我正在尝试使用stanford NER标记器在一个小测试中获取命名实体。这是代码:
Sub VBA_to_append_existing_text_file()
'Declaring the strFile_Path variable as String Data Type to store the text file path.
Dim strFile_Path As String
'Assigning the Existing File path to the variable strFile_Path.
strFile_Path = "C:\your_path_here\test.txt"
'Opening the text file for Append with FileNumber as 1.
Open strFile_Path For Append As #1
'Writing to the sample text to the File using FileNumber and Write Command.
YourValue = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Value
Write #1, YourValue
'Closing the File using FileNumber.
Close #1
End Sub
from nltk.tag import StanfordNERTagger
st = StanfordNERTagger('english.all.3class.distsim.crf.ser')
print st.tag('Ram offers computer science course'.split())
[(u'Ram', u'O'), (u'offers', u'O'), (u'computer', u'O'), (u'science', u'O'), (u'course', u'O')]