Maya API Python对称表与MRichSelection?

时间:2017-06-22 14:51:18

标签: python maya

我想知道是否有办法访问MRichSelection的对称表,结果是正面,接缝和负面,正面和负面按顶点id对应排序。即:顶点id 15是与vert id 350相关的对称性。它们都在正和负列表中的索引5处。 我知道我可以使用filterXpand实现类似的东西,但我相信这些列表没有以我可以访问相反顶点的方式排序。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


因此,我们假设您想要在YZ平面上获得左右之间的相应顶点。你有2个不同的选择。使用MRichSelection处理对称表。或者通过获取对面的最小距离向量来自己计算顶点。注意:如果使用MRichSelection方法,则需要确保在视口中放置对称模式。 我将展示两个答案,让我们开始吧:



#importing the OpenMaya Module
from maya.api import OpenMaya as om
#converting selected object into MObject and MFnMesh functionset
#getting our basePoints
baseShape = mfnMesh.getPoints()
#this function can be used to revert the object back to the baseShape
#getting l and r verts
mtol=0.02# this will be our mid tolerance, if the mesh is not completely symmetric on the mid
lVerts=[]#for storing left Verts
rVerts=[]#for storing right Verts
mVerts=[]#for storing mid Verts
corrVerts={} #for storing correspondign verts
for i in range(mfnMesh.numVertices): #iteratign through all the verts on the mesh
    thisPoint = mfnMesh.getPoint(i) #getting current point position
    if thisPoint.x>0+mtol: # if pointValue on x axis is bigger than 0+midTolerance
        lVerts.append((i, thisPoint))#append to left vert storage list(i = vert index, thisPoint = vert Mpoint position)
    elif thisPoint.x<0-mtol: #opposite of left vert calculation
        rVerts.append((i, thisPoint))
    else: #if none of the above, assign to mid verts
        mVerts.append((i, thisPoint))
rVertspoints=[i for v,i in rVerts] #getting the vert mPoint positions of the right side
for vert, mp in lVerts: #going through our left points, unpacking our vert index and mPoint position()
    nmp=om.MPoint(-mp.x, mp.y, mp.z) #storing the reversed mpoint of the left side vert
    rp = mfnMesh.getClosestPoint(nmp)#getting the closest point on the mesh
    if rp[0] in rVertspoints: #cheking if the point is in the right side
        corrVerts[vert] = rVerts[rVertspoints.index(rp[0])][0] #adding it if it is true
    else:#if it is not, calculate closest vert
        #iterating through rVertspoints and find smallest distance
        dList=[nmp.distanceTo(rVert) for rVert in rVertspoints]#distance list for each vert based on input point
        mindist = min(dList)#getting the closest distance
        corrVerts[vert] = rVerts[dList.index(mindist)][0]#adding the vert
#now the corrVerts will have stored the corresponding vertices from left to right


#MAKE SURE SYMMETRY IN THE VIEWPORT IS TURNED ON TO WORK! (will also work with topological symmetry)
#importing the OpenMaya Module
from maya.api import OpenMaya as om
#converting selected object into MObject and MFnMesh functionset
#getting our basePoints
baseShape = mfnMesh.getPoints()
#this function can be used to revert the object back to the baseShape
#getting l and r verts
mtol=0.02# this will be our mid tolerance, if the mesh is not completely symmetric on the mid
lVerts=[]#for storing left Verts
corrVerts={} #for storing correspondign verts
for i in range(mfnMesh.numVertices): #iteratign through all the verts on the mesh
    thisPoint = mfnMesh.getPoint(i) #getting current point position
    if thisPoint.x>0+mtol: # if pointValue on x axis is bigger than 0+midTolerance
        lVerts.append((i, thisPoint))#append to left vert storage list(i = vert index, thisPoint = vert Mpoint position)
#selecting our verts with symmetry on
SymSelection =["%s.vtx[%s]"%(mObj,i)  for i,v in lVerts], sym=True)
#getting the rich selection. it will store the symmetry iformation for us
mRichBase = om.MGlobal.getRichSelection()
lCor = mRichBase.getSelection()#this will store our lSide verts as an MSelectionList
rCor = mRichBase.getSymmetry()#this will symmetry verts as an MSelectionList
mitL = om.MItSelectionList(lCor)#creating iterative lists so we can get the components
mitR = om.MItSelectionList(rCor)
while not mitL.isDone():#iterating through the left list
    mitLComp = mitL.getComponent()#getting dag path and components of leftside
    mitRComp = mitR.getComponent()#getting dag path and components of rightside
    mitLCorVert = om.MItMeshVertex(mitLComp[0], mitLComp[1]) #creating our iterative vertex lists
    mitRCorVert = om.MItMeshVertex(mitRComp[0], mitRComp[1])
    while not mitLCorVert.isDone():#iterating through our verts
        corrVerts[mitLCorVert.index()] = mitRCorVert.index()#adding corresponding verts to our dictionary to next vert. needed to stop loop to next vert. needed to stop loop to next selection in list if more. needed to stop loop to next selection in list if more. needed to stop loop our verts
#now the corrVerts will have stored the corresponding vertices from left to right

希望它能帮助你们所有人,寻找一些解决方案。 干杯 Bjarke Rauff,Rigging TD。