ID | concept | modifier 1 | abc:10 | @ 2 | abc:22 | @ 2 | abc:22 | t:f 2 | abc:78 | @ 2 | abc:78 | t:x 3 | kfg:12 | @ 4 | aqx:23 | @ 5 | abc:49 | @ 5 | abc:49 | t:f 5 | abc:49 | t:g
ID | concept | mod_f | mod_other 1 | abc:10 | null | null 2 | abc:22 | t:f | null 2 | abc:78 | null | t:x 5 | abc:49 | t:f | t:g
ID | concept | mod_f | mod_other 1 | abc:10 | null | null 2 | abc:22 | t:f | null 2 | abc:22 | null | null 2 | abc:78 | null | t:x 2 | abc:78 | null | null 5 | abc:49 | t:f | null 5 | abc:49 | t:f | t:g 5 | abc:49 | null | t:g 5 | abc:49 | null | null
SELECT t.ID, t.concept, t.modifier, case when t.concept LIKE 'abc:%' and t.modifier = '@' then t.concept end AS "concept", case when t2.modifier = 't:f' then t2.modifier end AS "mod_f", case when t3.modifier LIKE 't:%' then t3.modifier end AS "mod_other" FROM table as t LEFT JOIN table as t2 ON t.ID = t2.ID and t.concept = t2.concept LEFT JOIN table as t3 ON t2.ID = t3.ID and t2.concept = t3.concept WHERE t.concept LIKE 'abc:%' and t.modifier = '@' and (t2.modifier LIKE 't:f' or t2.modifier ='@')and (t3.modifier = 't:g' or t3.modifier = 't:x' or t3.modifier ='@')
ORDER by t.ID asc;
" case"查询中的一部分看起来是一种肮脏的解决方案,我找到了某个地方并使用了因为它有效(使" @"进入" null"),所以如果你有任何建议为了使查询更加干净,请随时回复。
答案 0 :(得分:0)
GROUP by就是答案。我认为这不适用于文本,但您实际上可以使用 max 聚合text-case select语句,如下所示:
SELECT t.ID, t.concept, t.modifier, max(case when t.concept LIKE 'abc:%' and t.modifier = '@' then t.concept end) AS "concept", max(case when t2.modifier = 't:f' then t2.modifier end) AS "mod_f", max(case when t3.modifier LIKE 't:%' then t3.modifier end) AS "mod_other" FROM table as t LEFT JOIN table as t2 ON t.ID = t2.ID and t.concept = t2.concept LEFT JOIN table as t3 ON t2.ID = t3.ID and t2.concept = t3.concept WHERE t.concept LIKE 'abc:%' and t.modifier = '@' and (t2.modifier LIKE 't:f' or t2.modifier ='@')and (t3.modifier = 't:g' or t3.modifier = 't:x' or t3.modifier ='@') GROUP by t.ID, t.concept, t.modifier ORDER by t.ID asc;
这让我完全找到了我正在寻找的桌子。但这只能起作用,因为 mod_other 每个概念只能包含1个代码。