import sys
import os
import subprocess
from xml.dom import minidom
user_input = raw_input("Enter the path of your file: ")
#f = open(user_input,'r+')
apktool = "/usr/share/apktool/apktool.jar"
os.system(apktool + " d " + user_input)
base = os.path.basename(user_input)
a = os.path.splitext(base)[0]
#b = os.path.dirname(user_input)
d = os.path.abspath(os.path.splitext(base)[0])
#print d
#print a
for root,dirs,files in os.walk(os.path.abspath(os.path.splitext(base)[0])):
for filename in files:
if filename.startswith('AndroidManifest'):
pth = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(root,filename))
#print pth
dom1 = minidom.parse(pth)
activity = dom1.getElementsByTagName("intent-filter")
for b in activity:
activity= b.parentNode.getAttribute("android:name")
export= b.parentNode.getAttribute("android:exported")
if (export=='false'):
print activity , "Exported but not exploitable"
print activity , "Not Protected"
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\archie\Androidtestsuite\apktool\", line 22, in <module>
dom1 = minidom.parse(pth)
NameError: name 'pth' is not defined
使用python 2.7。这段代码在Ubuntu中运行正常,但它在windows中出错。是xml解析器问题还是我遗漏了什么。