用用户定义的输入解析大的.txt - Python

时间:2017-06-23 13:43:51

标签: python python-3.x parsing



import pprint  # Fancy pretty print for python
import re  # regular expressions
count = 0
d = {}  # d is an empty dictionary
file = open(r"C:\Users\cqt7wny\Desktop\test.txt", "r")  # Open file for reading, it returns the contents of file as array (its a generator)
for line in file:  # Read line by line
  if '==' in line or "**" in line or not line.strip() or 'countriesshipped by day' in line:  # If line is long string of =, its a record separator, skip it
  if 'STARTED' in line:  # This line contains start time
      program_name, _ = line.split("STARTED")  # The pattern is <program name><space>STARTED<WHATEVER>
      start_time = line.split(' ')[-1].strip()  # Slplit line wit a space and take last component
      d[count] = ({'start_time': start_time})  # Initialize the nth record, starts with 0 as 'count' is set to 0
  if 'COMPLETED' in line:  # End time
      end_time = line.split(' ')[-1].strip()
      d[count].update({'end_time': end_time})  # Get end time
      count += 1
  # For every other line with = in it,  split with = to make it key/value
      x, y = re.split(r'\=|\:', line)
      x, y = ("", "")
      print (line)
  x = x.strip()  # Remove leading and trailing spaces on key
  y = y.strip()  # Remove leading and trailing spaces on value
  d[count].update({x: y})  # Put the key value pair into d[count]
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)


{   0: {   'ADDR FOUND': '3169',
          'ADDR NOT FND': '0',
          'CALLS': '82',
          'ELIG   SYS': '3762',
          'INELIG SYS': '7',
          'Program Name': 'program1',
          'REC READ': '265',
          'REC WRITTEN': '265',
          'SHPR FOUND': '69',
          'SHPR NOT FND': '3',
          'end_time': '2017-06-07-',
          'start_time': '2017-06-07-'},
   1: {   'ADDR FOUND': '31369',
          'ADDR NOT FND': '10',
          'CALLS': '32',
          'ELIG   SYS': '762',
          'INELIG SYS': '471',
          'Program Name': 'program1',
          'REC READ': '165',
          'REC WRITTEN': '235',
          'SHPR FOUND': '649',
          'SHPR NOT FND': '23',
          'end_time': '2017-06-07-',
          'start_time': '2017-06-07-'},
   2: {   'ADDR FOUND': '3169',
          'ADDR NOT FND': '0',
          'CALLS': '82',
          'ELIG   SYS': '3762',
          'INELIG SYS': '7',
          'Program Name': 'program1',
          'REC READ': '265',
          'REC WRITTEN': '265',
          'SHPR FOUND': '69',
          'SHPR NOT FND': '3',
          'end_time': '2017-06-07-',
          'start_time': '2017-06-07-'},
   3: {   'ADDR FOUND': '31369',
          'ADDR NOT FND': '10',
          'CALLS': '32',
          'ELIG   SYS': '762',
          'INELIG SYS': '471',
          'Program Name': 'program1',
          'REC READ': '165',
          'REC WRITTEN': '235',
          'SHPR FOUND': '649',
          'SHPR NOT FND': '23',
          'end_time': '2017-06-07-',
          'start_time': '2017-06-07-'},

我想要完成的事情: 我的目标是制作一个解析器程序,无论格式如何,都可以扫描任何.txt文件,并检索特定的用户定义信息。



我希望运行程序的用户为1.输入文件名,2。输入程序名称(用作开始搜索)3。输入分隔符(对于文件中的键值对)4。键用户需要的值(程序将通过行查看键是否与行匹配,然后取右边的值)。 因此,该程序涉及的步骤很少。

  1. GET 一个。文件名 湾程序名称 C。分隔符 d。来自用户的密钥列表
  2. 打开文件&amp;阅读 3.浏览每一行寻找键值对
  3. 用分隔符
  4. 拆分它
  5. 打印键和值
  6. 我目前的代码:

    file_name = input("File name : ")
    program_name = input("Program name : ")
    delimiter = input("Delimiter : ")
    fields = input("Fields : ")
    field_list = fields.split(",")
    d = []  # d is an empty array
    file = open(file_name, "r")  # Open file for reading, it returns the contents of file as array (its a generator)
    for line in file:  # Read line by line
       if any(field in line for field in field_list):
           key, value = line.split(delimiter)
           d.append({key: value}) # Put the key value pair into d[count]

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