所以我安装了这个名为aqura的主题和另外一个,他们都给了我一个错误500,我一直在寻找如何克服这个问题,直到我发现问题是在一个名为metabox的插件中,一旦安装了网站下载给出错误500 ...但没有它,整个主题也不起作用...... 我设法安装2个插件导致与metabox相关的问题,但是我收到了这个错误:---致命错误:在/ home / haddadmokhtar / public_html / wp-content / plugins / aqura-met abox中找不到类'RWMB_Field'第14行的-group / meta-box-group / class-rwmb-gro up-field.php 这是整个文件的代码:
/ ** *组字段类。 * @package Meta Box * @subpackage Meta Box Group * / 类RWMB_Group_Field扩展RWMB_Field { / ** *队列存储组字段的元数据。用于获取子字段元。 * @var数组 * / protected static $ meta_queue = array();
* Add hooks for sub-fields.
public static function add_actions()
// Group field is the 1st param
$args = func_get_args();
foreach ( $args[0]['fields'] as $field )
RWMB_Field::call( $field, 'add_actions' );
* Enqueue scripts and styles.
public static function admin_enqueue_scripts()
// Group field is the 1st param
$args = func_get_args();
$fields = $args[0]['fields'];
// Load clone script conditionally
foreach ( $fields as $field )
if ( $field['clone'] )
wp_enqueue_script( 'rwmb-clone', RWMB_JS_URL . 'clone.js', array( 'jquery-ui-sortable' ), RWMB_VER, true );
// Enqueue sub-fields scripts and styles.
foreach ( $fields as $field )
RWMB_Field::call( $field, 'admin_enqueue_scripts' );
// Use helper function to get correct URL to current folder, which can be used in themes/plugins.
list( , $url ) = RWMB_Loader::get_path( dirname( __FILE__ ) );
wp_enqueue_style( 'rwmb-group', $url . 'group.css', '', '1.1.2' );
wp_enqueue_script( 'rwmb-group', $url . 'group.js', array( 'jquery' ), '1.1.2', true );
* Get group field HTML.
* @param mixed $meta
* @param array $field
* @return string
public static function html( $meta, $field )
// Add filter to child field meta value, make sure it's added only once
if ( empty( self::$meta_queue ) )
add_filter( 'rwmb_field_meta', array( __CLASS__, 'child_field_meta' ), 10, 3 );
// Add group value to the queue
array_unshift( self::$meta_queue, $meta );
// Add clone index to make sure each child field has an unique ID.
$clone_index = '';
if ( $field['clone'] && preg_match( '|_\d+$|', $field['id'], $match ) )
$clone_index = $match[0];
foreach ( $field['fields'] as $child_field )
$child_field['field_name'] = self::child_field_name( $field['field_name'], $child_field['field_name'] );
$child_field['attributes']['id'] = ( isset( $child_field['attributes']['id'] ) ? $child_field['attributes']['id'] : $child_field['id'] ) . $clone_index;
self::call( 'show', $child_field, RWMB_Group::$saved );
// Remove group value from the queue
array_shift( self::$meta_queue );
// Remove filter to child field meta value and reset class's parent field's meta
if ( empty( self::$meta_queue ) )
remove_filter( 'rwmb_field_meta', array( __CLASS__, 'child_field_meta' ) );
return ob_get_clean();
* Change the way we get meta value for child fields
* @param mixed $meta Meta value
* @param array $child_field Child field
* @param bool $saved Has the meta box been saved?
* @return mixed
public static function child_field_meta( $meta, $child_field, $saved )
$group_meta = reset( self::$meta_queue );
$child_id = $child_field['id'];
if ( isset( $group_meta[$child_id] ) )
$meta = $group_meta[$child_id];
if ( ! $saved && isset( $child_field['std'] ) )
$meta = $child_field['std'];
* Make sure meta value is an array for clonable and multiple fields
* @see RWMB_Field::meta()
if ( $child_field['clone'] || $child_field['multiple'] )
if ( empty( $meta ) || ! is_array( $meta ) )
* Note: if field is clonable, $meta must be an array with values
* so that the foreach loop in self::show() runs properly
* @see RWMB_Field::show()
$meta = $child_field['clone'] ? array( '' ) : array();
return $meta;
* Get meta value, make sure value is an array (of arrays if field is cloneable)
* Don't escape value
* @param int $post_id
* @param bool $saved
* @param array $field
* @return mixed
public static function meta( $post_id, $saved, $field )
$meta = get_post_meta( $post_id, $field['id'], true ); // Always save as single value
// Use $field['std'] only when the meta box hasn't been saved (i.e. the first time we run)
$meta = ! $saved && '' === $meta ? $field['std'] : $meta;
// Make sure returned value is an array
if ( empty( $meta ) )
$meta = array();
// If cloneable, make sure each sub-value is an array
if ( $field['clone'] )
// Make sure there's at least 1 sub-value
if ( empty( $meta ) )
$meta[0] = array();
foreach ( $meta as $k => $v )
$meta[$k] = (array) $v;
return $meta;
* Change child field name to form parent[child]
* @param string $parent Parent field's name
* @param string $child Child field's name
* @return string
public static function child_field_name( $parent, $child )
$pos = strpos( $child, '[' );
$pos = false === $pos ? strlen( $child ) : $pos;
$name = $parent . '[' . substr( $child, 0, $pos ) . ']' . substr( $child, $pos );
return $name;
* Set value of meta before saving into database
* @param mixed $new
* @param mixed $old
* @param int $post_id
* @param array $field
* @return int
public static function value( $new, $old, $post_id, $field )
$sanitized = array();
foreach ( $new as $key => $value )
if ( is_array( $value ) && ! empty( $value ) )
$value = self::value( $value, '', '', '' );
if ( '' !== $value && array() !== $value )
if ( is_int( $key ) )
$sanitized[] = $value;
$sanitized[$key] = $value;
return $sanitized;
* Normalize group fields.
* @param array $field
* @return array
public static function normalize( $field )
$field = parent::normalize( $field );
$field['fields'] = RW_Meta_Box::normalize_fields( $field['fields'] );
return $field;