
时间:2017-06-13 13:44:02

标签: ios uiview autolayout

在自动布局中是否有办法复制在我自己的void f() { static_assert(&f != &Actual::f, "function calls itself"); static_cast<Actual*>(this)->f(); } void f() { static_assert(!std::is_same<decltype(f), decltype(Actual::f)>::value, "function calls itself"); static_cast<Actual*>(this)->f(); } 子类中将Do设置为自动的效果?

时间和次数我遇到的情况是,我的视图确实具有取决于其宽度的内在高度,与<?php namespace App\Http\Controllers\Admin; use Backpack\CRUD\app\Http\Controllers\CrudController; // VALIDATION: change the requests to match your own file names if you need form validation use App\Http\Requests\EventRequest as StoreRequest; use App\Http\Requests\EventRequest as UpdateRequest; class EventCrudController extends CrudController { public function setup() { /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | BASIC CRUD INFORMATION |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ $this->crud->setModel('App\Models\Event'); $this->crud->setRoute(config('backpack.base.route_prefix') . '/event'); $this->crud->setEntityNameStrings('event', 'events'); /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | BASIC CRUD INFORMATION |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ $this->crud->setFromDb(); // ------ CRUD FIELDS // $this->crud->addField($options, 'update/create/both'); // $this->crud->addField ([ // Text // 'name' => 'body', // 'label' => "Body", // 'type' => 'wysiwyg', // // optional // //'prefix' => '', // //'suffix' => '' // ]); // $this->crud->addFields($array_of_arrays, 'update/create/both'); $this->crud->addFields([ [ 'name' => 'body', 'label' => "Body", 'type' => 'wysiwyg', ], [ 'name' => 'event_date_range', // a unique name for this field 'start_name' => 'start_date', // the db column that holds the start_date 'end_name' => 'end_date', // the db column that holds the end_date 'label' => 'Event Date Range', 'type' => 'date_range', // OPTIONALS 'start_default' => '2017-01-01 01:01', // default value for start_date 'end_default' => '2017-12-31 02:00', // default value for end_date 'date_range_options' => [ // options sent to daterangepicker.js 'timePicker' => true, 'locale' => ['format' => 'DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm'] ] ] ]); // $this->crud->removeField('name', 'update/create/both'); // $this->crud->removeFields($array_of_names, 'update/create/both'); // $this->crud->removeFields(['start_date', 'end_date']); // ------ CRUD COLUMNS // $this->crud->addColumn(); // add a single column, at the end of the stack // $this->crud->addColumns(); // add multiple columns, at the end of the stack // $this->crud->removeColumn('column_name'); // remove a column from the stack // $this->crud->removeColumns(['column_name_1', 'column_name_2']); // remove an array of columns from the stack // $this->crud->setColumnDetails('column_name', ['attribute' => 'value']); // adjusts the properties of the passed in column (by name) // $this->crud->setColumnsDetails(['column_1', 'column_2'], ['attribute' => 'value']); $this->crud->setColumns(['','body']); // ------ CRUD BUTTONS // possible positions: 'beginning' and 'end'; defaults to 'beginning' for the 'line' stack, 'end' for the others; // $this->crud->addButton($stack, $name, $type, $content, $position); // add a button; possible types are: view, model_function // $this->crud->addButtonFromModelFunction($stack, $name, $model_function_name, $position); // add a button whose HTML is returned by a method in the CRUD model // $this->crud->addButtonFromView($stack, $name, $view, $position); // add a button whose HTML is in a view placed at resources\views\vendor\backpack\crud\buttons // $this->crud->removeButton($name); // $this->crud->removeButtonFromStack($name, $stack); // $this->crud->removeAllButtons(); // $this->crud->removeAllButtonsFromStack('line'); // ------ CRUD ACCESS // $this->crud->allowAccess(['list', 'create', 'update', 'reorder', 'delete']); // $this->crud->denyAccess(['list', 'create', 'update', 'reorder', 'delete']); // ------ CRUD REORDER // $this->crud->enableReorder('label_name', MAX_TREE_LEVEL); // NOTE: you also need to do allow access to the right users: $this->crud->allowAccess('reorder'); // ------ CRUD DETAILS ROW // $this->crud->enableDetailsRow(); // NOTE: you also need to do allow access to the right users: $this->crud->allowAccess('details_row'); // NOTE: you also need to do overwrite the showDetailsRow($id) method in your EntityCrudController to show whatever you'd like in the details row OR overwrite the views/backpack/crud/details_row.blade.php // ------ REVISIONS // You also need to use \Venturecraft\Revisionable\RevisionableTrait; // Please check out: https://laravel-backpack.readme.io/docs/crud#revisions // $this->crud->allowAccess('revisions'); // ------ AJAX TABLE VIEW // Please note the drawbacks of this though: // - 1-n and n-n columns are not searchable // - date and datetime columns won't be sortable anymore // $this->crud->enableAjaxTable(); // ------ DATATABLE EXPORT BUTTONS // Show export to PDF, CSV, XLS and Print buttons on the table view. // Does not work well with AJAX datatables. // $this->crud->enableExportButtons(); // ------ ADVANCED QUERIES // $this->crud->addClause('active'); // $this->crud->addClause('type', 'car'); // $this->crud->addClause('where', 'name', '==', 'car'); // $this->crud->addClause('whereName', 'car'); // $this->crud->addClause('whereHas', 'posts', function($query) { // $query->activePosts(); // }); // $this->crud->addClause('withoutGlobalScopes'); // $this->crud->addClause('withoutGlobalScope', VisibleScope::class); // $this->crud->with(); // eager load relationships // $this->crud->orderBy(); // $this->crud->groupBy(); // $this->crud->limit(); } public function store(StoreRequest $request) { // your additional operations before save here $redirect_location = parent::storeCrud(); // your additional operations after save here // use $this->data['entry'] or $this->crud->entry return $redirect_location; } public function update(UpdateRequest $request) { // your additional operations before save here $redirect_location = parent::updateCrud(); // your additional operations after save here // use $this->data['entry'] or $this->crud->entry return $redirect_location; } } File newFile = new File("Users/username/Documents/testProject/test.txt"); 非常相似。


File newFile = new File("/Users/username/Documents/testProject/test.txt"); 中,您不允许访问当前帧,因此需要具有preferredMaxLayoutWidth等外部属性。但是手动设置这个是繁琐且容易出错的,而且UILabel没有必要(因为iOS 8 IIRC?)。


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