
时间:2017-06-23 21:12:35

标签: c# serialization binary binaryformatter

我在学校的学习项目Cinema工作。我们必须使用二进制文件而不是数据库。我有以下主要模型:用户,电影,房间,票证,投影 ... 票证投影包含id以及电影会议室的完整对象(用户 Ticket )。

电影会议室用户未在投影 / 故障单中序列化为对象,就像id一样。因此,在调用 Property 之后,ex。 ticketObj.Movie,它使用id初始化该电影,该票证有。

有一个问题。一切都适用于投影。它可以毫无问题地序列化/反序列化 Movie Room 。但是,在 Ticket ,它不会序列化用户。它只是留空,如null

我测试了我所知道的一切。我检查并比较了类,用户具有相同的属性(getters),如 Movie Room 。我尝试了很多调试工作,并且在序列化方法之前存在userObj。但是,它不会以某种方式序列化它。我需要注意,用户[Serializable]符号。

还有一件事,我做了 Seeder ,它为所有模型创建初始对象并保存。所以,一切都在运作,它将一切都很好地序列化。但是,当我尝试在“运行时”中对其进行序列化时,它将无法正常工作......

我请求帮助,我在此失去了两天。 如果需要,我会发布消息来源。





public static void WriteToBinaryFile<T>(string filePath, T objectToWrite, bool append = false)
        using (Stream stream = File.Open(filePath, append ? FileMode.Append : FileMode.Create))
            var binaryFormatter = new BinaryFormatter();
            binaryFormatter.Serialize(stream, objectToWrite);

    /* Writing list to binary file, object by object */
    public static void WriteListToBinaryFile<T>(string filePath, List<T> listToWrite, bool append = false)

        for ( int i = 0 ; i < listToWrite.Count ; i++ )
            if ( append == false)
                if ( i == 0 )
                    WriteToBinaryFile<T>( filePath , listToWrite [ i ] , false );
                    WriteToBinaryFile<T>( filePath , listToWrite[i] , true );
                WriteToBinaryFile<T>( filePath , listToWrite[i] , append );


     * Deserialization of all object, as list
     * */
    public static List<T> ReadAllObjectFromFile<T>(string path)
        if ( !isFileEmpty( path ) )
            long position = 0;
            List<T> list = new List<T> ( );
            BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter ( );
            using ( FileStream stream = new FileStream ( path , FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Read ) )
                while ( position != stream.Length )
                    stream.Seek( position , SeekOrigin.Begin );
                    list.Add( ( T )formatter.Deserialize( stream ) );
                    position = stream.Position;

            return list;

        return null;



    public class Ticket
        private int   _ticketId;
        private float _price;
        private int   _row;
        private int   _seat;
        private int   _projectionId;
        private int   _userId;

        private Projection _projection;
        private User   _buyer;
        private static List<int> list_of_ids = InitializeIdList();

        public Ticket ()
            this._ticketId = Metode.GetId(ref list_of_ids);
            this._projection = null;
            this._price = 0.0F;
            this._row = this._seat = 0;
            this._buyer = null;
            this._buyer_id = 0;
            this._projection_id = 0;


        public Ticket ( Projection projection, User buyer, float price, int row, int seat )
            this._ticketId = Methods.GetId(ref lista_id);
            this._projection = projection;
            this._buyer = buyer;
            this._price = price;
            this._row = row;
            this._seat = seat;
            this._buyer_id = buyer.UserId;
            this._projection_id = Projection.ProjectionId;

        public Ticket ( int projection_id, int buyer_id, float price, int row, int seat )
            this._ticketId = Methods.GetId(ref lista_id);
            this._projection = Projection.ById(Projection_id);
            this._buyer = User.ById(buyer_id);
            this._price = price;
            this._row = row;
            this._seat = seat;
            this._buyer_id = buyer_id;
            this._projection_id = projection_id;

        public int TicketId
            get { return this._ticketId; }

        public Projection Projection
                if ( this._projection == null && this._projection_id != 0 )
                    this._projection = Projection.ById( _projection_id );
                return this._projection; 
                _projection = value;
                _projection_id = value.ProjectionId;

        public int Row
            get { return this._row; }

        public int Seat
            get { return this._seat; }

        public float Price
            get { return this._price; }
            set { _price = value; }

        public User Buyer
                if ( this._buyer == null && this._buyer_id != 0 )
                    this._buyer = User.ById( _buyer_id );
                return this._buyer; 
                _buyer = value;
                _buyer_id = value.UserId;

        public static List<Ticket> All()
            List<Ticket> list = (List<Ticket>) 

//          List<Projection> listProj = Projection.All();
//          List<User> listUsers = User.All();
//          for ( int i = 0 ; i < list.Count -1 ; i++ )
//          {
//              //Console.WriteLine(    "buyer id: " + list[i]._buyer_id);
//              User k = listUsers.Find( x => x.UserId == list[i]._buyer_id );
//              list [ i ]._buyer = k;
//              list [ i ]._projection = listProj.Find( x => x.ProjectionId == list[i]._projection_id );
//              //Console.WriteLine("\nbuyer: " + list[i]._buyer);
//              //Console.WriteLine("\nProjection: " + list[i]._projection);
//          }

            return list;

        public static Ticket ById(int id)
            List<Ticket> allTickets = Sve();

            foreach (Ticket k in allTickets)
                if (k.TicketId == id)
                    return k;

            return null;

        public void Save()
            List<Ticket> allTickets = Sve();

            if ( allTickets != null )
                for ( int i = 0; i < allTickets.Count-1; i++ )
                    if ( allTickets[i].TicketId == this._ticketId )
                        allTickets [ i ] = this;
                        Serialization.WriteListToBinaryFile<Ticket>( Serialization.TiFile , allTickets , false );
                        Console.WriteLine( "You have successfully saved ticket!" );
                Serialization.WriteToBinaryFile<Ticket>(Serialization.TiFile, this, true);

            Console.WriteLine("You have successfully saved ticket!");

         /* Save Ticket */
        public static void SaveTicket( Projection projection, User buyer, float price, int row, int seat )
            List<Ticket> allTickets = Ticket.Sve(); 

            Ticket Ticket = new Ticket(projection.ProjectionId, buyer.UserId,price,row,seat);

            allTickets.Add( Ticket );
            Serialization.WriteListToBinaryFile<Ticket>( Serialization.TiFile , allTickets , false );
            Console.WriteLine("Ticket is saved!");

        public override string ToString()
            return String.Format("[ id:{0}, Projection{1}, buyer: {2}, row:{3}, seat:{4}, price:{5} ]",
                                 _ticketId, this.Projection, this.Buyer, _row, _seat, _price );

        public bool Equals(Ticket k2)
            if( this._projection == k2.Projection && 
                this._row == k2.Row && 
                this._seat == k2.Seat &&
                this._price == k2.Price && 
                this._buyer == k2.Buyer
                return true;
            return false;

        private static List<int> InitializeIdList()
            List<Ticket> list = Sve();
            List<int> list_id = new List<int> ( );

            if ( list != null )
                foreach ( Ticket k in list )
                    list_id.Add( k.TicketId );
            return list_id;



    public class Projection
        private int    _projectionId;
        private string _time;
        private int    _movie_id;
        private int    _room_id;

        private Movie   _movie;
        private Room   _room;
        private static List<int> list_id = InitializeIdList();

        public Projection ()
            this._projectionId = Methods.GetId(ref list_id);
            this._room = null;
            this._movie = null;
            this._time = DateTime.Now.ToString("f");
            this._movie_id = 0;
            this._room_id = 0;

        public Projection( Movie movie, Room room, string time )
            this._projectionId = Methods.GetId(ref list_id);
            this._movie = movie;
            this._room = room;
            this._time = time;
            this._movie_id = movie.MovieId;
            this._room_id = room.RoomId;

        public Projection( int movie_id, int room_id, string time )
            this._movie_id = movie_id;
            this._room_id = room_id;
            this._projectionId = Methods.GetId(ref list_id);
            this._movie = Movie.ById(movie_id);
            this._room = Room.ById(room_id);
            this._time = time;

        public int ProjectionId
            get { return this._projectionId; }

        public Movie Movie
                if ( this._movie == null && this._movie_id != 0 )
                    this._movie = Movie.ById( _movie_id );
                return this._movie;
                _movie = value; 
                _movie_id = value.MovieId;


        public Room Room
                if ( this._room == null && this._room_id != 0 )
                    this._room = Room.ById( _room_id );
                return this._room; 
                _room = value; 
                _room_id = value.RoomId;


        public string Time
            get { return this._time; }
            set { _time = value; }

         * Methods
         * */

        public static List<Projection> All()
            List<Projection> list = (List<Projection>) Serialization.ReadAllObjectFromFile<Projection>(Serialization.ProjFile);

//          List<Movie> allMovies = Movie.All();
//          List<Room> allRooms = Room.All();
//          for ( int i = 0 ; i < list.Count -1 ; i++ )
//          {
//              list [ i ]._movie = allMovies.Find( (x ) => list [ i ]._movie_id == x.MovieId );
//              list [ i ]._room = allRooms.Find( (x ) => list [ i ]._room_id == x.RoomId );
//          }

            return list;

        public static Projection ById(int id)
                List<Projection> allProjections = All();

                foreach (Projection p in allProjections)
                    if (p.ProjectionId == id)
                        return p;

            return null;

//        public static void SaveProjection( Movie movie, Room room, DateTime time )
//        {
//            List<Projection> allProjections = All();
//            Projection Projection = new Projection(movie, room, time);
//            Serialization.WriteToBinaryFile<Projection>(Serialization.ProDat, projection, true);
//            Console.WriteLine("Projection is successfully saved!");
//        }

        public void Save()
            List<Projection> allProjections = All();

            if ( allProjections != null )
                foreach ( var item in allProjections )
                    if ( item.ProjectionId == this._projectionId )
                        allProjections.Remove( item );
                        allProjections.Add( this );

                        //allProjections [ i ] = this;
                        Serialization.WriteListToBinaryFile<Projection>( Serialization.ProjFile , allProjections , false );
                        Console.WriteLine( "Projection is successfully saved!" );
                Serialization.WriteToBinaryFile<Projection>(Serialization.ProjFile, this, true);
            Console.WriteLine("Projection is successfully saved!");

        public static void SaveProjection( Projection Projection )
            List<Projection> allProjections = All();

            foreach (Projection p in allProjections)
                if (p == Projection)
                    Console.WriteLine("Projection is already exist!");

            Serialization.WriteToBinaryFile<Projection>(Serialization.ProjFile, Projection, true);
            Console.WriteLine("Projection is successfully saved!");

        public override string ToString()
            return String.Format("[ id:{0}, Movie:{1}, Room:{2}, Time:{3} ]", 
                                 _projectionId, this.Movie, this.Room, _time );

        public bool Equals(Projection p2)
            if( this._time == p2.Time && 
                this._room == p2.Room && 
                this._movie == p2.Movie 
                return true;
            return false;

        private static List<int> InitializeIdList()
            List<Projection> list = All();
            List<int> list_id = new List<int> ( );

            if ( list != null )
                foreach ( Projection p in list )
                    list_id.Add( p.ProjectionId );

            return list_id;



    public class Movie
        private int    _movieId;
        private string _title;
        private Genre  _genre;
        private string _about;
        private float  _rate;
        private static List<int> list_id = InitializeIdList();

         * Constructors
         * */

        public Movie()
            this._movieId = Methods.GetId(ref list_id);
            this._title = "";
            this._about = "";
            this._rate = 0.0F;
            this._genre = Genre.akcija;

        public Movie(string title, Genre z, string about, float rate)
            this._movieId = Methods.GetId(ref list_id);
            this._title = title;
            this._genre = z;
            this._about = about;
            this._rate = rate;

        public int MovieId
            get { return this._movieId; }

        public string Title
            get { return this._title; }
            set { _title = value; }

        public Genre GetGenre()
            return this._genre;

        public void SetGenre( Genre genre)
            this._genre = genre;

        public string About
            get { return this._about; }
            set { _about = value; }

        public float Rate
            get { return this._rate; }
            set { _rate = value; }

        public static List<Movie> All()
            List<Movie> lista = (List<Movie>) Serialization.ReadAllObjectFromFile<Movie>(Serialization.MovFile);

            return lista;

        public static Movie ById(int id)
            if (list_id.Contains(id))
                List<Movie> allMovies = All();

                foreach (Movie f in allMovies)
                    if (f.MovieId == id)
                        return f;

                Console.WriteLine("Movie sa id:{0} ne postoji!", id);
            return null;

        public static List<Movie> ByTitle(string title)
            List<Movie> allMovies = All();
            List<Movie> whoseContainsTitle = new List<Movie>();

            foreach (Movie f in allMovies)
                if (f.Title.ToLower() == title.ToLower())
                else if (f.Title.ToLower().Contains(title.ToLower()))

            return whoseContainsTitle;

        public static List<Movie> ByGenre(Genre genre)
            List<Movie> allMovies = All();
            List<Movie> allMoviesFromGenre = new List<Movie>();

            foreach (Movie f in allMovies)
                if (f.GetGenre() == genre)

            return allMoviesFromGenre;

//        public static void SaveMovie(string title, Genre z, string about, float rate)
//        {
//            List<Movie> allMovies = All();
//            foreach (Movie f in allMovies)
//            {
//                if (f.Title.ToLower() == title)
//                {
//                    Console.WriteLine("That movie already exist!");
//                }
//            }
//            Movie film = new Movie(title, z, about, rate);
//            Serialization.WriteToBinaryFile<Movie>(Serialization.MovFile, film, true);
//            Console.WriteLine("Movie is successfully saved!");
//        }

        public void Save()
            List<Movie> allMovies = All();

            if ( allMovies != null )
                foreach ( var item in allMovies )
                    if ( item.MovieId == this._movieId )
                        allMovies.Remove( item );
                        allMovies.Add( this );
                        Serialization.WriteListToBinaryFile<Movie>( Serialization.MovFile , allMovies , false );
                        Console.WriteLine( "Movie is successfully saved!" );
                Serialization.WriteToBinaryFile<Movie>(Serialization.MovFile, this, true);
            Console.WriteLine("Movie is successfully saved!!");

        public static void SaveMovie( Movie movie )
            List<Movie> allMovies = All();

            foreach (Movie f in allMovies)
                if (f == movie)
                    Console.WriteLine("That movie already exist!");

            Serialization.WriteToBinaryFile<Movie>(Serialization.MovFile, film, true);
            Console.WriteLine("Movie is successfully saved!");

        public override string ToString()
            return String.Format("[ id:{0}, title:{1}, genre:{2}, about:{3}, rate:{4} ]", 
                                 _movieId, _title, _genre.ToString(), _about, _rate);

        public bool Equals(Movie f2)
            if( this._genre == f2.GetGenre() && 
               this._rate == f2.Rate && 
               this._about == f2.About && 
               this._title == f2.Title
                 return true;
            return false;

        private static List<int> InitializeIdList()
            List<Movie> list = All();
            List<int> list_id = new List<int> ( );

            if ( list != null )
                foreach ( Movie f in list )
                    list_id.Add( f.MovieId );

            return list_id;


    public class User
        private int    _userId;
        private string _username;
        private string _password;
        private int    _type;
        private string _nameAndSurname;
        private static List<int> list_id = InitializeIdList();

        public const int ADMIN = 1;
        public const int SPEC = 2;

        public User ()
            this._userId = Methods.GetId(ref list_id);
            this._nameAndSurname = "";
            this._username = "";
            this._password = "";

        public User (string username, string password, int type, string nameAndSurname)
            this._userId =  Methods.GetId(ref list_id);
            this._username = username;
            this._password = password;
            this._type = type;
            this._nameAndSurname = nameAndSurname;

        public int UserId {
            get {
                return this._userId;

        public string Username {
            get {
                return this._username;
            set {
                _username = value;

        public string Password {
            get {
                return this._password;
            set {
                _password = value;

        public int Type {
            get {
                return this._type;
            set {
                _type = value;

        public string NameAndSurname {
            get {
                return this._nameAndSurname;
            set {
                _nameAndSurname = value;

        public User Clone()
            return new User ( this._username, this._password, this._type, this._nameAndSurname);

        public static bool proveriDaLiPostoji(string username, string password, out User k)
            List<User> allUsers = All();
            foreach(User user in allUsers)
                if (String.Compare(user.Username.Trim(),username,false) == 0 && String.Compare(user.Password.Trim(),password,false) == 0 )  
                    k = user.Clone ();
                    return true;
            k = null;
            return false;

        public static User LogIn(string username, string password)
            User k = null;

            if (!isExist (username, password,out k)) 
                Console.WriteLine("User with that credentials doesn't exist!");
            Console.WriteLine("You have successfully logged in!");
            return k;

        public override string ToString ()
            return string.Format ("[User: _userId={0}, _username={1}, _password={2}, _type={3}, _nameAndSurname={4}]",
                                  _userId, _username, _password, _type, _nameAndSurname);

        public bool Equals(User k2)
            if( this._type == k2.Type && 
                this._password == k2.Password && 
                this._nameAndSurname == k2.NameAndSurname && 
                this._username == k2.Username 
                return true;
            return false;

        public static List<User> All()
            List<User> list = (List<User>)Serialization.ReadAllObjectFromFile<User>( Serialization.UsrFile );

            return list;

        public static User ById(int id)
            List<User> allUsers = All();

            foreach ( User k in allUsers)
                if ( k.UserId == id )
                    return k;
            return null;


    //      public static void SaveUser(string username, string password, int type, string nameAndSurname)
    //      {
    //          List<User> allUsers = All();
    //          foreach ( User k in allUsers )
    //          {
    //              if ( k.Username.ToLower() == Username )
    //              {
    //                  Console.WriteLine("User with that username already exist!");
    //              }
    //          }
    //          User user = new User (  username, password, type, nameAndSurname );
    //          Serialization.WriteToBinaryFile<User>( Serialization.UsrFile , user , true );
    //          Console.WriteLine("User successfully saved!");
    //      }

        public void Save()
            List<User> allUsers = All();

            if ( allUsers != null )
                foreach ( var item in allUsers )
                    if (item.UserId == this._userId )
                        allUsers.Remove( item );
                        allUsers.Add( this );
                        Serialization.WriteListToBinaryFile<User>( Serialization.UsrFile , allUsers , false );
                        Console.WriteLine( "User is successfully saved!" );
                Serialization.WriteToBinaryFile<User>(Serialization.UsrFile, this, true);
            Console.WriteLine("User is successfully saved!");

        public static void SaveUser( User user )
            List<User> allUsers = All();

            foreach ( User k in allUsers )
                if ( k == user )
                    Console.WriteLine("That user is already exist!");

            Serialization.WriteToBinaryFile<User>( Serialization.UsrFile , user , true );
            Console.WriteLine("User is successfully saved!");


        private static List<int> InitializeIdList()
            List<User> list = All();
            List<int> list_id = new List<int> ( );

            if ( lista != null )
                foreach ( User k in list )
                    list_id.Add( k.UserId );

            return list_id;





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