Downloading file with pysftp

时间:2017-06-19 13:57:29

标签: python sftp pysftp

I'm trying to load (and directly save locally) a .csv file stored on a FTP Server (SFTP protocol). I'm using Python in combination with pysftp library. When I check if the file exists, it returns TRUE. But when trying to load the file, it seems to be empty, whatever I try.

How can I get (and store) the file to my local environment? Do I miss something obvious?

import pysftp

cnopts = pysftp.CnOpts()
cnopts.hostkeys = None

# Make connection to sFTP
with pysftp.Connection(hostname,
                       cnopts = cnopts
                       ) as sftp:
    sftp.isfile('directory/file.csv')) ## TRUE
    file = sftp.get('directory/file.csv')
    print(file) ## None


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sftp.get('directory/file.csv', '/local/path/file.csv')


flo = BytesIO()
sftp.getfo(remotepath, flo)

或者,直接使用Paramiko库(不使用pysftp包装器) 请参阅Read a file from server with SSH using Python