sum = 0 # Initialize the variable for the sum of your parts, starting at 0.

    for dictionary in dictionaries: # Iterate through the dictionary list.
        if temp in dictionary and num in dictionary[temp]: # Check if the dict on current iteration has what you want.
            accepted.append(dictionary[temp][num]) # It does, so add it to accepted.
            # Let's pause here. Say you are reading the first dict in the list. So that means, this is what the fuction is working with:
            # {'hot': {'111': {'ab': 1, 'bc': 3, 'cd': 5, 'de': 7}}}
            # Now with the append function, we are calling "dictionary[temp][num]".
            # We know that each of these keys exist, because we just checked it.
            # So this eliminates the need to add the whole dictionary to "accepted".
            # Basically, we are cutting out the last section, because that's what we need. So you end up with:
            # "{'ab': 1, 'bc': 3, 'cd': 5, 'de': 7}" in the list "accepted".

    for dictionary in accepted: # Now go through the ones that have the data you need.
        pt_sum += dictionary[pt] # And simply add the value to the sum.

    return pt_sum # Return the part sum.


print(get_sum("hot", "111", "ab"))

>>> 23.5


def get_sum(temp, num, pt):
    pt_sum = 0

    for dictionary in dictionaries:
        if temp in dictionary and num in dictionary[temp]:
            pt_sum += dictionary[temp][num][pt]

    return pt_sum
