
时间:2010-12-15 17:15:09

标签: android performance mobile

是否有人对使用PhoneGap或Titanium Mobile等“跨平台移动应用程序框架”有过任何经验?


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在性能方面存在很大的差异......但是有了一些知识......(一天晚上阅读)......你可以打击它们并利用你在HTML / JS / CSS中的知识来快速启动和运行应用程序


PhoneGap /移动网络性能提示

* How Diary.com increased the performance of their PhoneGap app running Sencha: http://www.phonegap.com/2011/06/21/building-the-diary-com-ios-app-using-pg-sencha-touch/
* http://floatlearning.com/2011/03/developing-better-phonegap-apps/
    * http://jslint.com/ - to debug your javascript
    * http://zeptojs.com/ and http://xuijs.com/ - minimal alternative frameworks to jquery and jqtouch

* Disable the accelerometer and location http://blogs.nitobi.com/jesse/2009/10/28/running-jqtouch-in-phonegap/
    * set “EnableAcceleration” to false in PhoneGap.plist
    * set "AutoRotate" to false in PhoneGap.plist

* http://mir.aculo.us/2010/06/04/making-an-ipad-html5-app-making-it-really-fast/
* http://cubiq.org/remove-onclick-delay-on-webkit-for-iphone
    * Demo: http://cubiq.org/dropbox/clickdelay.html 
    * FastClick v TouchStart: http://groups.google.com/group/phonegap/browse_thread/thread/f5f5c78e26513821?pli=1
    * http://forum.jquery.com/topic/ontouch-instead-of-onclick-event

* http://wiki.phonegap.com/w/page/16494809/Performance-tips-for-device/
* http://www.developer.nokia.com/Community/Wiki/JavaScript_Performance_Best_Practices
* http://evolvingwe.com/building-an-iphone-app-part-3-7-dev-tips/
* http://evolvingwe.com/upgrading-to-phonegap1-0/
* VIDEO Performance Tips for Sencha Touch: http://vimeo.com/17882927
    * It covers performance features in Sencha, which are great principles we can reapply. We may even be able to cut code from certain pieces of Sencha to reapply for Skej.
    * It states that we MUST destroy anything that is not visible on the DOM. And that the DOM must be kept as small as possible at all times, with as few listeners as possible. (I.e attach one listener to the parent item of a list, rather than to each list item.)
    * It also has practical CSS3 tips for me to apply... Basically, dont use many of the new transitions and shadows/round corners because the currently use CPU, and not yet GPU. 

* Event Delegation in Sencha Touch: How to design lists with a single listener, and not one on every line. http://www.sencha.com/blog/event-delegation-in-sencha-touch/
* Optimizing DOM Memory Usage in Sencha Touch: Sliding from a List to a Details panel and killing the list, and then sliding from Details to a List and killing the details panel. Minimizing elements on your screen, your DOM. http://www.sencha.com/blog/sencha-touch-optimizing-memory-usage/

* Use CSS Animations instead of jQuery

    * http://nyroo.com/l/B7UN5c
    * http://www.ferretarmy.com/css-animation-examples/ 
    * Be careful... these are tricky when they don't leverage the GPU, and bog down the CPU.


* Enable Retina Display: http://evolvingwe.com/create-retina-display-images-in-mobile-web-themes-and-phonegap-apps/
* Swipe to delete: http://www.codesta.com/blog/2011/5/23/sencha-touchphonegap-tips-and-tricks.html
* Disable accelerometer and location: http://iamcam.wordpress.com/2009/10/29/phonegap-up-to-speed/
* Cut jQuery and Hand-code: http://cubiq.org/do-you-really-need-jquery-for-mobile-dev
* Display Contact List in Mobile Safari: http://cubiq.org/contact-list-on-webkit-for-iphone
* iScroll4: Create a header, scroll within a fixed size div, pinch and zoom, pull up/down refresh. http://cubiq.org/iscroll-4 (Includes tips on rubber-band effect.)
* PhoneGap's GitHub repo: Includes interesting examples like DatePicker, SMSComposer, ApplicationPreferences, Splashscreen, NetworkActivityIndicator... https://github.com/phonegap/phonegap-plugins


在Ext JS 4中构建您的应用程序:http://www.sencha.com/learn/architecting-your-app-in-ext-js-4-part-2

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