我想将自己的列附加到IIS W3C请求日志这可能吗?
答案 0 :(得分:0)
进行追加答案 1 :(得分:0)
W3C.zip related files 您可以导入W3C格式,清除标题,然后添加自己的标题。 例如:
Step 1:
get the log u_ex181121.log [get rid of the first 3 header rows leaving the 4th but taking out just this '#Fields: ']
so your header should look like this:
date time s-ip cs-method cs-uri-stem cs-uri-query s-port cs-username c-ip cs(User-Agent) sc-status sc-substatus sc-win32-status time-taken
Step 2:
Remove any more headers that may appear in the log file throughout the life of the log file.
Step 3:
Import Parse the file (For example manually with EXCEL or some other ETL process delimiting by space
See W3C.zip for related files:
u_ex181121.log = the log file generated by IIS
u_ex181121.log.xls = the imported version of u_ex181121.log
_ULog_StatusLU.xls = the Status Code Lookup
2018.11.21_Query_Results.xls = the results from the W3C_LOG.sql query
W3C_LOG.sql = the query
--Query Logs
, tRet.[date-time]
, tRet.[date-time-mst]
, tRet.[s-ip]
, tRet.[cs-method]
, tRet.[cs-uri-stem]
, tRet.[cs-uri-query]
, tRet.[s-port]
, tRet.[cs-username]
, tRet.[c-ip]
, tRet.[cs(User-Agent)]
, tRet.[sc-status]
, tRet.[sc-substatus]
, tRet.[sc-win32-status]
, tRet.[time-taken]
, tRet.[time-taken-seconds]
, tRet.[time-taken-minutes]
, tRet.[sc-status-Description]
, tRet.[sc-status-Notes]
Cast(l.[date] As Date) [date]
, Cast(Replace(Cast(l.[date] As varchar(20)), ' 00:00:00.', '') + Cast(Replace(Replace(Cast(l.[time] as varchar(20)), '1899-12-31', ''), '.', '') as varchar(20)) As DateTime) As [date-time]
, DateAdd('n', (-60*7), (Cast(Replace(Cast(l.[date] As varchar(20)), ' 00:00:00.', '') + Cast(Replace(Replace(Cast(l.[time] as varchar(20)), '1899-12-31', ''), '.', '') as varchar(20)) As DateTime))) As [date-time-mst]
, l.[s-ip]
, l.[cs-method]
, l.[cs-uri-stem]
, l.[cs-uri-query]
, l.[s-port]
, l.[cs-username]
, l.[c-ip]
, l.[cs(User-Agent)]
, l.[sc-status]
, l.[sc-substatus]
, l.[sc-win32-status]
, l.[time-taken]
, ROUND((l.[time-taken] * .001), 2) As [time-taken-seconds]
, ROUND((l.[time-taken] * 1.66667e-5), 4) As [time-taken-minutes]
, lu.[sc-status-Description]
, lu.[sc-status-Notes]
[u_ex181121.log].[u_ex181121] l
Left Outer Join [_ULog_StatusLU].[StatusLU] lu on l.[sc-status] = lu.[sc-status]
) tRet
Order By
tRet.[date-time-mst] DESC[enter link description here][1]