选择我只想在options.my code ===>
<div class="form-group">
<select class="form-control select2" ng-options="(o.fullName+' ('+o.email+')') for o in SubTeamUserList track by o.id" name="SelectedUserList" ng-model="SelectedUserList" multiple data-placeholder="Search By User" style="width: 100%;">
<option value="" disabled>Select A User</option>
angularJS - add a Static option with ng-options
Add two extra options to a select list with ngOptions on it
Angular ng-options - Is there a way to add an option when the model contains a value not present in the options list?
<div class="form-group">
<select class="form-control select2" ng-options="" name="SelectedUserList" ng-model="SelectedUserList" multiple data-placeholder="Search By User" style="width: 100%;">
<option value="" disabled>Select A User</option>
<option ng-repeat="(o.fullName+' ('+o.email+')') for o in SubTeamUserList track by o.id">{{(o.fullName+' ('+o.email+')')}}</option>