如果表不存在,则使用CSV标头创建表 否则只需将数据导入指定的表。
$this->validate($request, ['file' => 'mimes:txt,xls,tsv,xlsx' ]);
//Get original file name
$filename = $request->file->getClientOriginalName();
//Get original file extention
$fileExtention = $request->file->getClientOriginalExtension();
//get upload user id
$uploadedUserId = Auth::user()->id;
//get file upload timestamp in microseconds
$microseconds = microtime(true);
//remove special characters from file name
$sansSpecial = preg_replace('/[\'\"\,\(\)\s]/', '_',$filename);
//prepend timestamp to modified file name
$prependTimestamp = $microseconds.'-'.$sansSpecial;
//create unique hash code from modified file name
$uniqueFileHash = Hash::make($prependTimestamp);
$uploadDirectory ='/app/public';
$uploadPath = storage_path().$uploadDirectory;
Use the path info helper function to get file info.
$fileInfo= pathinfo($filename);
//Add timestamp to file if file already exist.
$finsert = $fileInfo['filename'].date('(m-d-y h i s)').'.'.$fileExtention;
//Store file into directory.
$insert = $request->file->storeAs('./public/',$finsert);
//New upload object.
$file = new Upload;
//Assign new file name
$file->file_name = $finsert;
//Assign new modiefied file name with prepended timestamp
$file->modified_file_name = $prependTimestamp;
//Assign unique file hash.
$file->unique_file_hash = $uniqueFileHash;
//Assign full file path
$file->file_full_path = $uploadPath;
//Assign uploaded user id
$file->uploaded_user_id = $uploadedUserId;
//Store all informamation into database.