
时间:2017-06-17 11:04:19

标签: token access-token ebay ebay-api

使用eBay令牌认证已经挣扎了几天。 我发现很难理解如何获取新令牌,在注册开发者计划帐户之后,我请求了密钥集并获得了它们,之后我授权访问Auth' Auth令牌,该令牌承诺持续18个月,是的,令牌仅适用于交易,购物和寻找API。


稍后,令牌过期,你就失去了对上述api的访问权限。我尝试从Trading>获取令牌获取会话ID,交易>获取令牌,但在向Fetch令牌提供会话ID后,它说:"最终用户尚未完成Auth& Auth签到流程。"虽然有一个有效的18个月令牌,但它会一直返回此错误。


4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:27)

详细介绍了“新销售”API的OAuth流程,而不是auth'n'auth或旧版Trading API。它也适用于沙箱,虽然生产程序是相同的。

你的困惑并非毫无根据。我自己对这个API流程的体验以及official dev forums的很大一部分的体验一直很紧张。以下详细介绍了生成无关的过程,了解您是要连接到单个,专用帐户还是多个用户帐户。

official guide,它解释了整个过程,所以我在这里重新创建整个指南犹豫不决。我可以提供一个摘要(我建议您在尝试通过应用程序之前使用Postman进行以下操作):

  1. here收集您的客户ID和客户端密码(不公开分享
  2. 点击“通过您的应用程序从eBay获取令牌”并填写表单,从here生成RuName(重定向网址名称)。此表单用于构建登录页面的外观,用户将被重定向以允许您的应用程序访问其帐户。然后,RuName将直接显示在列标题“RuName(eBay重定向网址名称)”
  3. 下方
  4. 收集所需的范围列表。每个API端点都需要具有相应范围权限的OAuth令牌。例如,Create or Replace Inventory Item端点需要https://api.ebay.com/oauth/api_scope/sell.inventory范围。找出您需要的端点,然后转到每个端点的API文档,找到范围部分。
  5. 现在,get请求如下所示:


    还建议您添加state查询字符串,为了便于使用,我省略了该字符串,但您应该研究what they are以及为什么建议将其用于OAuth。

  6. 浏览器中的此网址会将您重定向到用户的登录页面,以允许您的应用程序访问其帐户,但仅限于URL中的范围。从PHP curl请求中转出,您将获得重定向URL本身。 重要提示:即使您的应用只有一个用户,也需要最终用户签名。例如,您有一个客户的电子商务网站,您想将他们的产品发送到他们的单一eBay帐户。你仍然需要每18个月至少做一次这个过程(尽快找出原因)。
  7. 用户登录并确认后,浏览器将显示“您现在可以关闭此窗口”页面。下一步所需的授权代码位于此页面的URL中,作为code查询字符串。如果您正在为多个用户开发应用程序并计划让他们在此页面上登录,那么您需要配置您的应用程序以获取确认响应,该响应将是上述URL,并从中提取代码。此代码非常短暂。如果您通过浏览器手动检索它,则需要快速完成后续步骤。
  8. 您现在需要对https://api.sandbox.ebay.com/identity/v1/oauth2/token执行POST请求。请参阅以下结构:

    HTTP method:   POST
    URL (Sandbox): https://api.sandbox.ebay.com/identity/v1/oauth2/token
    HTTP headers:
    Content-Type = application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    Authorization = Basic <B64-encoded-oauth-credentials> (A base64-encoded value made from your client ID and client secret, separated by colon. For example, in PHP you could generate it with: `base64_encode ("fakeclientid123:fakeclientsecret123")`)
    Request body (wrapped for readability):
    grant_type=authorization_code& (literally the string "authorization_code")
    code=<authorization-code-value>& (code retreived in previous step)
    redirect_uri=<RuName-value> (same RuName as earlier)


        "access_token": "v^1.1#i^1#p^3#r^1...XzMjRV4xMjg0",
        "token_type": "User token",
        "expires_in": 7200,
        "refresh_token": "v^1.1#i^1#p^3#r^1...zYjRV4xMjg0",
        "refresh_token_expires_in": 47304000

    我们追求的是oauth令牌,持续时间 2小时。第二个令牌是刷新令牌,持续约18个月。保持此令牌安全,不要共享它,也不要在您的应用程序中对其进行硬编码。从此时起,您的应用应使用此令牌执行刷新调用,以便在需要时获取新的oauth。一旦18个月启动,或者用户再次执行“允许访问”过程,您将需要执行上述所有操作以生成新的刷新令牌。假设API没有改变那一点。


  9. 刷新oauth:

      HTTP method:   POST
      URL (Sandbox): https://api.sandbox.ebay.com/identity/v1/oauth2/token
      HTTP headers:
        Content-Type = application/x-www-form-urlencoded
        Authorization = Basic <B64-encoded-oauth-credentials>
       Request body (wrapped for readability):
  10. 我希望这有帮助!

答案 1 :(得分:4)

对于那些与之斗争的人 - 请确保使用编码的代码/令牌。


答案 2 :(得分:1)

对于任何挣扎的人,请注意第4步中的URL与eBay上给出的URL不同。 eBay上的URL以https://auth.sandbox.ebay.com/oauth2/authorize开头,但步骤4中的URL以https://signin.sandbox.ebay.com/authorize开头

答案 3 :(得分:0)


类是用PHP 5.6(道歉-旧的内部订单管理系统)编写的,但可以轻松升级到PHP 7 / Laravel等。




  `TokenID` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `TokenValue` text,
  `TokenCreated` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
  `TokenLifetime` int(11) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
  `RefreshTokenValue` text,
  `RefreshTokenCreated` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
  `RefreshTokenLifetime` int(11) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
  `TokenType` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`TokenID`),
  UNIQUE KEY `TokenID` (`TokenID`)



class EbayToken {

  //Set variables.
  public $success = false; //Default.
  public $messages = []; //All messages.
  public $db_token = null; //The actuasl token.

  private $string; //String to update the token.

  private $access_token_expired = true; //Dfault to expired.
  private $refresh_token_expired = true;
  private $refresh_token_almost_expired = true; //Flag to display a warning message.

  private $client_id = 'your_client_id';
  private $secret = 'your_secret'; //API key. https://developer.ebay.com/my/keys
  private $ru_name_value = 'your_ru';
  private $scope = 'https://api.ebay.com/oauth/api_scope/sell.fulfillment';
  private $base64_encoded_credentials = null; //Initialise this in a mo.

  function __construct($string = null) {
    //Save the string.
    $this->string = $string;

    //Ininitalise the credentials.
    $this->base64_encoded_credentials = base64_encode($this->client_id . ':' . $this->secret);

    //Get any existing token from db.

    //Check if it's expired - or almost expired. If there is no token this will not do anything.

    //Has the current token expired??
    if(($this->access_token_expired == true) && ($this->refresh_token_expired == true)) {
      //Uh oh. Gonna have to get a new token - or display instructions on how to. Has the user entered the URL string to parse?
      if((isset($this->string)) && ($this->string != '')) {
      } else {
    } else if($this->access_token_expired == true) {
      //Just the access token. Get a fresh one. If the refresh token has almost expired, display the instuctions.
      if($this->refresh_token_almost_expired == true) {
      $this->refresh_token(); //Just the access token expired - go and refresh it using the refresh token.
    } else {
      //All fine. If the refresh token has almost expired, display the instructions.
      if($this->refresh_token_almost_expired == true) {


  //Get the current token information from the DB. Should only be 1.
  private function get_token_from_db() {
    //Get token(s). Should only be 1. But loop anyhow.
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM EbayTokens";
    $res = @mysql_query($sql);
    $count = 0;
    if($res) {
      $count = mysql_num_rows($res);
      while ($rec = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
         $this->db_token = $rec;
      $this->messages[] = '<span style="color:limegreen;"><strong>Access token loaded from database...</strong></span>';
    } else {
      $this->messages[] = '<span style="color:red;"><strong>No token found in database!</strong></span>';

    return null;

  //Has the access token expired?
  private function check_db_token() {
    //Do we even have a token from the db?
    if($this->db_token != null) {

      //Access token expired?
      $now = new DateTime();
      $now_plus_30_days = new DateTime();
      $now_plus_30_days->add(DateInterval::createFromDateString('30 days'));

      $date_created = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $this->db_token['TokenCreated']);
      $date_expires = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $this->db_token['TokenCreated']); //Make a new object.
      $date_expires->add(DateInterval::createFromDateString($this->db_token['TokenLifetime'] . ' seconds'));

      //Refresh token expired?
      $refresh_date_created = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $this->db_token['RefreshTokenCreated']);
      $refresh_date_expires = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $this->db_token['RefreshTokenCreated']); //Make a new object.
      $refresh_date_expires->add(DateInterval::createFromDateString($this->db_token['RefreshTokenLifetime'] . ' seconds'));

      //Check access token.
      $this->messages[] = 'Access token created on: ' . $date_created->format('d/m/Y H:i:s') . ', expires: ' . $date_expires->format('d/m/Y H:i:s');
      if($date_expires < $now) {
        $this->messages[] = ' <span style="color:red;"><strong>Access token expired!</strong></span>';
      } else {
        $this->messages[] = ' <span style="color:limegreen;"><strong>Access token valid!</strong></span>';
        $this->access_token_expired = false;

      //Check refresh token.
      $this->messages[] = 'Refresh token created on: ' . $refresh_date_created->format('d/m/Y H:i:s') . ', expires: ' . $refresh_date_expires->format('d/m/Y H:i:s');
      if($refresh_date_expires < $now) {
        $this->messages[] = '<span style="color:red;"><strong>Refresh token expired!</strong></span>';
      } else if($refresh_date_expires < $now_plus_30_days) {
        $this->messages[] = ' <span style="color:darkorange;"><strong>Refresh token valid! But expires within 30 days. INFORM ADMIN TO GENERATE A NEW REFRESH TOKEN.</strong></span>';
        $this->refresh_token_expired = false;
      } else {
        $this->messages[] = '<span style="color:limegreen;"><strong>Refresh token valid!</strong></span>';
        $this->refresh_token_almost_expired = false;
        $this->refresh_token_expired = false;

      //Was it all ok?
      if(($this->refresh_token_expired == false) && ($this->access_token_expired == false)) {
        $this->messages[] = '<span style="color:limegreen;"><strong>All tokens valid!</strong></span>';
        $this->success = true;


    return null;

  //Go and get a new token using the refresh token. Save it to the db.
  private function refresh_token() {
    $this->messages[] = 'OAUTH token expired - refreshing token...';
    // $this->messages[] = 'Using refresh token: ' . $this->db_token['RefreshTokenValue'];

    //Connect to Ebay API and refresh the existing oauth token.
    $url_get_token = 'https://api.ebay.com/identity/v1/oauth2/token';
    $port = 443;

    $headers = array(
      'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
      'Authorization: Basic ' . $this->base64_encoded_credentials

    $payload = array(
        'grant_type' => 'refresh_token',
        'refresh_token' => $this->db_token['RefreshTokenValue'],
        'scope=' . urlencode($this->scope),
    $payload_string = http_build_query($payload);

    //Setting the curl parameters.
    $ch = curl_init();
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PORT, $port);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url_get_token);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
    // curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSLVERSION, 1);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 300);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $payload_string);

    $data = curl_exec($ch);

    //Convert the JSON result into array
    $array_data = json_decode($data, true);

    //Did we get an access token?
    $access_token = null;
    if((is_array($array_data)) && (isset($array_data['access_token']))) {

      //Save the tokens to the database. Set variables.
      $access_token = mysql_real_escape_string($array_data['access_token']);
      $expires_in = mysql_real_escape_string($array_data['expires_in']);
      $token_type = mysql_real_escape_string($array_data['token_type']);

      //Update. This will only be run if there is already a token in the DB. So no need to truncate.
      $now = new DateTime();
      $now_mysql = $now->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
      $existing_token_id = $this->db_token['TokenID'];

      $sql = sprintf("UPDATE EbayTokens SET TokenValue = '%s', TokenCreated = '%s', TokenLifetime = %s, TokenType = '%s' WHERE TokenID = %d", $access_token, $now_mysql, $expires_in, $token_type, $existing_token_id);

      // $this->messages[] = 'SQL: ' . $sql;
      if (@executeSQL($sql)) {
        $this->messages[] = '<span style="color:limegreen;"><strong>Success! Token refreshed and saved to database.</strong></span>';

      //Update the token in this object from the freshly saved data.
      $this->check_db_token(); //Re-check - this will mark the success flag in this object.

    } else {
      $this->messages[] = '<span style="color:red;"><strong>Failed to get OAUTH token! Aborting</strong></span>.';
      $this->messages[] =  'Reply was:' . '<br><pre>' . print_r($array_data) . '</pre>';

    return null;

  //Get new tokens using the string supplied.
  private function get_new_tokens($string) {

    //Parse the URL string supplied and get the 'code'.
    $auth_code = null;
    $parameters = parse_url($string);
    $query_array = explode('&', $parameters['query']);
    //Loop through and get code. Just in case the 'code' moves to another position.
    foreach ($query_array as $parameter) {
      $parameter_array = explode('=', $parameter);
      if($parameter_array[0] == 'code') {
        $auth_code = $parameter_array[1];
        break; //Got what we want.


    $this->messages[] = "Getting eBay Oauth token using URL string...";
    $this->messages[] = 'Using auth code: ' . $auth_code;

    //Connect to Ebay API and get an oath using authorisation code.
    $url_get_token = 'https://api.ebay.com/identity/v1/oauth2/token';
    $port = 443;

    $headers = array(
      'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
      'Authorization: Basic ' . $this->base64_encoded_credentials

    $payload = array(
        'grant_type' => 'authorization_code',
        'code' => urldecode($auth_code), //Get from step one.
        'redirect_uri' => $this->ru_name_value, //Same as used in part one.
    $payload_string = http_build_query($payload);

    //Setting the curl parameters.
    $ch = curl_init();
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PORT, $port);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url_get_token);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
    // curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSLVERSION, 1);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 300);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $payload_string);

    $data = curl_exec($ch);

    //Convert the JSON result into array
    $array_data = json_decode($data, true);

    //Did we get an access token?
    $access_token = null;
    if((is_array($array_data)) && (isset($array_data['access_token']))) {

      //Save the tokens to the database. Set variables.
      $access_token = mysql_real_escape_string($array_data['access_token']);
      $expires_in = mysql_real_escape_string($array_data['expires_in']);
      $refresh_token = mysql_real_escape_string($array_data['refresh_token']);
      $refresh_token_expires_in = mysql_real_escape_string($array_data['refresh_token_expires_in']);
      $token_type = mysql_real_escape_string($array_data['token_type']);

      //Truncate and then insert. There may or may not be an existing token in the db.
      $now = new DateTime();
      $now_mysql = $now->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');

      $sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO EbayTokens SET TokenValue = '%s', TokenCreated = '%s', TokenLifetime = %d, RefreshTokenValue = '%s', RefreshTokenCreated = '%s', RefreshTokenLifetime = %d, TokenType = '%s' ", $access_token, $now_mysql, $expires_in, $refresh_token, $now_mysql, $refresh_token_expires_in, $token_type);

      if (@executeSQL($sql)) {
        $this->messages[] = '<span style="color:limegreen;"><strong>Success! New token aquired and saved to database.</strong></span>';
      } else {
        $this->messages[] = '<span style="color:red;"><strong>Error saving new token to database!</strong></span>';

      //Update the token in the object from the freshly saved data.
      $this->check_db_token(); //Re-check - this will mark the success flag.

    } else {
      $this->messages[] = '<span style="color:red;"><strong>Failed to get OAUTH token! Aborting</strong></span>.';
      $this->messages[] =  'Reply was:' . '<br><pre>' . print_r($array_data) . '</pre>';

    return null;

  //Instructions to get a new refresh token.
  private function get_new_tokens_instructions() {
    $this->messages[] = '<span style="color:red;">Tokens expired! Admin action required</span>';

    $this->messages[] = "In order to get a fresh oauth token (and more importantly a refresh token), click on the URL below (it will open in a new window) and login as.";

    //Connect to Ebay API and get consent. The authorization code grant flow. https://developer.ebay.com/api-docs/static/oauth-authorization-code-grant.html
    $url_get_consent = 'https://auth.ebay.com/oauth2/authorize';

    $payload = array(
      'client_id=' . $this->client_id,
      'redirect_uri=' . $this->ru_name_value,
      'scope=' . urlencode($this->scope),
    $payload_string = implode('&', $payload);

    $url_get_consent_full = $url_get_consent . '?' . $payload_string;
    $this->messages[] = 'URL: <a href="' . $url_get_consent_full . '" target="_blank">' . $url_get_consent_full . '</a><br>';

    $this->messages[] = "Once you have completed the login and see the window saying you can close the page, <strong>copy the URL</strong>. It will contain a 'code' parameter.";
    $this->messages[] = "Insert the coppied URL in the form below and click submit. The new code will be used and a new oauth and refresh token will be obtained and stored in the database.";

    $this->messages[] = '
      URL string: 
      <input type="text" name="string" size="50">
      <input type="submit" value="Submit">

    return null;

  //Instructions to get a new refresh token - refresh token has ALMOST expired.
  private function need_new_tokens_almost_instructions() {
    $this->messages[] = '<span style="color:darkorange;">Tokens ALMOST expired! Admin action required</span>';

    $this->messages[] = "In order to get a fresh oauth token (and more importantly a refresh token), click on the URL below (it will open in a new window) and login.";

    //Connect to Ebay API and get consent. The authorization code grant flow. https://developer.ebay.com/api-docs/static/oauth-authorization-code-grant.html
    $url_get_consent = 'https://auth.ebay.com/oauth2/authorize';

    $payload = array(
      'client_id=' . $this->client_id,
      'redirect_uri=' . $this->ru_name_value,
      'scope=' . urlencode($this->scope),
    $payload_string = implode('&', $payload);

    $url_get_consent_full = $url_get_consent . '?' . $payload_string;
    $this->messages[] = 'URL: <a href="' . $url_get_consent_full . '" target="_blank">' . $url_get_consent_full . '</a><br>';

    $this->messages[] = "Once you have completed the login and see the window saying you can close the page, <strong>copy the URL</strong>. It will contain a 'code' parameter.";
    $this->messages[] = "Insert the coppied URL in the form below and click submit. The new code will be used and a new oauth and refresh token will be obtained and stored in the database.";

    $this->messages[] = '
      URL string: 
      <input type="text" name="string" size="50">
      <input type="submit" value="Submit">

    return null;

  //Delete any tokens from the database. Use cautiously.
  private function truncate_db() {

    $sql = "TRUNCATE TABLE EbayTokens";
    if (@executeSQL($sql)) {
      $this->messages[] = '<span style="color:limegreen;"><strong>Existing tokens deleted from database.</strong></span>';

    return null;





$thispage = new Page();

//Is there a string in the $_GET array? If so, feed it into the constructor.
$string = null;
if((isset($_GET['string'])) && ($_GET['string'] != '')) {
    $string = $_GET['string'];
$token = new EbayToken($string);

echo "<h3>Current eBay Tokens</h3>";

$messages = $token->messages;
if(count($messages) > 0) {
    echo '<ul>';
        foreach ($messages as $message) {
            echo '<ul>' . $message . '</ul>';
    echo '</ul>';

//Is the token valid?
if($token->success == true) {

//Get ebay orders.
function get_orders($token_data) {
    echo "<h3>Getting Ebay Orders</h3>";

    //Start the main request now we have the token. https://developer.ebay.com/api-docs/sell/static/orders/discovering-unfulfilled-orders.html
    $url_get_orders = 'https://api.ebay.com/sell/fulfillment/v1/order';
    $port = 443;
    $headers = array(
        'Authorization: Bearer ' . $token_data['TokenValue'],

    $payload = array(
        'filter=orderfulfillmentstatus:' . urlencode('{NOT_STARTED|IN_PROGRESS}'),

    $payload_string = implode('&', $payload);
    $url_get_orders_full = $url_get_orders . '?' . $payload_string;

    //Setting the curl parameters.
    $ch = curl_init();
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url_get_orders_full); //For 'get', add query string to end of URL.
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 300);

    $data = curl_exec($ch);

    //Convert the JSON result into array
    $array_data = json_decode($data, true);


    return null;
