这是我的问题,当键盘焦点在KeyboardEntry上时,应该发生KeysPressed(),当焦点离开时,toggle()应该发生。 KeysPressed有一个while循环,例如:
while Flag:
Flag= not Flag
这个想法是当焦点离开KeyComboEntry时,KeysPressed()停止运行 这不会发生,事实上,不会调用切换 我的
# Program by Fares Al Ghazy started 20/5/2017
# Python script to assign key combinations to bash commands, should run in the background at startup
# this program is meant to release bash code, it is obviously non-system agnostic and only works linux systems that use BASH
# is one file which only creates the GUI, another file is needed to use the info taken by this program
FileName = 'BinderData.txt'
import tkinter as tk
from ComboDetect import ComboDetector
from _thread import start_new_thread
# Create a class to get pressed keys and print them
KeyManager = ComboDetector()
# Class that creates GUI and takes info to save in file
class MainFrame(tk.Tk):
# variable to store pressed keys
KeyCombination = ""
testcounter = 1
Flag = True
#function to toggle Flag
def Toggle(self):
self.Flag = not self.Flag
# function to write to file
def SaveFunction(self, e1, e2, FileName):
file = open(FileName, "a")
combo = e1.get() + '\n'
performed = e2.get() + '\n'
def KeysPressed(self, Entry, KeyCombination):
#Entry.insert(tk.END, "Test")
while self.Flag:
print("test "+str(self.testcounter))
self.testcounter = self.testcounter + 1
KeyCombination = str(KeyManager.getpressedkeys())
Entry.delete(0, tk.END)
Entry.insert(tk.END, KeyCombination)
# constructor
def __init__(self, FileName, **kwargs):
tk.Tk.__init__(self, **kwargs)
# create GUI to take in key combinations and bash codes, then save them in file
root = self # create new window
root.wm_title("Key binder") # set title
# create labels and text boxes
KeyComboLabel = tk.Label(root, text="Key combination = ")
KeyComboEntry = tk.Entry(root)
# Bind function to entry
KeyComboEntry.bind('<FocusIn>', lambda e: start_new_thread(self.KeysPressed, (KeyComboEntry, self.KeyCombination)))
KeyComboEntry.bind('<FocusOut>', lambda f:self.toggle, ())
ActionLabel = tk.Label(root, text="Command to be executed = ")
ActionEntry = tk.Entry(root)
# place widgets in positions
KeyComboLabel.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=tk.E)
ActionLabel.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=tk.E)
KeyComboEntry.grid(row=0, column=1)
ActionEntry.grid(row=1, column=1)
# create save button
SaveButton = tk.Button(root, text="save",
command=lambda: self.SaveFunction(KeyComboEntry, ActionEntry, FileName))
SaveButton.grid(row=2, column=2, sticky=tk.E)
app = MainFrame(FileName)