
时间:2017-06-14 18:27:18

标签: python pandas geopandas


d0 = districts[0]
gpd.sjoin(d0, districts, op='intersects')


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

您可以使用library(shiny) library(lubridate) ui = fluidPage(sidebarPanel(width = 2, fileInput('files', '', accept = c('text/csv','text/comma-separated-values','text/tab-separated-values','text/plain','.csv','.tsv')), checkboxInput('header', 'Header', TRUE), radioButtons('sep', 'Separator', c(Comma=',',Semicolon=';',Tab='\t'), selected=';'), radioButtons('quote', 'Quote', c(None='','Double Quote'='"','Single Quote'="'"), selected='"'), uiOutput('apply')), mainPanel(width = 10, uiOutput('years'),tags$br(),tags$br(), textOutput('showyrs'),tags$br(),tags$br(), textOutput('yrz'),tags$br(),tags$br(), dataTableOutput("tabel4") ) ) ###################################################################### server = function(input, output, session) { ### if a csv is selected (through fileInput()), it is read vis0 <- reactive({ req(input$files) vis <- read.csv(input$files$datapath, header = input$header, sep = input$sep, quote = input$quote, stringsAsFactors =FALSE) vis$Dte <- as.Date(as.character(vis$Dte), "%d/%m/%Y") vis$year <- factor(year(vis$Dte)) vis }) ### button appearing only after output$apply <- renderUI({ if (is.null(input$files)) return() actionButton("Load", "APPLY DATA") }) ### get checkbox values from data and throw them back to UI output$years <- renderUI({ req(vis0) df <- vis0() df$year <- as.character(df$year) if (is.null(df)) return(NULL) items= sort(unique(df$year)) names(items)=items checkboxGroupInput("years","Check or uncheck years to be included or excluded", choices=items, selected = items, inline = TRUE) }) ### show input$years output$showyrs <- renderText({ req(input$files) if (is.null(input$years)) { "Nothing..." } else if (input$years==0) { "Nothing..." } else {input$years} }) ### use selected checkbox values to reduce initial dataset vis1 <- reactive({ req(input$years) if (is.null(input$Load)) return() if (input$Load==0) return() data <- vis0() data <- subset(data, as.character(year) %in% input$years) data }) ### using the checkbox-reduced data to create a table output$tabel4 <- renderDataTable({ vis1() }) } shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server, options = list(launch.browser=TRUE)) 在sjoin


  """SELECT id1, id2, count(*) AS count_similarity FROM temp_table_1 AS t1
   | JOIN temp_table_2 AS t2 ON (t1.food = t2.food)
   | GROUP BY id1, id2
   | ORDER BY id1, id2""".stripMargin


 gdf = gpd.sjoin(d0, districts, op='intersects')
