我使用sql server设置了这些原始数据。
Company | Address | Business | Telephone Number | Contact Person
A&B | Perak | Khmer Restaurants | 012541 | Mr. Yu Lee
A&B | Perak | F&B | 012541 | Mr. Yu Lee
King Co.| Ipoh | Paper Distributors | 021453 | Mrs. Cheng
King Co.| Ipoh | Paper Distributors | Null | Mrs. Cheng
DinoX | Sunway | Guesthouses | 0124587 | Mr. Hong
Dinox | Sunway | Guesthouses | 0124587 | Mr. Q
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tCat') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #tcat
DECLARE @portal varchar(100) = 'A4E7890F-A188-4663-89EB-176D94DF6774'
,dCat.[name] as Category
,catg.[name] as Sub_Category
,comm.[value] as Telephone_Number
,pp.title + ' ' + pp.first_name + ' ' + pp.last_name as Contact_Person
FROM panpages.listings as list
LEFT JOIN panpages.listing_categories as lc on lc.listing_uuid=list.uuid AND lc.portal_uuid=@portal
LEFT JOIN panpages.categories as catg on catg.uuid=lc.category_uuid AND catg.portal_uuid=@portal
left join panpages.listing_people as lp on lp.listing_uuid = list.uuid
left join panpages.people as pp on pp.id = lp.person_id
left join panpages.person_communications as comm on comm.person_id = lp.person_id
LEFT JOIN ( SELECT DISTINCT uuid,[name] FROM panpages.categories WHERE parent_uuid IS NULL ) as dCat on dCat.uuid=catg.parent_uuid
WHERE list.portal_uuid=@portal and list.is_active=1
)as tCat
list.[name] as [Company]
,list.[address] as [Address]
,replace(cats.Sub_Category,'&','&') as [Nature of Business]
,replace(cats.Telephone_Number,'&','&') as [Telephone Number]
,replace(cats.Contact_Person,'&','&') as [Contact Person]
from [panpages].[listings] as list
left join (
SELECT DISTINCT tc1.listing_uuid,tc1.[name],
Sub_Category = STUFF(( SELECT ',' + tc2.Sub_Category
FROM #tCat as tc2
WHERE tc1.listing_uuid = tc2.listing_uuid
ORDER BY tc2.Sub_Category
FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 1, ''),
Telephone_Number = STUFF(( SELECT ',' + tc2.Telephone_Number
FROM #tCat as tc2
WHERE tc1.listing_uuid = tc2.listing_uuid
ORDER BY tc2.Telephone_Number
FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 1, ''),
Contact_Person = STUFF(( SELECT ',' + tc2.Contact_Person
FROM #tCat as tc2
WHERE tc1.listing_uuid = tc2.listing_uuid
ORDER BY tc2.Contact_Person
FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 1, '')
FROM #tCat as tc1 where tc1.listing_uuid is not null
) cats on cats.listing_uuid=list.uuid
list.[portal_uuid]=@portal and
Company | Address | Business | Telephone Number | Contact Person
A&B | Perak | Khmer Restaurants,F&B | 012541,012541 | Mr. Yu Lee,Mr. Yu Lee
King Co.| Ipoh | Paper Distributors, Paper Distributors | 021453,Null | Mrs. Cheng,Mrs. Cheng
DinoX | Sunway | Guesthouses,Guesthouses | 0124587,0124587 | Mr. Hong,Mr. Q
Company |Address| Business | Telephone Number | Contact Person
A&B | Perak | Khmer Restaurants, F&B| 012541 | Mr. Yu Lee
King Co.| Ipoh | Paper Distributors | 021453, Null | Mrs. Cheng
DinoX | Sunway| Guesthouses | 0124587 | Mr. Hong, Mr Q