如何为数据库/应用程序错误设置Oracle Apex自动电子邮件

时间:2017-06-19 19:15:59

标签: oracle oracle-apex

有没有办法让Oracle Apex针对应用程序错误发生的任何错误发送电子邮件?


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

我无法想象每当用户收到任何错误时我都想收到电子邮件的情况 - 但如果这是您真正喜欢的,那么您可以使用自定义错误处理功能执行此操作。

  1. 创建一个这样的函数(注意:它必须具有这些参数):
  2. (示例基于: http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E59726_01/doc.50/e39149/apex_error.htm#AEAPI2217

    create or replace function apex_error_handling_example (
        p_error in apex_error.t_error )
        return apex_error.t_error_result
        l_result          apex_error.t_error_result;
        l_reference_id    number;
        l_constraint_name varchar2(255);
        l_result := apex_error.init_error_result (
                        p_error => p_error );
            p_to       => 'some_user@somewhere.com',   -- change to your email address
            p_from     => 'some_sender@somewhere.com', -- change to a real senders email address
            p_body     => 'Apex Error '
              ||' message: ' || p_error.message
              ||' additional_info: ' || p_error.additional_info
              ||' page_item_name: ' || p_error.page_item_name
              ||' region_id: ' || p_error.region_id
              ||' column_alias: ' || p_error.column_alias
              ||' row_num: ' || p_error.row_num
              ||' apex_error_code: ' || p_error.apex_error_code
              ||' ora_sqlcode: ' || p_error.ora_sqlcode
              ||' ora_sqlerrm: ' || p_error.ora_sqlerrm
              ||' error_backtrace: ' || p_error.error_backtrace
              ||' error_statement: ' || p_error.error_statement
              ||' component.type: ' || p_error.component.type
              ||' component.id: ' || p_error.component.id
              ||' component.name: ' || p_error.component.name,
            p_subj     => 'Apex Error Report');
        -- If it's an internal error raised by APEX, like an invalid statement or
        -- code which cannot be executed, the error text might contain security sensitive
        -- information. To avoid this security problem rewrite the error to
        -- a generic error message and log the original error message for further
        -- investigation by the help desk.
       if p_error.is_internal_error then
            -- mask all errors that are not common runtime errors (Access Denied
            -- errors raised by application / page authorization and all errors
            -- regarding session and session state)
            if not p_error.is_common_runtime_error then
                -- log error for example with an autonomous transaction and return
                -- l_reference_id as reference#
                -- l_reference_id := log_error (
                --                       p_error => p_error );
                -- Change the message to the generic error message which doesn't expose
                -- any sensitive information.
                l_result.message      := 'An unexpected internal application error has occurred. '||
                                            'Please get in contact with XXX and provide '||
                                            'reference# '||to_char(l_reference_id, '999G999G999G990')||
                                            ' for further investigation.';
                l_result.additional_info := null;
            end if;
            -- Always show the error as inline error
            -- Note: If you have created manual tabular forms (using the package
            --       apex_item/htmldb_item in the SQL statement) you should still
            --       use "On error page" on that pages to avoid loosing entered data
            l_result.display_location := case
                                           when l_result.display_location = apex_error.c_on_error_page then apex_error.c_inline_in_notification
                                           else l_result.display_location
            -- If it's a constraint violation like
            --   -) ORA-00001: unique constraint violated
            --   -) ORA-02091: transaction rolled back (-> can hide a deferred constraint)
            --   -) ORA-02290: check constraint violated
            --   -) ORA-02291: integrity constraint violated - parent key not found
            --   -) ORA-02292: integrity constraint violated - child record found
            -- try to get a friendly error message from our constraint lookup configuration.
            -- If the constraint in our lookup table is not found, fallback to
            -- the original ORA error message.
            if p_error.ora_sqlcode in (-1, -2091, -2290, -2291, -2292) then
                l_constraint_name := apex_error.extract_constraint_name (
                                         p_error => p_error );
                    select message
                      into l_result.message
                      from constraint_lookup
                     where constraint_name = l_constraint_name;
                exception when no_data_found then null; -- not every constraint has to be in our lookup table
            end if;
            -- If an ORA error has been raised, for example a raise_application_error(-20xxx, '...')
            -- in a table trigger or in a PL/SQL package called by a process and the 
            -- error has not been found in the lookup table, then display
            -- the actual error text and not the full error stack with all the ORA error numbers.
            if p_error.ora_sqlcode is not null and l_result.message = p_error.message then
                l_result.message := apex_error.get_first_ora_error_text (
                                        p_error => p_error );
            end if;
            -- If no associated page item/tabular form column has been set, use
            -- apex_error.auto_set_associated_item to automatically guess the affected
            -- error field by examine the ORA error for constraint names or column names.
            if l_result.page_item_name is null and l_result.column_alias is null then
                apex_error.auto_set_associated_item (
                    p_error        => p_error,
                    p_error_result => l_result );
            end if;
        end if;
        return l_result;
    end apex_error_handling_example;
    1. 在Apex中,将“应用程序定义”属性错误处理函数设置为函数的名称,例如apex_error_handling_example
    2. 附注:将此函数放在包中而不是使用模式级函数是一种很好的做法。