
时间:2017-06-19 03:21:02

标签: autohotkey

我理解在某些方面用C ++编写某些东西会更好,但我真的希望能够在AHK中做到这一点:

我希望能够从屏幕的100x300区域检索像素数据,但是PixelGetColor太慢了。这是一个测试,证明每个像素需要大约0.02秒,从整个1920 x 1080屏幕获取像素数据大约需要11.5小时。

在测试中,仅需要 4-5秒来获取屏幕的15 x 15区域的像素数据。

width := 15 ; 1920
height := 15 ; 1080
searchResolution := 1 ; 3
columns := width / searchResolution
rows := height / searchResolution
resultRows := {}
columnCounter := 0
rowCounter := 0
resultCounter := 0

start := getTimestamp()
loop, %columns%
    resultRows[columnCounter] := {}
    loop, %rows%
        PixelGetColor, pixelColor, columnCounter, rowCounter
        resultRows[columnCounter][rowCounter] := pixelColor
        rowCounter += searchResolution
        resultCounter += 1
    columnCounter += searchResolution
    rowCounter := 0
end := getTimestamp()

MsgBox % "Finished! It took " . (end - start) / 1000 . 
" seconds to record pixel data from a " . 
width . " x " . height . " area of the screen (" . resultCounter . " pixels)."

    DllCall("QueryPerformanceCounter", "Int64*", timestamp)
    DllCall("QueryPerformanceFrequency", "Int64*", frequency)
    return Round(timestamp * 1000 / frequency)




2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


SetBatchLines, -1
CoordMode, Pixel, screen

FileDelete, Log.txt

searchSpace := 400
jumpSize := 1 ; how many units to skip each interval
total := Round(((searchSpace * searchSpace) / jumpSize), 0)
startTimer := getTimestamp()
getPixelMapSlow(searchSpace, jumpSize)
endTimer := getTimestamp()
duration := endTimer - startTimer
rate := total / duration
FileAppend, % "[getPixelMapSlow] Retrieved " . total . " pixels from bitmap, duration: " . duration . "ms at at a rate of " . rate . " pixels/ms.`n", Log.txt

searchSpace := 400
jumpSize := 1 ; how many units to skip each interval
total := Round(((searchSpace * searchSpace) / jumpSize), 0)
startTimer := getTimestamp()
getPixelMapFast(searchSpace, jumpSize)
endTimer := getTimestamp()
duration := endTimer - startTimer
rate := total / duration
FileAppend, % "[getPixelMapFast] Retrieved " . total . " pixels from bitmap, duration: " . duration . "ms at at a rate of " . rate . " pixels/ms.`n", Log.txt

getPixelMapFast(searchSpace, jumpSize){
    width := 1920
    height := 1080
    centerX := width / 2
    centerY := height / 2
    searchSpacehalf := searchSpace / 2
    searchCounterX := 0
    searchCounterY := 0
    pixelMap := {}
    pBitmap := Gdip_BitmapFromScreen((centerX - searchSpacehalf) . "|" . (centerY - searchSpacehalf) . "|" . searchSpace . "|" . searchSpace)
    E1 := Gdip_LockBits(pBitmap, 0, 0, Gdip_GetImageWidth(pBitmap), Gdip_GetImageHeight(pBitmap), Stride, Scan0, BitmapData)
    Loop, %searchSpace%
        tick := A_Index * jumpSize
        if (tick < searchSpace) {
            New_Index_X := tick
            Loop, %searchSpace%
                tick := A_Index * jumpSize
                if (tick < searchSpace) {
                    New_Index_Y := tick
                    color1ARGB := Gdip_GetLockBitPixel(Scan0, New_Index_X, New_Index_Y, Stride)
                    SetFormat, Integer, H
                    color1RGB := 0x00ffffff & color1ARGB
                    SetFormat, Integer, D
                    if (!pixelMap[New_Index_X]){
                        pixelMap[New_Index_X] := {}
                    pixelMap[New_Index_X][New_Index_Y] := color1RGB
    Gdip_UnlockBits(pBitmap, BitmapData)
    return pixelMap

getPixelMapSlow(searchSpace, jumpSize){
    width := 1920
    height := 1080
    centerX := width / 2
    centerY := height / 2
    searchSpacehalf := searchSpace / 2
    searchCounterX := 0
    searchCounterY := 0
    pixelMap := {}
    pBitmap := Gdip_BitmapFromScreen((centerX - searchSpacehalf) . "|" . (centerY - searchSpacehalf) . "|" . searchSpace . "|" . searchSpace)
    Loop, %searchSpace%
        tick := A_Index * jumpSize
        if (tick < searchSpace) {
            New_Index_X := tick
            Loop, %searchSpace%
                tick := A_Index * jumpSize
                if (tick < searchSpace) {
                    New_Index_Y := tick
                    color1ARGB := Gdip_GetPixel(pBitmap, New_Index_X, New_Index_Y)
                    if (!pixelMap[New_Index_X]){
                        pixelMap[New_Index_X] := {}
                    color1RGB := ARGBtoRGB(color1ARGB)
                    pixelMap[New_Index_X][New_Index_Y] := color1RGB
    return pixelMap

    VarSetCapacity( RGB,6,0 )
    DllCall( "msvcrt.dll\sprintf", Str,RGB, Str,"%06X", UInt,ARGB<<8 )
    Return "0x" RGB

    DllCall("QueryPerformanceCounter", "Int64*", timestamp)
    DllCall("QueryPerformanceFrequency", "Int64*", frequency)
    return Round(timestamp * 1000 / frequency)

当然,在您的代码中包含AHK Gdip库(在Github上找到)的相关功能。


[getPixelMapSlow] Retrieved 160000 pixels from bitmap, duration: 33161ms at at a rate of 4.824945 pixels/ms.
[getPixelMapFast] Retrieved 160000 pixels from bitmap, duration: 321ms at at a rate of 498.442368 pixels/ms.

答案 1 :(得分:0)

要将命令之间的延迟降至最低,您还应使用SetBatchLines, -1。仅此一项就可以为您带来显着的性能提升 我想你已经弄明白了。其余的 但万一其他人偶然发现了这个问题。以下是使用GDI +的方法:

SetBatchLines, -1

#Include Gdip.ahk

pToken := Gdip_Startup()

; Screen area ("X|Y|Width|Height")
pBitmap := Gdip_BitmapFromScreen("500|600|300|100")

; Read RGB color from pixel x290 y65
ARGB := Gdip_GetPixel( pBitmap, 290, 65 )
pixelColor := ARGBtoRGB( ARGB )
MsgBox, % pixelColor

; Read RGB color from pixel x167 y90
ARGB := Gdip_GetPixel( pBitmap, 167, 90 )
pixelColor := ARGBtoRGB( ARGB )
MsgBox, % pixelColor


    VarSetCapacity( RGB,6,0 )
    DllCall( "msvcrt.dll\sprintf", Str,RGB, Str,"%06X", UInt,ARGB<<8 )
    Return "0x" RGB

代码主要是我已发布的in another answer right here