Android :: Service OnDestroy的调用很晚

时间:2010-12-17 11:59:15

标签: android

我有线程服务,来自活动我正在调用启动服务(来自Activity :: onDestroy())并停止服务(activity :: onCreate())。

StopService()立即返回,但我的Service :: OnDestroy在很长一段时间后调用,很晚,​​为什么?如何在调用StopService()时立即调用Service :: OnDestroy。


  System.out.println("MyActivity-OnDestroy Start");
  // we are leaving activity so start service
  Intent svcIntent = new Intent(this,MyService.class);
  svcIntent.putExtra("SomeData", m_iData);
  System.out.println("MyActivity-OnDestroy, startservice called");
  System.out.println("MyActivity-OnDestroy, End");
  System.out.println("MyActivity-onCreate Start");
  // if service running stop it.
  if (m_bCalledFromNotification)
   System.out.println("Stopping Service");
   boolean b = stopService(new Intent(this,AudioService.class));
   System.out.println("Stopping Service, Status="+b);
  System.out.println("MyActivity-onCreate End");      


public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) 
    return null;

// When service is created
public void onCreate() 
    // initialize service data
    System.out.println("MyService Created");    

public void onDestroy() 
    System.out.println("In MyService::onDestroy");
    System.out.println("In MyService::onDestroy, updater thread interrupted");
    System.out.println("My Service Stopped");

// This is the old onStart method that will be called on the pre-2.0
// platform.  On 2.0 or later we override onStartCommand() so this
// method will not be called.
public void onStart(Intent intent, int startId) 

public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) 
    // We want this service to continue running until it is explicitly
    // stopped, so return sticky.
    return START_STICKY;

public void StartupHandler(Intent intent, int startid) 
    // send notification 
    System.out.println("In MyService::StartupHandler, Sending notification");

    // start thread 
    m_UIUpdater = new Thread(new Runnable() 
        public void run() 
            System.out.println("In MyService::Thread::Run");
            while (!Thread.interrupted())
                // check update
                System.out.println("In MyService::Thread::Run::got update and loop for next update");

现在这里是logcat的输出,它显示了MyService :: OnDestroy的调用时间。

12-17 09:25:44.462: INFO/System.out(314): MyActivity-OnDestroy Start
12-17 09:25:44.493: INFO/System.out(314): MyActivity-OnDestroy, startservice called
12-17 09:25:51.102: INFO/System.out(314): MyActivity-OnDestroy, End 
12-17 09:25:51.153: INFO/System.out(314): MyService Created
12-17 09:25:51.172: INFO/System.out(314): In MyService::StartupHandler, Sending notification
12-17 09:25:51.273: INFO/System.out(314): In MyService::Thread::Run
12-17 09:25:51.302: INFO/System.out(314): In MyService::Thread::Run::got update and loop for next update
12-17 09:25:59.903: INFO/System.out(314): MyActivity-onCreate Start
12-17 09:26:00.461: INFO/System.out(314): Stopping Service
12-17 09:26:00.471: INFO/System.out(314): Stopping Service, Status=true
12-17 09:26:01.363: INFO/System.out(314): MyActivity-onCreate End
12-17 09:26:01.421: INFO/System.out(314): In MyService::OnDestroy
12-17 09:26:01.421: INFO/System.out(314): In MyService::OnDestroy, updater interrupted
12-17 09:26:01.591: INFO/System.out(314): My Service Stopped




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