我的团队需要一个Automator服务,允许我们从OS X Finder中复制文件路径,以便它们始终以" afp:// server-name /"开头。而不是" / Volumes / server-name /"但是也用"%20"。
on run {input, parameters}
set output to {}
repeat with f in input
set end of output to replace(POSIX path of f, "/Volumes/Brand Design", "afp://nycp-afp01/Brand%20Design")
end repeat
set text item delimiters to linefeed
set the clipboard to (output as text)
end run
on replace(input, search, replace)
set text item delimiters to search
set ti to text items of input
set text item delimiters to replace
ti as text
end replace
答案 0 :(得分:0)
my replace(ti as text, " ","%20")