Failed to use Julia (0.6) and Atom (1.18.0 x64)

时间:2017-06-20 12:38:12

标签: installation julia atom-editor

I uninstalled Julia 0.5 and 0.52 including folders and the Atom editor. Then I reinstalled Julia 0.6 and in a next step, Atom 1.18.0 x64. Within Atom, the following packages were installed afterwards:

  • uber-juno 0.1.2
  • julia-client 0.6.0
  • ink 0.7.4
  • language-julia 0.11.0

From within the Atom editor console I've got after typing Pkg.update() no response,

Then from within julia window: Pkg.update() I've got the following message:

julia> Pkg.update()
INFO: Initializing package repository C:\Users\Carsten\.julia\v0.6

INFO: Cloning METADATA from

ERROR: GitError(Code:ERROR, Class:OS, failed to send request: Die Serververbindung konnte nicht hergestellt werden.

 [1] macro expansion at .\libgit2\error.jl:99 [inlined]

 [2] clone(::String, ::String, ::Base.LibGit2.CloneOptions) at .\libgit2\repository.jl:276

 [3] #clone#100(::String, ::Bool, ::Ptr{Void}, ::Nullable{Base.LibGit2.AbstractCredentials}, ::Function, ::String, ::String) at .\libgit2\libgit2.jl:562

 [4] (::Base.LibGit2.#kw##clone)(::Array{Any,1}, ::Base.LibGit2.#clone, ::String, ::String) at .\<missing>:0

 [5] (::Base.Pkg.Dir.##8#10{String,String})() at .\pkg\dir.jl:55

 [6] cd(::Base.Pkg.Dir.##8#10{String,String}, ::String) at .\file.jl:59

 [7] init(::String, ::String) at .\pkg\dir.jl:53

 [8] #cd#1(::Array{Any,1}, ::Function, ::Function, ::String, ::Vararg{Any,N} where N) at .\pkg\dir.jl:28

 [9] update() at .\pkg\pkg.jl:228

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