我想将经过身份验证的JS(下面)的REST请求转换为C#代码 - 使用RestSharp lib(如图所示)我似乎没有正确构建签名。请帮忙..
休息响应通过"无效的API密钥" (确认密钥/密钥正确无误)保持响应
// sample code using the crypto lib to build the RESTFUL request
const crypto = require('crypto')
const request = require('request')
const apiKey = 'test'
const apiSecret = 'test'
const url = 'version/auth/abc'
const nonce = Date.now().toString()
const body = {}
const rBody = JSON.stringify(body)
// try build the RESTFUL signature here using crypto lib and use sha384
// Not quite sure what's the update does here though.
let signature = `/api/${url}${nonce}${rBody}`
signature = crypto
.createHmac('sha384', apiSecret)
// all code above is fine. And this is the sample code only, and trying to do something same in C# and have tried the following. I believe is the way create the "signature" issue.
// sample code using the crypto lib to build the RESTFUL request
const crypto = require('crypto')
const request = require('request')
const apiKey = 'test'
const apiSecret = 'test'
const url = 'version/auth/abc'
const nonce = Date.now().toString()
const body = {}
const rBody = JSON.stringify(body)
// try build the RESTFUL signature here using crypto lib and use sha384
// Not quite sure what's the update does here though.
let signature = `/api/${url}${nonce}${rBody}`
signature = crypto
.createHmac('sha384', apiSecret)
// all code above is fine. And this is the sample code only, and trying to do something same in C# and have tried the following. I believe is the way create the "signature" issue.